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Posted: 3 Oct 2006 6:12 am
by winston
I wonder if Ken Rollans will be here? winston may

Posted: 3 Oct 2006 6:13 am
by Rob Parker
Yes Mr. Bobbe,
Glad you will be picking there again this year..You are a crowd pleaser, and they really enjoy your show..
Yes I do Roly 'D'..Good swing tune..Maybe you'll have space for that one also..
Travel safely..But if you are flying up, don't forget to bring your plane...
See you shortly...Come out to the NTSGA Super Jam Saturday..we'll visit some...
Peace my friend..
RP...'come on in'...

Posted: 3 Oct 2006 6:19 am
by Rob Parker
Just double checked the schedule, and Kenn Rollans is scheduled to play..Saturday a.m.
See you ..
RP...'come on in'...

Posted: 3 Oct 2006 10:59 am
by Ron Page

I think you've confused Greg with his dad, Walter. Walter is the one who is always smiling and Greg is the one always appears to be in search of the 8th cup of coffee. Image

It'll be fun seeing all of you guys again this year. Hope the Sound Man has read a few "How To" books since last year. Image JK, Winston. Us HagFans will all hang around behind you for awhile again this year.

I missed Chubby's show last weekend but I've looked at the calendar and think I can have all of my exterior painting done before that weekend. That, or my wife will have to finish it for me. Image

<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Ron Page on 03 October 2006 at 12:01 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 3 Oct 2006 12:13 pm
by winston

OUCH.........kidding.........<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by winston on 03 October 2006 at 02:55 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 3 Oct 2006 2:45 pm
by Rob Parker
You got that right...but you do catch him grinning pretty regular..sure does like that caffiene..but he'll make coffee nervous as is...the boy likes to move around...
\ RP...'come on in'...

Posted: 3 Oct 2006 7:44 pm
by Walter Jones
Well, sorry to say Karen and I won't be there this year. Previous committments will have taken us elsewhere. But for those of you that will make it have a great time. I think we have made eight of those shows and its always a real good time.

Of all the shows I have been to, excluding St Louis , this one is the favorite. A couple of years ago there were 5 or 6 HOF players on the show, sure a lot of bang for the buck. If you are lucky enough to get a front row seat the players will be about 3 feet from you, talk about getting to see everyting they do, this is it. Then you try to figure out how they did it.

Doggone it Rob Parker I still have never got to hear you play, one of these days.
I remember some years back a jam session went on til 3 AM upstairs but I don't think that happens anymore.

Let you all in on a littler secret, Bobbi is going to sky dive into the show in an Elvis suit with a one of his classic steels under his arm. Image

And with that , anyone want to buy a bridge? A lot of outstanding talent in this show, hope we can make it next year, ya'll have fun. Image

Posted: 5 Oct 2006 4:58 pm
by Bobbe Seymour
Walter Jones! Sky Dive? I'm afraid of heights! (widths also).

Bobbe<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by BobbeSeymour on 05 October 2006 at 05:59 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 17 Oct 2006 6:27 am
by Sonny Priddy
Bobbie Old Pal I'll Come If You Do The Car Crash. ha. ha. we love Ya. SONNY & MELVA.


Posted: 17 Oct 2006 12:46 pm
by Gary Preston
We just made our reservations for Friday and Saturday .I hope to see you great players then . Someone has to keep Mr . Seymour in order !!! R.J. are you and ''D'' going to be there ? Best wishes . Gary . <font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Gary Preston on 17 October 2006 at 02:15 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 18 Oct 2006 3:41 am
by Rick Johnson
I'll be there. We are staying with
my cousin. Thats equals FREE.
I'm sure Patty would rather be with
Diane and my cousin Gwen. She sees
enough of you. Image


Posted: 18 Oct 2006 5:43 am
by Dean Dobbins
Got my room-see y'all there!

Posted: 18 Oct 2006 9:33 am
by Gary Steele
I sure would like to play a coupl tunes with bobbe on my new purple Rains, Just kidding its BLACK. Bobbe can you stand one more wild Buckeye that weekend???????

Posted: 18 Oct 2006 2:53 pm
by Gary Preston
R.J. Patty is staying with me in our room and you can sleep in the car ! Hah ! You are right she would rather be looking around some Craft Mall than hearing more Steel Guitar players ! After all she hears the ''Sweet Sounds of the Bud Gang '' and thats all she needs to hear ! See you soon . G.P.

Posted: 18 Oct 2006 7:44 pm
Gary, R J Maybe I ought to come down. You guys don't see enough of me,and since Bobbe is going to be there, we don't get to see enough of him either. Image Image

Posted: 19 Oct 2006 3:38 am
by Rick Johnson
Come on down, Gary snores but
being a couple of rooms away
you might not hear him Image


Posted: 19 Oct 2006 12:28 pm
by Gary Preston
R.J. you just gave away my secret weapon ! My snoring keeps all you buggars away !!! Hah i still got it ! G.P.

Posted: 22 Oct 2006 5:44 pm
Gary, what motel are you staying at?

Posted: 23 Oct 2006 4:58 am
by Rick Johnson
You still got it but the jury
is still out on what "it" is. Image

I think we both got it.


Posted: 23 Oct 2006 4:07 pm
by Sam White
Anna and I may try to make the Lexington Steel Show. We will be at the Wilson N.C. Jam this comming week end and if Anna can keep up with me we will be there. Bobbe Seymour watch out buddie I'm a comming I hope.Hope to see you all again. We were there 3 years ago.I can't get enought of the Steel Guitar.
Sam White

Posted: 23 Oct 2006 7:40 pm
by Dean Dobbins
Hey Jack Heern-I've got a brand new pair of Side-Cutters=so, look out!!!!!


Posted: 23 Oct 2006 7:47 pm
by Ron Elliott
We're looking forward to seeing and being with all you guys & gals again. We are so greatful to Al and the staff for inviting us this year. It has been a long time since we've played Lexington.....See ya'll soon ! Ron & Leslie Elliott

Posted: 25 Oct 2006 6:08 am
by Bobbe Seymour
Its a-gitten cloze yous guyz! It will sure be good to see you great friends again.

I've noticed that the entire world of steel guitar is playing better than ever before. I'm going to get to hear some it next weekend.

This is always a great show, one of my favorites.

Bobbe Seymour

Posted: 25 Oct 2006 10:54 am
by Curt Eversole
If you want to see the line-up for the show or if you need directions on how to get there go to and get them.Don't miss this show.

Posted: 25 Oct 2006 3:15 pm
by DeWitt Scott
I'm looking forward to playing at the show. Mary will be with me and we will be celebrating our 55th wedding anniversary there. October 3rd. I will be playing my new "Scotty" 6 string Frypan. Rob, be prepared to sing The Night I Came Ashore as it went over quite well in Hot Springs.

Note: Don Curtis had to cancel. Sorry. Scotty