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Posted: 21 Jul 2013 8:31 am
by Lee Baucum
I remember the first time I saw a Li'l Izzy. My wife and I were passing through Houston, probably around 1980 or so. We stopped in at Herb Remington's home/shop. He was closed that day; however, when he found out we were still about 6 hours from home, he invited us around to the shop for a look. He had a beautiful Sho~Bud plugged into an amp and he demonstrated it for us. Then he said he wanted to show us a new little device he had just gotten. It was a Li'l Izzy. He said he had no idea what was inside or how it worked. He just knew that he liked it. It was the only one he had and he said it was not for sale. He loved it.

Posted: 21 Jul 2013 10:01 am
by Craig Baker
Thanks for that story. That really brings back some fond memories. If I recall correctly, Herb was the very first "Name" player using an Izzy. Next was Norm Hamlet, then Lloyd got one, etc. I still have letters they wrote to me, and all of those top players we all admired so much were each and every one, very cordial and approachable.

The steel guitar community is a unique culture that's made-up of nice people. What a great town hall this forum is.

Thank you again Lee.

Craig Baker 706-485-8792

C.M. Baker Electronics
P.O. Box 3965
Eatonton, GA 31024

Posted: 23 Jul 2013 2:33 am
by Ron Deardorff
I myself recently ordered a Li'l Izzy from Craig, because even though I was quite happy with my tone, I figured what the heck... the concept of plugging it in right at the jack, before anything else, was very intriguing. After a few days with it now (and some minor adjustments to my equipment settings) I gotta say I'm feeling pretty damn blown away. With the enhanced clarity and definition it imparts to the sound, it's like picking on a brand new set of strings, but beyond that even. Even though I'm already running through a Telonics pedal and Black Box, this thing still just makes it all come alive. I, for one, am pleased as peaches with this little technological miracle.

Posted: 23 Jul 2013 7:10 am
by Roger Francis
I used the lil izzy this past wknd, i love playing through the little walter and adding the N112 via little walter line out, then adding the izzy to the chain is absolutely great, everything thats been said about the izzy is spot on, im going to order one more soon just to have as a spare JUST IN CASE!!. Great job Craig and thank you for a great little piece of gear.

Little Izzy

Posted: 23 Jul 2013 11:14 am
by George Kimery
Craig, I enjoyed the story of how the Lil Izzy came into being. I just have one question, if you care to share it, why the name Lil Izzy? If you would rather just keep us guessing, that is fine too.

Posted: 23 Jul 2013 11:34 am
by Craig Baker
Hi George,

I suppose you want the truth. It always comes out sooner or later. Very early days, just getting ready to package the product, I was living about 25 miles west of Phila. I had a dentist appointment in the city one morning and, to save time, I was going to stop at the silk screen company, also in Phila. to order the screens to print the case. Everything was, in those days, "camera-ready" Since the whole product was a small, low-impedance signal follower, I had chosen the name "Li'l Imp". That same morning, I picked up a music trade journal and there, right in my face was a an ad for a box called "The Imp".

Later that morning, I explained my dilemma to my dentist. He replied: "When I was a kid, I had an uncle the family always called "Li'l Izzy". I loved the name instantly. It grabbed me as being unique, cute and friendly. The silk screen typesetters took about 20 seconds to change the logo. Looking back, boy am I glad. It won't win a Pulitzer, but that's the true story George. Thank you for asking.

I remember reading somewhere; "The truth will set you free"

Best regards,
Craig Baker 706-485-8792

C.M. Baker Electronics
P.O. Box 3965
Eatonton, GA 31024

Little Izzy.

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 6:22 pm
by Terry Sneed
Bump. :?

Posted: 26 Jul 2013 9:33 am
by Paul King
I just received my Lil Izzy a few minutes ago. I plugged it in my guitar and man waht a difference in clarity and string separation. I feel like a second generation user since I have not had one since the 1980's. I bought my first one in 1981 at the ISGC from Mr. Baker and the quality today is top notch just as the Izzy was back then. I want Mr. Baker to know how appreciative I am of him for making this product again. The best advertisement is word of mouth and I have a big one when it comes to a great product such as the Lil Izzy. There have been some top notch players give high praise for this product. I highly recommend this product to any steel player who wants a cleaner sound.

Posted: 26 Jul 2013 1:36 pm
by Craig Baker
Thank you for sharing your experiences with Li'l Izzy. I hope the product continues to please you for many years to come, and remains worthy of the loyalty you have shown since the early days.
Again, thank you sincerly.

Best personal regards,
Craig Baker 706-485-8792

C.M. Baker Electronics
P.O. Box 3965
Eatonton, GA 31024

Posted: 26 Jul 2013 1:48 pm
by Billy Murdoch
Are there any sound clips or demo's?

Posted: 26 Jul 2013 2:13 pm
by Craig Baker
Hi Billy,
David Hartley had mentioned doing an A/B comparison on YouTube, but I don't believe it's been posted. With Li'l Izzy, it's almost impossible to get anyone to do an A/B test. Once they plug it in, nobody wants to un-plug it. (LOL)

Our solution is to offer a money back guarantee if you're not delighted with the product.

Thank you sincerely for asking Billy.

Craig Baker 706-485-8792

C.M. Baker Electronics
P.O. Box 3965
Eatonton, GA 31024

Posted: 26 Jul 2013 6:38 pm
by Lane Gray
If my lady's new camera does good videos, I might do a couple A/Bs, both at Solid state and Fender.

Posted: 26 Jul 2013 8:50 pm
by Paul King
I hope Lane can post a video. I wish that I had the equiptment to make one. I am one happy picker with this product in my possession.

Little Izzy

Posted: 27 Jul 2013 9:59 pm
by Terry Sneed
Ok, I can hear the clarity and better string seperation, but playing my Mullen through my Nashville 112 and a lexicon 110, my highs are very
tiny. I've turned my highs and presence down all the way, but still get waay to much tiny sound on strings 1-4. Should I bypass the Lexicon, and just play straight in to the amp? Not saying anything negative about the Little Izzy, just need to learn how to get the best sound with it. Thanks


Posted: 27 Jul 2013 11:52 pm
by Craig Baker
Hi Terry,
May I suggest the following chain: Steel guitar direct to Li'l Izzy / Li'l Izzy direct to volume pedal / volume pedal direct to amp. As per the instructions, you may have to reduce the presence or treble since you're now going to hear overtones that were hidden before. Dial in the amp settings that give you the sound you enjoy. Make a note of the amp settings. Now, without changing the amp settings, one-by-one, add in the Lexicon, or any effects you choose. At this point, if your sound has become tinny again, fine-tune the effects accordingly. Let us know your progress Terry, and thanks for your post.

Craig Baker 706-485-8792

C.M. Baker Electronics
P.O. Box 3965
Eatonton, GA 31024

Little Izzy.

Posted: 28 Jul 2013 1:16 pm
by Terry Sneed
I'll try that Craig thanks.

Posted: 24 Aug 2013 1:56 pm
by Lane Gray
Someone wanted an A/B demo. My lovely and patient fiancee Denise shot this video. I don't have the toys to run a DAW onto video, but even on the camera's mic, you can hear a HUGE difference with stuff downstream
With just the Izzy, a volume pedal and an LTD, it's less stark, but still noticeable.

Craig, it's a winner, even if my 5th string has tuning issues. I must need new strings.

Posted: 24 Aug 2013 6:43 pm
by Tim Marcus
funny - Whirlwind makes the Little IMP and IMP 2 direct box


its just a transformer to plug a microphone into an amplifier - totally different product you probably would have been ok

Posted: 24 Aug 2013 7:45 pm
by Lane Gray
I personally tried the Matchbox and one other buffer when I bought my first Izzy years ago. To my ears, only the buffer in the EHX Holy Grail sounded nearly as good.
And the Imp looks like one end is XLR: not handy in a guitar chain.

Posted: 24 Aug 2013 10:03 pm
by Tim Marcus
That was my point - the little Izzy could have been called the little imp with no product overlap

What's In A Name

Posted: 25 Aug 2013 12:30 am
by Craig Baker
Lane, Tim, etc,

On July 23, 2013, George Kimery wrote:

"Craig, I enjoyed the story of how the Lil Izzy came into being. I just have one question, if you care to share it, why the name Lil Izzy? If you would rather just keep us guessing, that is fine too."

On July 23rd 2013, Craig Baker responded:

"Hi George,
I suppose you want the truth. It always comes out sooner or later. Very early days, just getting ready to package the product, I was living about 25 miles west of Phila. I had a dentist appointment in the city one morning and, to save time, I was going to stop at the silk screen company, also in Phila. to order the screens to print the case. Everything was, in those days, "camera-ready" Since the whole product was a small, low-impedance signal follower, I had chosen the name "Li'l Imp". That same morning, I picked up a music trade journal and there, right in my face was an ad for a box called "The Imp".

Later that morning, I explained my dilemma to my dentist. He replied: "When I was a kid, I had an uncle the family always called "Li'l Izzy". I loved the name instantly. It grabbed me as being unique, cute and friendly. The silk screen typesetters took about 20 seconds to change the logo. Looking back, boy am I glad. It won't win a Pulitzer, but that's the true story George. Thank you for asking."

Best regards,
Craig Baker 706-485-8792

C.M. Baker Electronics
P.O. Box 3965
Eatonton, GA 31024


Posted: 25 Aug 2013 7:43 am
by Leon Champion
I had a izzy i got from Herb w years ago. in 2001 I loaned it to a guitar player ,he still uses it to this day. HE claims he bought it at a steel guitar show,he has never been to a steel show. Ii told him if he had to steal it, he could keep it,GOD knows better. It the izzy really dose work. Oh when I asked for it back ,he painted it gray.

Posted: 25 Aug 2013 9:00 am
by Len Amaral
I oredered a Lil Izzy last night and will add it to my arsenal of gear. I have to try everything so I am looking forward to receiving it.


Posted: 25 Aug 2013 9:00 am
by Len Amaral
I oredered a Lil Izzy last night and will add it to my arsenal of gear. I have to try everything so I am looking forward to receiving it.


Posted: 25 Aug 2013 9:00 am
by Len Amaral
I oredered a Lil Izzy last night and will add it to my arsenal of gear. I have to try everything so I am looking forward to receiving it.
