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Posted: 12 Nov 2016 12:44 pm
by Danny Hammers
Thanks Joe for the input

The key word here is "Show". The Club Had one "Legends Show" a year and two "Holiday Potlucks" which was a round robin with club pickers.

The rest of the year was one or two members picking their own set, and picking their own singer if they wanted one. Most of the time it was someone they had played behind before. This was not a "Show"

Main thing was, it was the Steel Player's choice


Posted: 12 Nov 2016 3:50 pm
by Don Sulesky
As Jack Stoner our past club President mentioned above we are a "Steel Guitar Club".

Our monthly notice says "Steel Guitars and Dobros Only" this is to discourage wannabee singers to just drop in and want to grab a mike.

We do at times let a member of the band take a song or two and of course the owner of the club when he is up to it will sing a couple of songs, but this is it.

We are now into our 15th season and this policy will continue until the club is dissolved.

Most steel players are behind the limelight backing a singer and don't get a chance to express their talent.

Our club is meant to put the spotlight on the steel players, no matter their level, whether it be a beginner or a polished player.

Don Sulesky/current FSGC President

Posted: 20 Nov 2016 11:53 am
by Danny Hammers
Thanks Don for responding. It's good to hear from leaders of other clubs. But you know what they say about hindsight and foresight.
The paragraph in the beginning of the post pretty much says what your saying. It's hard to catch chickens after they got loose.


Posted: 22 Nov 2016 9:46 am
by Mike Perlowin
This did NOT happen at the L.A. steel jams I used to put on. The reason was probably that while anybody could come and watch and listen, we (I) only invited steel players to attend and participate. We took turns jamming over Band In A Box tracks, provided by Big Jim Baron.

We had 2 excellent singers among our players, and each of them was invited to sing one song. Those were the only vocals allowed.

Posted: 23 Nov 2016 4:34 pm
by George Redmon
I am a believer in steel guitar clubs and shows. I still travel to several to visit, enjoy steel guitar, and to obtain knowledge on the instrument. Now that I'm retired i plan on traveling and visiting more clubs, health permitting. It'so important to the future of our wonderful instrument. We don't need singers at steel clubs, like we don't need steel players playing along to band in a box tracks at karaoke shows. However.... is allowing a few singers helping to promote steel guitar? Seems thats the question here. I would be rather disappointed to travel to Ohio to attend a steel guitar gathering, just to hear one singer after another. Or as i have visited the Illinois steel guitar shows, to hear a room full of singers or bad banjo players. But shouldn't we also try to find a Middle Ground here? Again for the promotion of the instrument? Tolerance Perhaps? Just a thought

Steel Guitar Shows

Posted: 25 Nov 2016 9:00 pm
by Jeff Campbell
It's sad that most of the shows has gone to this , there is a lot of it happening at shows to.. folks think they pay to get in to have a spot to get up and sing.