CMA Awards & TRADITIONAL Country

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Don Benoit
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Post by Don Benoit »

I watched the whole CMA awards but if I had it to do over again I wouldn't bother. The only song that came close to country music was when they mentioned the song "Murder on music row" but amazingly it was not played! You can bet that I won't be wasting my time next year watching the awards.
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Post by erik »

Did Toby Keith make a new rap song out of an old Bobby Braddock song? Or is it a new one? Is Bobby Braddock alive? Was it "Would You Catch A Falling Star"? I've never heard this rap song thing. I'll have to listen to the radio to hear it. I still like "Shoulda Been A Cowboy". Wish he would do more stuff like that.
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Mike Weirauch
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Post by Mike Weirauch »

<SMALL>Wish he would do more stuff like that.</SMALL>
......The only thing I wish he would do is QUIT!!!
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Jason Stillwell
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Post by Jason Stillwell »

I haven't finished watching the show yet. Had to take a small road trip to teach a Bible class last night. I caught from the end of Brad Paisley forward on the radio, and thus far have watched (or forwarded through) the parts up to Willie and Sheryl. I had to stop tape and find something to watch. I enjoyed Sara Evans. She had the tightest band I've ever heard live. (pssst--it was a track!) Did you see the dobro player duck from the camera when that tough little Jerry Douglas lick came up? Ronnie Dung (of Brooks and Dung, with his cheerleader beside him) couldn't stay on key if his life depended on it. The bluegrass stuff was wonderful. I was so happy and surprised along with Dan Tyminski for his win. As someone mentioned earlier, Jerry Douglas was on fire as usual. The best part was being able to fast forward through what I would call mediocre at best--Toby Keith, Tim McGraw, Martini (as Porter would say) McBride, Lonestar (glam pop). There was basically no steel in the show (unless Brad's steeler got some shots; haven't made it that far yet). Martina used the same band as Sara--a track. George Strait needs to take a country pill and "Run" from the kind of junk he's putting out these days. I enjoyed the Dixie Chicks' new song. There's nothing wrong with a little stripped-down QUALITY music like that. They didn't even have to get half-naked to perform last night!! If I discover anything else I should rant about, I'll be sure and chime in.
p.s.--I am NOT from the same part of OKlahoma as Kunta Keith.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jason Stillwell on 08 November 2001 at 08:46 PM.]</p></FONT>
Dayna Wills
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Post by Dayna Wills »

I was also disappointed in the HOF segmant. I bet the HOFers were too.
Liked Jackson's song.
Perhaps, because of recent events, the tracks were done. The Emmy's were canceled twice so.... who knows what may have induced them to use tracks. I was glad to see the more traditional country music, as well as some bluegrass. I like it better than the "bad rock n roll" that is being called country these days.

Why is he called Kunta Kinte? I don't get the joke.
Charlie Daniels is under fire for his song about "It's not a rag, it's a flag". I would hope that the AMERICAM MUSLIMS would agree and not take offense at something that is only directed at the ENEMY and not at them.
I don't remember the AMERICAN JAPANESE being offended when the ENEMY was referred to as a JAP during the war. I haven't heard ANYONE refer to the Japanese as japs except in old war movies.
OK, I'm over it!

Larry Miller
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Post by Larry Miller »

<SMALL>Is Bobby Braddock alive</SMALL>
He produces Blake Shelton
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Chris Schlotzhauer
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Post by Chris Schlotzhauer »

Who was the Dobro player with Leann Womack and Sara Evans? I thought he was great.
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Richard Sinkler
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Post by Richard Sinkler »

Probably Jerry Douglas. He was right on track (get it, right on track. They were using studio tracks, weren't they). Oh well, so much for my attempt at humor. Where's my Prozac? Image

Carter D10 9p/10k
Richard Sinkler

Ron Page
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Post by Ron Page »

I have to agree that George Strait needs to go back and listen to his recordings from 5-6 years back. He's losing me... I used to hear his new releases and say, "Yeah, that's what real country music is all about". Now, he's in danger of becoming just another "Country" singer.

Oh, I'm sure he'll make more money that way... for awhile, but it won't be my money.


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Joe Casey
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Post by Joe Casey »

Actually the stuff George is doing now makes him just an ordinary singer. He use to be a cut above the rest but now he is just among the rest. I have everything he did including his BOX set but nothing as of the last few years,songs of his lately that last on the charts about as long as a saturday night TExas chili bean fart Imagehaven't made it to my collection. Murder on Music row was a success even if he only did it in fun.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Joe Casey on 09 November 2001 at 01:29 PM.]</p></FONT>
Bob Hayes
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Post by Bob Hayes »

BUT SOME TIME I JUST WANT TO TALK ABOUT ME! ME! ME! ME! I I I I I ME ME ME ME ME. Martina's tryin to be a Cover Girl. Or Revlon Girl, or Whatever girl. CMA is steping stone to Granny's oopps GRAMMY"S,
Shania did it and is now on vacation in ????.But sometime I JUST WANT TO Talk about ME ME ME ME.....Ever since Willy helped start FARM AID..He's taking it literly. He thinks a BEAT is something that you grow in a garden...How did Jimmy Day ever keep up...Did you ever notice on Willies album of all of those "standards" that either HE or THE Orchestra was out of tune!!!!!! But Sometime I Just Want To Talk About ME ME ME ME...Rappy Rappy...So How Do YOU Like ME NOW!!!!!!!The Awards Show That You ARE about to see was Telecast "LIVE" AT A PREVIOUS TIME..SOME SECMENTS WERE EXTRACTED DUE TO MUSICAL CONTENT EXCEPT THE COMMERCIALS WHICH WILL ALL BE SHOWN IN THIER ENTIRETY...AND WHILE I'M TALKING 'BOUT ME ME.I'DE LIKE TO THANK...MY GARDNER,DOCTOR BARBER,SHOE SHINNER,BOOKEY, DOG,CAT,MOTHER-IN-LAW,EXWIFE,EXGIRLFRIEND,EX BOSS,IRS,PHONE COMPANY,VIDIO STORE KEEPER,THE COP DOWN THE STREET.....AND I'M SURE LUCKY TO HAVE THAT GUY DOWN STAIRS IN MY CORNER. oH ..I CAN'T FORGET...WALMART...KMART..AND MCDONALDS FOR PUTTING MY LAST 2 CD'S ON 99CENT SPECIAL. tHANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY POCKET BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!! nOW FOR THE NEWS!!!
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Tim Harr
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Post by Tim Harr »

I think that the "Kunta Keith" comment is a reference to the fact he performed a style of music associated with African Americans.

Of all of the stuff I have read on this forum for the last 5+ years ....that is probably the most unnecessary reference.

If you have to wonder why - then there is no sense discussing it further.

PS: I don't care for any of his music either. At least he didn't take a 'classic country' number and add that type of rhythm to it.
Jody Sanders
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Post by Jody Sanders »

On the CMA ,aka Country My Ass, about 49% of the music was country-rock which I call "CROCK" and 48% was country-rap which I call "CRAP". Leaves only 3% Country Music. Jody .
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Jack Stoner
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Post by Jack Stoner »

Lets face it, the CMA has always been controversial. It's always been a promotion arm of the Nashville industry. Whatever the industry wants to put out that's what the CMA promotes. Many of the members are the Radio Stations and DJ's. Many of the DJ's just work there and play whatever they are told to play, they could be working at a rock station and then the next day a country station. Dennis Miller is a prime example, he worked at "kids" rock stations for many years in and out of Kansas City and the station he worked at changed format from kids rock to country and they kept almost all of the DJ's they had on the rock format.
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Bill Llewellyn
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Post by Bill Llewellyn »

I hadn't really thought of Toby Keith's song as rap until I saw it mentioned here. I'm slow, I guess. I do remember other country songs which were half spoken and half sung from decades ago. ("A Boy Named Sue" for one....) That's all I thought it was, another spoken song.

I'm not really defending Toby. I think he's rather cocky and contradictory. Singing songs about one night stands and then saying how much he loves Jesus is like trying to mix oil and water. Image

Bill (steel not out of the woodshed)<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Bill Llewellyn on 11 November 2001 at 10:47 AM.]</p></FONT>
Mike Dennis
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Post by Mike Dennis »

We've all heard bad songs before... but this new Toby Kieth song is absolutely one of the worst songs ever recorded in country music history.

Simply put... it's horrible.

I don't feel that way because part of it is spoken like a rap song...

but mainly because the lyrics are terrible and so is Toby's voice on this one.
The lyrics are so self centered it's sickening.

later dudes
Red Kilby
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Post by Red Kilby »

Hi Mike, I agree with you this stuff that Toby Keith is putting out is garbage.The only new country artists that I like are Brad Paisley and Alan Jackson. Has anyone heard Mike Johnson on the new Brad Paisley CD it is awsome, finally showing off the Steel again.
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Craig A Davidson
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Post by Craig A Davidson »

Folks, Toby is just talking about life. Listen to the song again. He just wants to talk about him with his gal once in awhile. I can't believe you are bashing him. Some of the same ones who thought singing about driving around in a suburban was a great song. You can have Jesus in your life and still sing country music by the way.

1985 Emmons push-pull, Session 500, Nashville400, 65 re-issue Fender Twin, Fender Tele

Keith Currie
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Post by Keith Currie »

By the way Kyle, Brad Paisley's portion of the CMA show was done live. Got it from Randle.
Red Kilby
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Post by Red Kilby »

Hey Craig, This is supposed to be COUNTRY music not something, from the WEST COAST of Africa. I am sorry, but that song belongs on MTV not CMT. IT SUCKS<<<<<<<<<< !!!!!!!!.Plain,Pure and Simple<<<<<<<< !!!!!!!
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Mike Weirauch
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Post by Mike Weirauch »

<SMALL>You can have Jesus in your life and still sing country music by the way.</SMALL>
He has Jesus but he just hasn't found country yet! Probably never will either. Let the doofus drive off in the sunset in his Suburban. A Suburban? Has that taken the place of pickup trucks? I've driven Suburbans for over 20 years and they are not "Country Cadillacs" nor do they qualify as such.
Theresa Galbraith
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Post by Theresa Galbraith »

Randle should know!
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Craig A Davidson
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Post by Craig A Davidson »

Mike, There are a lot more artists that seem to be country that really aren't, but some people still buy their albums. Let's see, McGraw, Hill, Rascal Flats, Messina, Montgomery Gentry, to name a few. Not to mention that Reba and Vince and George Strait are straying away from the norm. By the way, who played steel on Toby's album? Let me guess. He does something a little different and he is flamed. Yet some on here think some of the other artists named are the greatest things on earth. I guess it must be who the steel player was. I don't get it. I am trying to expand my views and I guess I still can. Just because you folks don't like him doesn't mean I can't, right?

1985 Emmons push-pull, Session 500, Nashville400, 65 re-issue Fender Twin, Fender Tele

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Mike Weirauch
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Post by Mike Weirauch »

<SMALL>Just because you folks don't like him doesn't mean I can't, right?</SMALL>
Craig, you will be banned to spend eternity in downtown Chicago, play your push/pull with rusty strings and have your Session 500 pick up the local AM radio station just for THINKING that you like Toby! Image Of course, it's up to you. Image
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