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Posted: 9 Mar 2016 9:13 am
by Geoff Noble
Malcolm McMaster wrote:Ken, seeing you don't have me to buy drinks for me, I have told Sue from Peterson that she can have my share. She said Edie and her would be only too pleased to drink as much as they could to help lighten your extremely heavy wallet to avoid the excess baggage charges on way home.

Mike sorry won't be there, sinus infection so can't fly, had to cancel flight on Sunday.Have a great show.
Hey Malcolm, sorry to hear this, I was looking forward to finally meeting you and buying you a drink :)

I've had the same virus which went into a sinus and chest infection, been on anti-b for the past week. Not feeling great but well enough to get over, obviously I couldn't really miss it.

The flights were a bit painful on descent but bearable.

We arrived on Monday, so did a bit of tourist yesterday, today taking it easy and get ready for the show. Really looking forward to it, just wish I felt a bit better :\

Posted: 9 Mar 2016 9:24 am
by Ken Byng
We'll be in the bar of the Sheraton today Geoff - in fact I am at the moment. Not a lot happening, but it doesn't really start until tomorrow. We'll keep an eye out for you.

Posted: 9 Mar 2016 9:27 am
by Malcolm McMaster
Geoff, sorry can't be there, had earache on flight years ago and vowed never again.Think there will be a meeting of the Commwealth at the Sheraton bar tonight, you can't miss them rowdy/ ugly .Bling will buy you drink.Enjoy the show and your new guitar.

Posted: 9 Mar 2016 9:43 am
by Geoff Noble
Hi guys,

fortunately for Ken I'm on antibiotics and can't drink alcohol :(

Will toddle over later to the Sheridan and look for the troublemakers! Not feeling great today so will be taking it easy for most of the day.

Had a nice day yesterday after the storms cleared, went into Grapevine old town and then onto the Mall for a bit of shopping. Nice meal last night at the Big Fish Restuarant in Grapevine.

Can't wait for tomorrow and the rest of the show, just wish I was feeling a bit better. The new Steel should be the tonic though.

Sorry you couldn't make it Malcolm, hope it clears soon.

Posted: 9 Mar 2016 5:28 pm
by Kyle Bennett
Hi Geoff,
Maybe this will make you feel better! Here's a pic of your new guitar. It's all packed and ready to go!

Posted: 9 Mar 2016 10:11 pm
by Geoff Noble
Feeling better already Kyle, looks great, can't wait to see it in the flesh :D

Met a lot of interesting characters at the Sheridan tonight, looking forward to meeting more of the steel family over the next couple of days, and listening to some great players of course 8)

My wife and I have been unofficially named Mr & Mrs Scotland, which suits us fine :lol:

Posted: 9 Mar 2016 10:22 pm
by Ken Byng
That is a very pretty guitar Geoff. You can't beat a nice wood body made by a craftsman like Mark Giles. You must be well pleased with that. Look forward to seeing it tomorrow. :D

Posted: 10 Mar 2016 5:00 am
by Ken Byng
Just leaving the Sheraton last night and bumped into my friend, monster player from Nashville, Eddy Dunlap. Eddy is a fine young man, mature beyond his years and very polite and friendly. Plus he has good taste in steel guitars being a Show Pro player! :lol:

Looking for to seeing him on stage this year. He just loves talking steel guitar. :D :)

Posted: 10 Mar 2016 6:14 am
by Mickey Adams
WOOHOO!!..Todays the day...!...Im on at 9pm tonight!/..Looking forward to seeing you all there!!

Message from Sage Benado

Posted: 10 Mar 2016 6:32 am
by Sage Benado
To all my friends, Benado Effects family members,and those of you were expecting to see me this weekend.
Unfortunantly I had to cancel my trip to TX last minute due to medical issue. As I was preparing for the show, and building new units to bring along, I hurt my right eye somehow. I thought it was nothing and let it go, but things got a little worst to the point I had to see a specialist on Wendsday. Come to find out I have an ulcer in my right eye, (never heard of that one before.).
Unfortunantly, I will have to keep antibiotics drops for 9 days starting with every 2 hours for the first 2 days. Needless to say, something I wouldn't be able to do while driving to TX for 13 hours and trying to service you all.
I apologize in advance to those of you were looking forward seeing me, and those of you wanted to meet me for the first time. I am sure you'll understand.
You are welcome to contact me via phone if needed. 615-538-5968

Kind regards to all, and have a great show.
Sage Benado.

Posted: 10 Mar 2016 6:36 am
by Ken Byng
Mickey Adams wrote:WOOHOO!!..Todays the day...!...Im on at 9pm tonight!/..Looking forward to seeing you all there!!
They just changed your spot Mickey. You now have to follow Buck Reid. (Just kiddin')

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 10 Mar 2016 8:04 am
by Geoff Noble
Ken Byng wrote:That is a very pretty guitar Geoff. You can't beat a nice wood body made by a craftsman like Mark Giles. You must be well pleased with that. Look forward to seeing it tomorrow. :D
It was really good to meet you Ken, thanks for all your kind hospitality, Trying to describe how I'm feeling this morning, I think Mickeys first comment sums it up :lol:

I'm just coming into lunar orbit Ken, later today I think I'm going to over the moon. A few years ago when I first took to grappling with this wonderful instrument I never imagined I'd ever own such a class instrument.

When I return home I have 8 days left to work then I retire, so no prizes for guessing what I'm going to spend most of my time doing :lol:

See you later :D