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Posted: 6 Feb 2013 8:18 pm
by Ron Scott
What ever works for you I guess. Myself I use the usual one thumb and 2 finger. That seems to work for the majority. Playing big C6th Chords probably would sound better,don't know because I don't .Rick does and he sure sounds good.JMO Ron

Posted: 7 Feb 2013 12:42 am
by John Alexander
I'm kinda going down the Joe Wright path now - pick blocking, hand position turned over, working in the 4th finger on the same basis as the other three. Observing my own progress is a bit like watching the motion of the hour hand on a clock. About once each week I notice some small increment of improvement.

Posted: 8 Feb 2013 10:14 am
by Dave Van Allen
I had been playing about two years,self taught, and after observing some real pickers I realized I was playing so flat-handed that I needed to dramatically alter my technique if I was ever going to palm block.

I methodically set out to improve my hand position, and at the same time convinced myself since I was already making drastic changes to my right hand, why not add anther pick as I did so. That was back around 1974. I am glad I did it as it has been fully incorporated into my playing for several decades; I freely use all four for chords, single note lines, palm and pick blocking.

Posted: 9 Feb 2013 6:09 am
by Clete Ritta
I use 3 picks which is likely most common. I find that enough of a challenge considering all the other elements involved. I do use 4 fingers and thumb for guitar playing (when not using a pick that is, and the pinky is pretty much reserved for flamenco tremolo strumming). I will try adding a ring finger pick for a hybrid style on single notes that seems elusive to me now, but I will have to grow nails and forget about picks if it works! I have to switch between a flatpick on mandolin and guitar to fingerpicks on steel quite often in a gig, so thats another reason I dont use 4 picks. :lol:


Posted: 9 Feb 2013 10:46 am
by Ray McCarthy
I've used 4 picks from the start. I know this is unusual, but when I play 3-string chords I usually use the thumb, middle and ring, leaving the index out altogether. The exceptions are on the wide chords like the 6, 8, 10 or 3, 5, 8 triads. On those I use the thumb, index and ring. Weird, huh?
Fact is, it always seemed more natural me to use the thumb, middle and ring on the close triads. I also love the big 4-string chords like 6, 7, 8 & 10 with the Es lowered or A & B down--can't use the thumb-rake on that one.