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Posted: 7 Nov 2017 4:56 pm
by Neil Lang
Ricky, thanks for the kind words! Most everyone here is aware of your expertise when we are talking Sho~Bud, especially the Rack & Barrel mechanics. You have fine tuned and rebuilt more Sho~Buds than I can ever imagine. Even tho our preference of eras may vary.....our love for Sho~Bud is very much the same!!!
By the way...I have been jamming to Miss Leslie tunes on my Spotify much fun, and REAL Country Music!!!! I think much of the steel work is being done by you.....Awesome!!!

Posted: 7 Nov 2017 5:14 pm
by Rick Abbott
Could Billy be convinced to join the Forum?

Posted: 7 Nov 2017 11:29 pm
by Ricky Davis
Thanks Neil; yes LOVE the Sho~bud and all about it.
Yes that is me on all my Ex-wife Miss Leslie's CD's except the latest one called "Lucky" that is Cowboy Eddie on that as me and Leslie were split up by then.

Posted: 9 Nov 2017 7:17 am
by Neil Lang
(Jeff Surratt at Show Pro has tons of Sho~Bud stuff)
YES, Damir.....I didn't mean to leave out Jeff...he also has a lot of Sho~Bud friendly parts!!!! His T Shirts are nice also!!! Kevin Mincke has one!!! ;-) Kevin came down from Farmington one day and we talked Sho~Bud and worked on "Rose" over some Blackberry brandy!!! :-)