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Posted: 11 Oct 2023 9:18 am
by Bruce Blackburn
Happy Birthday Mr Franklin. In life we have so many things to be thankful for. If we truly sit and try to list them all we would be astounded by how good life has been. Some of the greatest blessings are the folks we have come in contact with over our lifetime. You are one of those blessings to me. What may seem as nothing sometimes turns out to leave a lasting impression. I only had the pleasure of meeting you one time, and yet throughout the years I always found myself wishing I had the opportunity to talk with you at greater lengths. So while your guitars have made an enduring mark on the popularity of the pedal steel, on country music and many other genre’s, your innovation have lead many others in search of your secret sauce. Happy birthday and thank you for all that you have inspired and accomplished.

Posted: 11 Oct 2023 10:28 am
by Steven Hicken Jr.
Happy birthday Mr Franklin! Thanks for all your genius in steel guitar and also inventing my favourite instrument, the Pedabro.

Posted: 11 Oct 2023 11:37 am
by Kenny Davis
The best Birthday wishes to Mr. Franklin. I also want to thank you for building my Pro II fifty years ago next month!!!

Happy 90th Birthday

Posted: 11 Oct 2023 12:59 pm
by Wayne Drummond
Wishing a spectacular birthday to a legend in our community. Thanks for your inspiration and passing your legacy to your son!

Best wishes on your birthday

Posted: 11 Oct 2023 1:03 pm
by Jim Arnold
Happy Birthday Mr.Franklin. Hope it's your best ever.

Posted: 11 Oct 2023 2:21 pm
by Tom Mortensen
Happy Birthday!
Thanks for your help and kindness over the years.

Posted: 11 Oct 2023 5:48 pm
by Kevin Hatton
Paul Franklin Sr. is a living legend. There are few souls that I ever met that I can say this about. Mr. & Mrs. Franklin are two of the most kindest Godly people that I have ever met in my life. They are angels on earth. Those of you who honor God will know what I mean. Happy Birthday.

Posted: 11 Oct 2023 6:31 pm
by Ron Funk
Dear Paul Franklin, Sr. -

Happy - and Healthy - Birthday Wishes upon completion of your most recent trip around the sun!

The multitude of things you've accomplished during your life - and the manner in which you've conducted your Life - is something You can be most proud of.

You are an inspiration to us All.

Best regards -

Ron Funk

Posted: 11 Oct 2023 7:37 pm
by Mike Holder
Happy 90th Mr. Franklin! Many more if you can stand them!..LOL ! I have fond memories of our kitchen table talks at your home. You had great stories!

Posted: 11 Oct 2023 8:26 pm
by Keith Hilton
Happy birthday Paul Sr. I still remember the day I first met you, it was when you were working at the Sho Bud Factory. I was playing in Printer's Alley with a show band. I took my Sho Bud guitar to Shot Jackson, and he said I should visit the factory. I remember you taking me in the little sound booth and demonstrating the difference in an Emmons and a Sho Bud sound.
I had a booth at Scotty's steel guitar convention for 37 years, and for most of that time you had a booth next to mine. Paul, you and your wife were some of the nicest people I have ever known. Paul, you are a lot like me, determined, a perfectionist, and very hard headed. Above all, you are one of the most honest people I have ever known in the world of steel guitar. I turned 80 in August, and as you know, old age is not for sissys. Paul, let me say I always liked you and always respected you. Keep telling the stories about the good old days!

Posted: 11 Oct 2023 8:37 pm
by Jerry Overstreet
I left birthday sentiments above, but I just have to add that the first time I talked to you in person was at one of the St. Louis conventions. You and Theresa were just coming back from dinner and we met in the ballroom.

We talked about your guitars and how I nearly bought one back in the 80s.

I remember exactly what you said as we were parting. You said "I don't know how you feel, but may God Bless You in everything you do." I have never forgotten that and that you would ask blessings for someone you just met. I think about that often. Yes, your contribution to the steel guitar world is very important, but I think your contribution to the world as a fine human being is even greater.

Posted: 11 Oct 2023 8:41 pm
by Keith Hilton
One other thing Paul. I remember you introducing me to Bill Lawrence? I know you got a real kick out of that. Bill was a interesting, different kind of person. You were smiling as Bill unloaded theories of magnetics--eddy currents---and other phoneme, in an unending tie raid. After that meeting with Bill, a couple of years later I got a post card in the mail from Bill. The post card had Bill's picture on it. On the back was a hand written note that said, "Your Friend Bill". It was a strange thing in the mail. I never talked to Bill after that day you introduced us and listened to the conversation. Bill was a great inventor, thanks for introducing Bill to me.

Posted: 12 Oct 2023 4:59 am
by Roger Rettig
Mr. Franklin - congratulations upon reaching another milestone.

You are regarded as a foundation stone in the world of steel guitar. We have never met, but the stories I've heard speak volumes for your qualities as a true gentleman.

These qualities are carried forward in your son Paul. Thanks for all you have done throughout the years - it's inestimable!

I wish you and all your family the very best.

Posted: 12 Oct 2023 5:41 am
by Andrew Roblin
Happy birthday, Paul Franklin Sr.!

Warm good wishes to you and your whole family.

Andrew Roblin
Sho-Bud employee 1979-83

Posted: 12 Oct 2023 6:04 am
by Glenn Demichele
Congratulations Mr. Franklin on reaching 90. It's amazing how fast it goes. I was a new player in 1994 when you built me purple Franklin #161. I remember you sitting patiently with me and the guitar in a hotel room, a concerned look on your face as you listened to me complain about bar buzz on the 1st fret of the C6. You took me very seriously and were very respectful of my stupid opinion. I have imagined my apology for the past 29 years so here it is: Sorry, I love your guitar.
#161 will outlast you, me and my kids. You should be proud to have launched so many immortal happiness machines into the world. Glenn

Posted: 12 Oct 2023 7:11 am
by Bill Ferguson
A big Happy Birthday to my long time friend, Paul SR.

I have so much enjoyed our many conversations at either the ISGC or the Nashville steel guitar shows.

I hope you have a great day and get to do something special.

Love ya pal,


Posted: 12 Oct 2023 1:02 pm
by Ben Lawson
Happy Birthday Mr. Franklin. You share it with my late father.

Posted: 12 Oct 2023 7:39 pm
by Tony Dingus
Happy Birthday Mr Franklin. I hope you had a great day. I appreciate the times I've talked to you and you were always very nice and helpful to me.


Posted: 12 Oct 2023 8:49 pm
by Johnny Cox
Happiest of birthdays Mr. Paul. Wishing you many more.

Posted: 13 Oct 2023 1:46 am
by Dave Morrison
Happy birthday Paul Sr! I remember talking to you at the Watertown jams and St Louis. All I can say is if the world was filled with people like you and your sweet wife, what a wonderful place it would be to live.You have been a blessing to this Steel Guitar community!

Posted: 13 Oct 2023 4:59 am
by Jim Cohen
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, Mr. Paul Sr! It has been a privilege to know you and to play your beautifully crafted steel guitar. All the best wishes on your 90th and many more years of good health to come!
Jim Cohen

Paul Franklin Sr. turns 90

Posted: 13 Oct 2023 7:28 am
by steinar
Paul Sr., Happy Birthday from Norway! You built me a great D10 Franklin back in the 80`s, and we met quite a few times both at Jeffran College and at your house. Wonderful memories, and may you celebrate your Big Day in good health!

Posted: 13 Oct 2023 7:41 am
by Dennis Detweiler
Years ago, I asked my 92 yr old neighbor what his secret was to longevity. He said, "I have a handful of raisins and and a shot of whiskey for breakfast and I've worn out five wives." I'm thinking, is that all there is to Viagra?
Aside from vintage medical remedies, your name is a legacy in the steel guitar world and you've earned it. Your expertise and knowledge in building a guitar is unmatched.
Many more happy years!
Dennis Detweiler

Happy Birthday

Posted: 13 Oct 2023 11:59 am
by Jerry Horch
Happy 90th birthday Mr Franklin. With more to come. I cherish my steel you so beautifully crafted for me back in 99 or so. It was tough for me to get the guts in St Louis to go over and talk with you about ordering a guitar, I’m kinda introverted at times, and didn’t really know a whole lot about what set up I wanted . But Sue Parkhouse from England told me she would drag me over to you if I didn’t walk over there and order one..…and she woulda…But you were just like talking to my favorite uncle. So friendly , along with your wonderful wife… you just told me ‘don’t worry, I know what you want’ .. and you sure did. Probably one of my best decisions getting the Franklin. You took a long time going over your masterpiece of a guitar. When it came time for Oleda to get my deposit and receipt, I whipped out the cash.. to pay in full. I chuckle of how Oleda kind of kept the wad of cash on the low side of the table…. and put it up… what a wonderful family you have. The love in your heart has manifested in all you have done in your life, family and career. We all thank you. My mom from four mile Ky is 97… dad’s been gone for a while… and believe it or not she’s hot to trot… just on a walker…. God Bless you and your family, Happy Birthday !

Posted: 14 Oct 2023 5:59 am
by Brian Ostrom
Happy 90th birthday to you Mr. Franklin. I hope your day is as special as your are.
Sincerely and with great admiration and respect
Brian Ostrom
Quebec Canada/ Port Charlotte Fl.