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Posted: 21 Sep 2000 4:03 am
by Joe Casey
TNN was OK as long as the REDNECKS were in control. See what happened when the new Stuff tried to change everything. OK FIRE away. Image


Posted: 21 Sep 2000 4:55 am
by Bill Crook
Cain't Fire Away because what you say IS true !! Image

Posted: 21 Sep 2000 6:10 am
by David Pennybaker

What's the secret to the funny face worth to ya? Image

PS - it's done like this:

colon rolleyes colon

no spaces, and use the : symbol instead of spelling it out.

The Unofficial Photographer of The Wilkinsons

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by David Pennybaker on 21 September 2000 at 07:11 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 21 Sep 2000 7:33 am
by Franklin

Posted: 21 Sep 2000 7:51 am
by L campbell
I wish our billionare-in-common, known locally as Uncle Eddie, would send some of that country music to the OTHER major metro area he owns, OKC! Or maybe bring us a pro football franchise, too.

It's worth thinkin about: move the music scene from Nashville to OKC. I could take lessons from Paul on steel guitar and chili makin', the housing is a LOT less expensive out here.

Y'all come on out, we got room.


Posted: 21 Sep 2000 8:42 am
by Smiley Roberts
B. Cole,
"Nuff said,however,I'm with you on the "garbage".

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©¿© ars longa,
mm vita brevis

Posted: 21 Sep 2000 9:10 am
by Jack Stoner
Les, better think about it. Are you sure you want him to do the same thing to OK City that he has done in Nashville?

Posted: 21 Sep 2000 10:04 am
by Bill Sharpe
For die-hard fans of the Nashville Network and its line-up of "down home" programs, the news that TNN has been purchased by MTV may be a bitter pill to swallow. MTV's chairman Tom Freston tells Variety that the acquisition will mean obvious changes for TNN. Although the cable network's initials will stay the same, TNN will soon mean the National Network. With the name-change will come a relocation of the network from Nashville to New York City. MTV says the new network will be best described as a "general programming" service. One thing is certain, sports programming will become a larger part of TNN's broadcast schedule after the change-over. TNN will be- come home to cable's biggest drawing card, WWF wrestling on Monday nights. Feston predicts that it will take several years for TNN to fully change its image. TNN has two years remaining on its contract to carry The Grand Ole Opry. When that contract expires, "The Opry" will likely move to TNN's sister network CMT.



Posted: 21 Sep 2000 1:28 pm
by Patrick Smith
<SMALL> has went downhill</SMALL>


Posted: 21 Sep 2000 4:12 pm
by Jerry Johnston
I think that considering the path TNN has taken, plus what you see on CMT and hear on "country radio", it is pretty clear boys and girls that we have lost the battle. The rockers and big $$ have whupped us. The next question is what we going to do about it? We could hang it up and walk away but I don't think too many of us hardcore steel pickers are built that way. We must realize that they didn't steal our music. I still play the pure stuff. All they did was steal the title "country". If they want it so bad, I say let them have it. After all, whats in a name. The music was just as good when we were called "Hillbillies". That title was trashcanned because someone decided it had a degrading connotation. To me "country" is now degrading thanks to the likes of Tim Magraw and all the Garth Brooks clones, and all the female screamers we hear now ala Martina and Shania. Hillbilly is starting to sound better all the time. Or we could call our music "downhome" or "backporch" or "westernbilly", etc.,etc. I'm becoming ashamed to say I play country.

Whaddaya think boys and girls?


Posted: 21 Sep 2000 8:18 pm
by Dave Robbins
I don't consider me or my family "redneck"!

Posted: 22 Sep 2000 5:28 am
by Joe Casey
They say not enough revenue to sustain.Well as far as I Know most of your TV shows are dependent on Sales and advirtisement.Even the best sales force in the world coudn't sell the garbarge they had on the air.One thing for sure Country Music didn't suffer from over exposure. Image Image Image


Posted: 22 Sep 2000 5:42 am
by Bill Crook

I noticed:

Your from "Nashville", Isn't that south of the Mason-Dixon line ???

Personally, I don't mind being called a "Redneck" but I don't like being called a "Country Hick" Image Image

That's what happended to "Country Music", The networks (or whoever in charge) has always portrayed Nashville as a dumb & barefooted Hillbilly theme. just look at "Hee-Haw", The Dolly Parton Show, and other shows out of Nashville, We have been sterotyped. Ms Parton is a very smart and savy person, as eveident by her sucessful theme park in the Knoxville area. Before New York will ever take us seriously, We must shed the barefooted & corn-cob nich that's been painted of us. Image Image

Posted: 22 Sep 2000 9:32 pm
by Smiley Roberts
I wasn't referring to TNN back then. I'm referring to it,now. All you can get on there now is racin',raslin,roller derby,& rodeos.

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