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Posted: 19 Dec 2006 7:18 pm
by Brad Malone
Yeah, but then somebody'd probably call it a MULLICAN<<

Greg, Careful, you're getting pretty close to MOOLIGAN, someone could mistake that for HOOLIGAN...LOL

Posted: 19 Dec 2006 7:25 pm
by Greg Simmons
hehe, indeed, and after some fierce pickin', one can soothe the savage hooligan beasties with some Mulligatawny soup Image

Posted: 21 Dec 2006 5:12 am
by Ray Walker
Personally I am hoping to get an opportunity to sit down behind the G2 in the near future. If not before...then at least in Dallas. I will be looking at the other brands too...but since I have owned my Mullen, I have found no guitar that sounds better or plays better. I have bought and sold many other brands and while I am not putting any of them down I am simply saying that I am happy that I never sold the Mullen while going through this "search for tone". Many players have sat behind my Mullen and were shocked at how well it played out and the awesome tone. I have received more compliments on the sound of this guitar when out playing at steel shows than one could ever imagine. At the last jam I did, at least 7 people came up to me and said "I don't know how you have things set but don't ever change a thing because that guitar sounds awesome". The truth is..I was in a hurry that day and grabbed up a Nash 400 that I had just bought and had never used to the jam...plugged in and put a tiny bit of delay and "no reverb" on it and that's the truth. The guitar....not the amp or settings...carried itself. So which one is it??? It is a '96 pre-Royal Precision (Not an HWP). It is a deep blue laquer guitar D-10. I have also played the Royal Precision which is owned by Joe Smith and it is a great playing and sounding guitar as well. The G2??? Well it's going to have to be a great playing and sounding guitar to cause me to add it in with the one I got (which, by the way...will never be up for sale), but then I have no doubt the new G2 is going to be a great guitar as well. Finally, I have no dog in your hunt for a new guitar and I have not been offered anything (money or otherwise) to tell you this. I am simply offering my opinion for what little it may be worth to you. This post was about the G2 and I simply think that based on what I have experienced with Mullen Guitars...the G2 is a new guitar that I think is worthy of looking into more deeply and finding out more about.


Ray Walker

Posted: 21 Dec 2006 5:44 am
by Ray Minich
Thank goodness I only own an Edmunds and a couple of Deckeleys... Image

Posted: 22 Dec 2006 5:58 am
by Mike Wheeler
I've got one of those Dirkleys too!!

Posted: 22 Dec 2006 5:41 pm
by J Hill
Ditto on what Ray Walker said!

Posted: 22 Dec 2006 6:06 pm
by Chris LeDrew
They all sound good through a "Sessions" 400.

Posted: 22 Dec 2006 8:44 pm
by Brad Malone
Hey Ray, Great post, I also have a Mullen and I really love it more since I have a Nashville 112 Peavey amp. I think all Pre RP Mullen Steels are basically HWP but they just did not call them by that name at that time..correct me if I'm wrong.

Posted: 22 Dec 2006 10:52 pm
by Herby Wallace
Brad, all pre RP Mullen guitars are not necessarilly the same as the current HWP. I have been playing and selling Mullen guitars since 1984 and there have been many changes over the years. If Ray's Mullen is a '96 model it will be very similar to the HWP model; however, some of the earlier years were different. Also, the pickups used on the current HWPs are single coil Mullen pickups wound to 22,000 ohms which is a different pickup than the one used on the RP model. I too will try one of the G2 models when they come out, but I am very happy with the HWP so I am not looking to change either, but I am always open to something new.
Herby Wallace


Posted: 23 Dec 2006 5:03 am
by Ray Walker
Well said Herby,

Anyone who has listened to the incredible tone Herby gets from his HWP when performing must also know that there is simply not much more a person can ask for from a steel guitar. Granted Herby has an awesome set of hands but that only means he can bring out the best in a guitar. The fact that he plays the HWP speaks volumes for that particular guitar.


Posted: 23 Dec 2006 7:20 am
by Francis Smyth
Thanks for all the posts on mullen guitars.I think what ever guitar they produce will be good as they produce top class instruments.Top marks to all at mullen guitars.Happy christmas to all you steel players out there.

Posted: 23 Dec 2006 5:22 pm
by Brad Malone
Herby, As you may recall, I bought my D-10 Mullen from you back in 1992. Billy Cooper put on a LVK (B to Bb on 5 and 10) in 1994. I just checked and found my pickups are wound to 18K ohms on both necks...Serial number of the Steel is 2188. I also bought my Hilton VP from you a few years ago. I just bought the Nashville 112 from a fellow SGF member. THe Mullen Steel, the Hilton or Goodrich LDR VP and the Peavey Nashville 112 is all one needs, plus a good pair of hands and time to make great music IMHO. I'm keeping my Mullen but I may add another Steel in the near future just because I like two of everything when it comes to musical gear. Herby, it is great to hear from you, I hope you have a great Christmas and 2007.

Posted: 23 Dec 2006 5:31 pm
by Brad Malone
I just bought a new Reins myself so don't lettum bug you about spelling. Ray<<

Hey Ray, Did your new Reins Steel come with reindeer to pull it around or do you have to carry it yourself?

Posted: 23 Dec 2006 6:26 pm
by ray qualls
Actually Brad, the reins came with one of Santa's reject reindeer. His name is Randolph the brown nose reindeer. Won't say how he got his name but it has something to do with stopping to fast! Image All kidding aside, this Rains is a great steel!

Ray Qualls

Posted: 24 Dec 2006 10:33 am
by Danny Hullihen
Ray Walker, you are absolutely correct about the Mullen guitars, and the new G2 is most definately worth looking into. I have one of the new Prototype G2's and I can tell you that it is indeed one very well built guitar with tone qualities that are absolutely one of the best I've ever heard! Believe me, once you play one of these guitars, you'll most likely want one. At a minimum, I think it will definately be at the top of your list in guitars you would love to own.

Posted: 24 Dec 2006 3:46 pm
by Brad Malone
Hey Danny, You said a lot of words but you did not say what is so different on the G2. Could you give at least three differances between the G2 and the present Mullen's. Will the G2's be D-10's? I'm just trying to get a clue as to why they will be so special..TIA

Posted: 24 Dec 2006 4:39 pm
by Brad Malone
Hey Danny, You said a lot of words but you did not say what is so different on the G2. Could you give at least three differances between the G2 and the present Mullen's. Will the G2's be D-10's? I'm just trying to get a clue as to why they will be so special..TIA