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Posted: 20 Jun 2006 4:58 am
by John Daugherty
Good luck with your new show, Terry. As you know, I have a steelradio page on my website.
I just posted a new picture of Lana sitting at the steel radio mic.
Now Terry, if you can send me a picture of you, that looks as pretty as Lana, I will consider posting it also.......... Oh what the heck, I'll post it anyway. I don't think David Copperfield could make you look that good !!! Image Image


Posted: 20 Jun 2006 6:06 am
by Charles Tilley
Lana, this will surely make every steel player in Texas lend an ear, especially if Terry plays some of his GREAT stuff. There are a lot of good steel players out there but Terry falls into the GREATEST category.
If my mind don't let me down, I will surely listen.

Terry, I admire the talent that GOD has given to you. I hope you pick forever. Just play your stuff on the program and next time your listeners will triple.

Charles Tilley, President
East Texas Steel Guitar Association
Tyler, Texas (I live in Princeton, Texas)

Posted: 20 Jun 2006 6:51 am
by Lana Rosselli
Charles - you betcha Terry will be playing some of his stuff. He already has several requests so he can't shy away!

Thanks everyone for your support and encouragement with Terry's new adventure!

Miss Lana
PS: John you can tell the truth - you put my picture out there to scare away the cyberbugs! Thanks for the lovely comments. Image

Miss Lana

Posted: 20 Jun 2006 10:22 am
by John Daugherty
One of the highlights of the Branson show last July was when the band left the stage and Terry did a solo of "Beyond the Sunset".
This brought a standing ovation.
Terry, if you recorded that song, I suggest you play it on your show. It is a winner. .......................... I don't care what Lana says, she's still prettier than you. Image Image Image Image
I have been told that I am pretty in more ways than one ...... 1. Pretty ugly ..... 2. Pretty apt to stay that way !!!


Posted: 20 Jun 2006 11:27 am
by Terry Bethel
I think you are talking about, "When They Ring Those Golden Bells For You And Me".
I don't have it recorded yet. It is definately going on the next CD. I talked to Jamie Carter, the engineer and we have set the first two weeks in July to record the new CD. If all goes well, we will have it for the Branson Jam.

Terry Bethel

Posted: 20 Jun 2006 11:52 am
by Terry Bethel
Thanks for the page on your website. You da' man, as Don E. Curtis would say.

Terry Bethel

Posted: 20 Jun 2006 12:46 pm
by John Daugherty
Terry, please forgive me for mentioning the wrong song title. Regardless of the title, You played some of the most beautiful passing licks with knee levers that I ever heard. For that, I say, You Da Man, Terry.
I hope to be home so I can listen to your show. Many friday and saturdays I am playing a gig. I will definitely be at the Branson show to shake your hand, my friend...... JD


Posted: 21 Jun 2006 2:43 pm
by Roy Ayres
Terry's show will be on in a couple of hours. Dang it, I'm playing a gig from 6:00 until 9:00 so I can't listen in.

Go get 'em, Terry -- and say "Hi" to Miss Lana for Laurie and me.

<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR=BLACK><P ALIGN=left>Visit my Web Site at
Browse my Photo Album and be sure to sign my Guest Book.

Posted: 21 Jun 2006 4:40 pm
by Michael Scott
I wanted to jump in here and let you all know that the show might start a little late tonight. Miss Lana & Terry had minor accident on their way to the studio. Everyone is Okay and no injuries...just running late.

I think we need to get Miss Lana a new car. This one is going to get her killed. It must be jinxed.

Michael Scott
General Manager

Posted: 21 Jun 2006 5:01 pm
by Fred Justice
Thanks Michael for letting all of us know, thank God they were not hurt.

Fred Justice,
Fred's Music
Rains Steel Guitars

Posted: 21 Jun 2006 5:09 pm
by Jeremiah Hanley
So sorry that Terry and Lana had trouble, but so thankful that they weren't hurt. We're listening and anxious to hear Terry's show!

Posted: 21 Jun 2006 8:24 pm
by Lana Rosselli
Terry is having the time of his life, really enjoying himself. Thanks to everyone who has called in, emailed, and IM'd - all 215,000 of you! Thanks for making Terry's debut so fantastic. Of course, he's still going and has several songs left to play. If you hurry, you may be able to catch his conversation with the great Norm Hamlet. You know, I have to say, being in the same room with Terry, Scotty, and all the great players that he's talked with has been a total delight. I'm in heaven!!!

Also, I want to thank all the 'pickin' on me' comments. I appreciate the concern really.

Love you all and thanks so much for making our efforts so successful.

Miss Lana

Posted: 22 Jun 2006 4:30 am
by Howard Tate
I really enjoyed the show last night. A guy that plays as great as Terry is sure to have great taste in music. The interviews were good, and the things Ralph Mooney had to say were priceless. I was glad to hear Mike McGee get the notice he deserves, he's such a terrific picker, and so helpful in the chat room. I'm already looking forward to the next show.


Posted: 22 Jun 2006 5:35 am
by Michael McGee
I need to post in this thread what an honor it was for me to be on Terry's first show and how much I appreciate his kind words.

Terry, you're a 'natural' at this, my friend, and you sounded like you had done this your whole life. I wish you many, many more shows and much success.

Also, special thanks to Michael and Lana and all the folks at steelradio for all you do for steel guitar.

See you in Branson!

Posted: 22 Jun 2006 1:23 pm
by Jerry Lee Newberry
Terry, GREAT SHOW!!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!! Donna

Posted: 23 Jun 2006 5:25 pm
by Lana Rosselli
Hey everyone. Terry is back at work with Mel and I'm sure when he gets a minute he'll add his own reply. But I just wanted to say thanks for all your support and it was truly our pleasure to air the new Terry Bethel Show. We all had such a good time.

Stay tuned for the announcement of his next show. We have a tentative date in mind but need to confirm with his Mel Schedule. As soon as we know, I'll put a post here on the Forum.

Thanks again for all the emails, posts, and phone calls. And a BIG thanks to the man himself - Mr. Terry Bethel. Great choice of music and so much of it. Looking forward to the next one.

Miss Lana

Posted: 23 Jun 2006 5:36 pm
by Fred Justice
Yes indeed Terry, a GREAT job and miss Lana,
you and Michael Scott were a big help for Terry's first show.
I especially like the variety of the show, a nice mix, waiting for the next one Terry.

Fred Justice,
Fred's Music
Rains Steel Guitars

Posted: 23 Jun 2006 9:41 pm
by Terry Bethel
To everyone that tuned into our first show, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was a blast for me, of course with Ralph Mooney, Mike McGee, Mike Smith, Scotty, Miss Lana, and Michael Scott, how could I not have a great time. You talk about being on a natural high, "I WAS", it was great to be with all of you via,
Our next show has a tenative date, But I have to check with the Boss man, Melvin before I can confirm it, so please check with for the next one, and YES I WILL BE DOING A SHOW EVERY MONTH.
Terry Bethel
Norm Hamlett, I didn't mean to leave you out of this post,It was about three in the morning and I was really dingy so please forgive me. I did appreciate your call, and it was a pleasure getting to talk to you again.
<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 23 June 2006 at 11:08 PM.]</p></FONT><font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Terry Bethel on 24 June 2006 at 01:35 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 24 Jun 2006 12:08 pm
Hi Lani
Any chance of an archive of the show.
I made note to myself and stuck it to my computer monitor and then ptomptly ignored it until two days later.
Oh well! Maybe the next one.
Keep up the good work

Posted: 26 Jun 2006 4:02 pm
by Buck Grantham
Terry ,We're sorry but we had to miss the first one but I know you always do a great job no matter what you tackle. We'll catch up to you on the next one. Love,, Buck & Mitzi

Posted: 26 Jun 2006 6:38 pm
by Lana Rosselli
Buddy - All of our radio shows are recorded and we have tossed the idea of selling them around. We're still tossing and as soon as I catch everthing, I'll let ya'll know. Thanks for the interest.

Miss Lana