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Posted: 6 Jan 2017 9:11 am
by DG Whitley
I am about 15 pounds over what the recommended weight for my height is, but I am "big boned" and I really do not look over-weight. I have a treadmill now and hope to start to get down to that weight.

My doctor has not complained about my current weight but I guess I need to do it anyway.

Posted: 6 Jan 2017 10:01 am
by Jim Smith
I always thought I was big boned too, until I learned that a bulging belly is not a bone! :whoa:

Posted: 6 Jan 2017 10:36 am
by Slim Heilpern
Herb Steiner wrote:Hey Slim, I ran into Pam Lougee at the vegetable section at the market the other day... we were both buying kale and spinach. :)

She said to tell you "hey."
Yeah, my new slogan is "don't live to eat, eat to live".

Hope to see you in Mesa next weekend - I'm planning to stop by the show on Saturday as I'll be in town on family business... I haven't seen you in person in a very, very long time!

Posted: 6 Jan 2017 9:31 pm
by Joseph Napolitano
I'm not fat. Just stupid and bald.

Posted: 9 Jan 2017 5:17 pm
by Donny Hinson
People should lighten up on overweight steel players, especially since they recently introduced a "Fat Barbie". :D

Pleasingly Plump.

Posted: 10 Jan 2017 11:40 pm
by Bill L. Wilson
Used to keep my weight down working construction outside in the 100+ degree heat here in Okla. and down in Texas every summer. Now retired, I weigh in at 220 to 225 and I'm 6' tall. For B'Fast today, I had 3 Krispy Kreme donuts, coffee, and milk. For supper, I had 4 Jimmy Dean sausage patties cooked over a hickory fire, and eaten on Wheatberry Bread, with a big glass of cold milk. My wife was home to cook yesterday, so it was broccoli, green beans, potatoes, and meatloaf. It was very good, but hickory smoked sausage on the grill is tremendous. Another problem I have is Christmas time. We have these Braum's Dairy Stores here in Oklahoma that have the Best Egg Nog in the world, sold every year between Nov. 1st., and Jan. 1st., and my weight gain is the worst during those 2mos. Usually, I'll put away 1or 2 half gals. of that stuff a week. Mike, my back was broken in a truck crash in May of '05, and had to be surgically repaired with bars and screws. I went back to work for a while, just couldn't go like I could before, so I quit after a few years, and now all I do is pick, set around, cut fire wood, work on my Jeep, play steel and guitar on most weekends, or piddle around in my shop. My weight stays about the same except for Egg Nog season.

Posted: 11 Jan 2017 6:58 pm
by David Weisenthal
I am a short little guy at 5'4" and my belly is bigger than its ever been.. about 155lbs-I did the south beach diet for a few months 6 or 7 years ago and lost 10 lbs in a month. It was painful for the first few days but then not bad, and because of the diet I was never tired or sluggish. Need to do it again (that being said I had Indian buffet for lunch today) :oops:

Posted: 11 Jan 2017 7:26 pm
by Herb Steiner
Did y'all hear the one about the steel player that was so fat, he... :lol:

No, wait. That one belongs in the "Humor" section of the Forum. :lol:

Or, maybe not... :? :?: :\

Re: Pleasingly Plump.

Posted: 11 Jan 2017 7:55 pm
by Jim Cohen
Bill L. Wilson all I do is pick, set around, cut fire wood, work on my Jeep, play steel and guitar on most weekends, or piddle around in my shop.

Better check your pulse, Bill; sounds to me like you might have died and gone to heaven... ;)

Just Now Checked My Pulse.

Posted: 11 Jan 2017 10:32 pm
by Bill L. Wilson
136/77 and 46 beats per min. at rest. When I had my truck crash in '05, while in the hospital the nurses kept asking my wife if I was an athlete because of my low heart rate. She told them no, "he just works really hard." And that crash was so bad, I almost went to Heaven. I had a fence put in at my home last year by two firemen that had ironically worked my wreck and remembered it because of the severity of the damage to my pickup, and thinking as they drove up on the scene that nobody could live thru that. Being upside down, head pinned to the ground, broken back, arm, ribs, and knee, those firemen jacked that truck up, pulled me out by my shirt collar, put me in a helicopter, and I'm glad I didn't leave for Heaven that night. Cause you're right Jim, the life I live is Heaven to me, until the real one shows up.

Posted: 12 Jan 2017 2:17 pm
by Cartwright Thompson
What Slim said...

Posted: 12 Jan 2017 2:47 pm
by Bill C. Buntin
50 lbs excess on me.

Posted: 13 Jan 2017 7:44 pm
by David Mason
I had a similar spinal problem, my discs slipped out and I had my neck fused. In going from 90mph to 0.5mph, "nobody" told me I should cut my caloric intake by 2/3 or so... I started getting bad the 3rd year, went from 220 to 265. I'm down to 210 now, I can get it lower but it gets... almost ridiculous. One grilled cheese sandwich, 3 grapes and a cracker and you've had your calories for the day? Yikes. Charles Darwin wants me to be fat, mean and greedy, it's not my fault. :x

Posted: 14 Jan 2017 8:13 am
by Tim Tyner
I could stand to lose about 40 pounds

Posted: 20 Jan 2017 3:22 pm
by Cartwright Thompson
What Slim said...

Posted: 25 Jan 2017 1:53 pm
by Damir Besic

Posted: 25 Jan 2017 3:30 pm
by Steve Spitz
My future exwife bought me a treadmill last christmas. I used it, (for hanging clothes). At least I used it.

She never used the Headstone I got her for christmas.

I give, and I give...No gratitude.

Posted: 25 Jan 2017 3:35 pm
by Damir Besic
you guys think we eat a lot here... I spent some time in France, and you would not believe how those guys eat.... I have lost too many dear friends lately, and none of them because they ate too much, actually, none of them was fat...mostly cancer, heart problems, brain aneurisms etc.... that tells me one thing, enjoy your life to the's short

Posted: 26 Jan 2017 7:22 am
by Richard Sinkler
Steve Spitz wrote:My future exwife bought me a treadmill last christmas. I used it, (for hanging clothes). At least I used it.

She never used the Headstone I got her for christmas.

I give, and I give...No gratitude.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 26 Jan 2017 9:29 am
by Jay Jessup
I am 198 give or take a pound or two and at 5' 8" if you use the BMI that makes me obese! I don't feel obese but I know things are harder for me than they should be so I need to be carrying around 25 or 30 lbs less.
I was about 155 and 1/2" taller back in my full time playing days!

Posted: 3 Feb 2017 9:13 pm
by Dustin Rigsby
I'm fat....I admit it. It bothers me. Yes I've tried diets. Two bad knees,a bad back and neck. Bad genetics too....I don't think I'll live a long life, but maybe I will. At least I quit drinking and drugging a long time ago.