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Posted: 18 May 2001 4:59 am
by Michael Holland


Glad you're enjoying the CD. I don't have it, so unlike some, I can't give it an honest review. And of course no one would summarily dismiss a recording without having listened to it thoroughly, unless they were just a crotchety old fart that hated everything recorded after 1962. ;-)

Posted: 18 May 2001 5:33 am
by Craig A Davidson
I listened to it too, and like Jessica Lange said in the movie "Sweet Dreams": "Whine, Whine, Whine. Thats all you do is whine." He needs some of this good Wisconsin cheese to go with that whine.


Posted: 18 May 2001 8:08 am
by Bobby Lee
How are they gonna find a jury of his peers in Buffalo, New York?

Posted: 18 May 2001 8:54 am
by Theresa Galbraith
B Cole,
What did you think of song ll on the cd "Angry All The Time"?
It might be nice to use other words when disliking material, people, or whatever. Thanks, Theresa<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Theresa Galbraith on 18 May 2001 at 10:03 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 18 May 2001 11:39 am
by David Pennybaker
<SMALL>I'd be questioning my officer as to how Chesney was allowed on the duty horse to begin with.I'd be questioning as to how an officer who is assigned the task of giving security to the people in question allowed himself to become involved in such a incident..</SMALL>
My thoughts exactly.

I'd be embarrassed to even bring it to trial. Maybe they had no choice, but surely they could've influenced the DA's office just a little on that.

The Unofficial Photographer of The Wilkinsons

Posted: 18 May 2001 4:44 pm
by John Macy
Well, after reading this thread I went and bought the CD. Damn fine record in my book. Great songs and GREAT steel.

Posted: 18 May 2001 5:27 pm
by Ed Naylor
I am a lifetime member of the Bentonville, Ohio ANTI HORSE THIEF SOCIETY maybe they could use some members on the Jury. By the way Bentonville is my hometown. Ed Naylor Steel Guitar Works

Posted: 18 May 2001 6:31 pm
by Boomer
Craig Davidson - Sure, if you'd like to see Tim McGraw locked up good, by all means give him some of that Wisconsin Cheese Image. Seriously when I subbed for Barry Chance in Printer's Alley years ago, Tim would come in the club, ask if he could get up and sing, and wait very patiently until he was called up. A really nice kid, very appreciative. Dollars to doughnuts, he's still that way. Best, Boomer

Posted: 18 May 2001 7:36 pm
by John Macy
I'm with Boomer and 88. Let's see--nice guy, ggod records with lots of steel, son of a football player, keeps a steel player on the payroll...what's wrong with this picture. I don't get the grief he gets.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by John Macy on 18 May 2001 at 08:39 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 18 May 2001 7:54 pm
by Craig A Davidson
First of all his dad "Tug" was a baseball player. Second no matter what you say I can't handle whining singers no matter how nice they are. As far as his success goes, people not to long ago complained about country music being that whining crap. Now they buy it. And even if he is so successful it's not because I buy his stuff. If some of you like him that's ok, but to me his singing sounds a lot like nails on a chalkboard combined with a tomcat with his tail in the screen door. Image


Posted: 18 May 2001 8:41 pm
by John Macy
Guess one man's whining/nails on a chalkboard combined with a tomcat with his tail in the screen door is another man's crooning. Ain't America great. (I knew it was baseball--I was just having a senior moment...)

Posted: 18 May 2001 10:49 pm
by Theresa Galbraith
I think it proves no matter what, some of the forum members are never happy and thats what I've learned! He's a man thats made a mistake,he will and has already paid for his mistake!
I wish others that have committed more serious chrimes were in jail. Theresa<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Theresa Galbraith on 19 May 2001 at 12:50 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 19 May 2001 5:20 am
by Ed Naylor
Bill Cole. The BENTONVILLE ANTI HORSE THIEF SOCIETY is for real. It was formed in 1853 and is still active to the point they have a Banquet each year. Also Bentonville is the 101st Airborne Division national HDQ office.Ed

Posted: 19 May 2001 6:59 am
by Ed Naylor
Maybe the Judge should make him do a benefit show at Kentucky Downs and all the proceeds go to finding what is causing the death of these newborn race horses. Ed

Posted: 19 May 2001 7:48 am
I think a lot of people are not happy because a lot of other people keep praising mediocrity in the world of entertainment (music, singing, song writing, acting, etc....). There's a lot of amateurish stuff out there today.


Posted: 19 May 2001 8:20 am
by Corwin Colebrooke
They should force Tim and Kenny to do free shows in places they normally don't perform. Like Ames, IA. Then I could see them without paying, lol(I'm one of the few here that's a fan of McGraw). Either that or some other form of public besmirching if they're not gonna throw him in jail. The free show tour would handle any fines that they would have to pay.