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Posted: 26 Nov 1999 11:15 am
by Donny Hinson

I certainly appreciate and understand your responses. I wouldn't take offense, for there was none intended, I'm sure. But you are a lucky chap, and I hold no malice for your success. But some people have bad luck, and they haven't the ability to rally their own assets when the world seems set against them.

I think it is the role of all employers to take advantage of their employees. This is how they make their money. They get you to work for (x) dollars, then they collect (x+n) dollars as a result of your work. This is how they make a profit, and stay in business. Unfortunately, there is a growing segment of businessmen who must be not only rich, but ridiculously rich. Remember the "Robber Barons" we had at the turn of the century? Well, they're back again, in vastly larger numbers.

The difference between "profit", and "unholy greed", is only a matter of degree. It's too bad that, presently, only a few of us can recognize this difference. Society has it's own way of eventually dealing with this discrepancy, though. Remember the French Revolution? It may happen again right here!

Posted: 28 Nov 1999 10:49 am
by Kenny Dail
SJ, I appreciate your loyalty and devotion. If any of thse guys ever show up where I'm playing, I'll really have to dig hard and deep to impress them. Even tho you exagerate (sp) largely, I am fortunate to have you for a friend. Image Image

kd...and the beat goes on...

Posted: 11 Dec 1999 9:43 pm
by Drew Howard
We have no problem bailing out big business when they screw up (Chrysler), but it's asking too much to retrain the little guy when he's replaced by a computer chip that saves the company untold millions.
Whenever the working class has their hand out for help, they're called lazy, and when they organize, they're called communists. The fat cats and the pols that make up the ruling class bail each other out and call that "Christian". That's the way it's been, that's the way it'll be.

I say, redistribute the wealth. The internet will help do that some extent.

Are all you guys fat rich businessmen with comb-overs, or what? :>)


Posted: 12 Dec 1999 9:48 am
by Lee Baucum
Drew - I resent that remark. I am NOT fat!


Lee, from South Texas

Posted: 13 Dec 1999 11:02 pm
by Dayna Wills
You mentioned "bowing out gracefully" and Tom Morrell, etc. Last Fri. night, my hubby and I went to Berkely to a coffee house to hear Rich O'Brien accompany Don Edwards. Don sang his butt off, and what's not to love about Rich O'Brien? What a player! When you go deaf, sing like a cat caught in a picket fence, or you physically cannot play your instrument, then it may be time to hang up PUBLIC performance. (Or start playing for rehabs, retirement communities, etc. I am building an audience here for the future, HA!)


Posted: 16 Dec 1999 10:25 pm
by Walker
How about Lorrie Morgan retiring? She has absolutely nothing to add to the G.O.O. I just picked her because I am tired of seeing this CR@P on TNN. Where's the Musicians Union when these guys needed them? It's very easy to make the union strong. I know musicians are laid back, but would you take this job they just fired a legend from? I say H#ll no! Thank God I am not a Pro. I Would be breaking left hands in Nashville if I was..........