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PayPal or Chase Quick Pay

Posted: 26 Dec 2013 6:07 am
by Wayne Tumey
I'm not sure if this breaks any forum rules but I've just enrolled in Chase Quick Pay. It works like PayPay (email)etc but NO fees! You do not have to be a Chase account holder but you do have to enroll. Has anyone else use this service? I do use PayPay but hate to pay the fees.

Here's a link:


Pay Pal

Posted: 28 Dec 2013 1:40 pm
by Bill Howard
I posted several times about Pay Pal being crooks.
It is fine as long as everything goes their way.
I got a separate account I use for Pay pal I have online banking so i can transfer money when needed that way Pay Pal can only freeze or take what I put in account. I sod a Banjo a Gibson RB250 I got it back broken Pay Pal refunded the guys money then back charged me for it the seller NEVER Wins a dispute sell something to a crooked person your liable to glose the item and your dough, you have to watch these guys with 4 eyes or you WILL get Screwed

What might be the next step with Paypal?

Posted: 8 Jan 2014 4:23 pm
by steve takacs
Here is my Paypal update. Any advice from Forum members on the next step I might take would be appreciated. I contacted Paypal by phone from Thailand and got absolutely nowhere after 23 minutes. Asking to speak to the employee's superior, I was put on hold for 20 minutes prior to hanging up. I am trying to recover the Paypal charge of $68 for which I was billed twice. Yeah, it is not a ton of money, but i'd still like to recover it, more out of principle than anything else.

Upon returning to Beijing I wrote Paypal Customer Service explaining in detail the problem and mentioning I was unable to get help. None of my questions were addressed and only the standard computer generated response was received:

Thank you for contacting eBay Customer Service. To serve you in the best possible way, we would like to speak to you on the phone. Here's how to get help:
1. Click the "Customer Support" link at the top right of most eBay pages.
2. Click the "Contact eBay" tab and sign in.
3. Select the topic that fits your question or concern. If your issue is not resolved with the information provided, please click the "Call us" link. You'll see a phone number and a PIN to use. The PIN expires within 15 minutes, so if you're not able to call us within that timeframe, please click the "Call us" link again for a new PIN.
Please don't reply to this message. It was sent from an address that doesn't accept incoming email.

I am assuming nobody read my email and it is policy to send out such a computer response. Have any of you actually been able to send Paypal questions and receive relevant answers? From those with experiences in dealing with such situations I am wondering what the next step should be? Is there a way other than calling or using the "Customer Service" link to proceed from here? Thanks in advance.
Lastly, Jeff Metz Jr. DID send me, as a "gift", the money I sent to him for the steel guitar MINUS the Paypal fee of $68 (which I had already been paid the first time). He was told over the phone by a Paypal employee that this would be the fastest, least confusing way to go rather than me refund him the money which he just refunded, have him send that back to Paypal and then have me wait for 30 days for Paypal to send me the funds. That was because they used my credit card for the second charge (I have no idea why they did that since all transactions have gone through me bank previously). I had not intention of using that option fearing things would be screwed up further by Paypal and quickly moved the money Jeff sent as a gift, back into my bank account. Gets rather confusing, I know.

Thanks to all of you who have given me advice and also your "thoughts" regarding Paypal. I'm pretty much in the Bill Howard/Howard Steinberg camp after this experience. I still feel as Chris implied, that Paypal made the mistake and Paypal should rectify it. stevet

Posted: 8 Jan 2014 9:33 pm
by Jeff Metz Jr.
Im a glad to know that you managed to get the money back into your bank quickly before Paypal could make a pretzel out of this situation any more.
I think that they should stop with all of the transfer loops and connect you to somebody that knows what they are talking about.
I had to hang up a few times just to get the bs info that I did get.
Hey $68.00 is still $68.00! No sense in giving it to them as a tip after all the hassle they put us through. Good Luck,Keep me posted!~