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Posted: 18 Jan 2003 8:48 pm
by Willis Vanderberg
You have a bunch of good advice from a great source..The Forum. I would add a couple of things..Pick one good simple country song and work on it until you are happy with it. Something like " We Could " or " Don't you ever get tired of hurting me".
Above all don't try and play above your ability unless your home alone.I hear steel pickers who are decent but then they go out and try and do something way above their ability.This happens a lot a jams.
I second the motion to use your amp and a little delay.A lot of good pickers use no more than that.I use Nashville 400s and a Evans SE 200.Both these amps seem to require a lot of Bass and not much treble.
Find another picker and get together.Above all Don't quit learning.I am still learning at 69 .

Posted: 18 Jan 2003 10:52 pm
by Ray Montee
I'm just a wanna-be steel player....but my advice to anyone with a love of steel guitar and burning desire to learn to play one.....
is to NOT set any kind of deadline as to when you're going to reach your objective.
Any number of Forumites have expressed at least some frustration that after one year, two years or whatever....they still can't play the thing up to their expectations.
For those ole timers, we still learn every day. We've never stopped digging and trying to learn everything we can.
There are those blessed with talent that can play a dozen instruments after having learned all of them in just a few short months. But, they are few and far between.
Pick a style you like then attempt to accomplish some success with it. Don't keep changing guitars, amps, picks, bars, and/or steel guitar idols. Pick one and stick with it until its mastered.
Best wishes for an early success however.

Posted: 19 Jan 2003 2:54 am
by Tony Prior
I know plenty of Guitar players and a few Bass players who have been playing for many many years..and I am not trying to state anything other than ....

they stink....

The only difference is ..

Some of them think they are good....


Our band recently had a fill in Bass owner
( note I didn't say player ) who didn't know how to play Tennessee Waltz..along with tons of other songs..He told me he would follow me...which he could not do...I pretty much told him ( nicely ) after the gig that he should not be accepting gigs with a band who is being paid to play .It's not a home jam session...

The Steel is just another Instrument with a few more mechanical hurtles to cross..

Just keep at it..don't forget to practice the mechanical side of it as well..

Pedals, Knee' position etc...

It sounds like you are well on your way..just keep doing what you are doing and don't forget to have fun !
