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Posted: 7 Jan 2013 2:17 pm
by Joe Gall
Bar has been stained & coated with poly. Now to coat the soffit with some mud, then prime & paint the entire room with a medium grey color!



Posted: 8 Jan 2013 7:09 am
by Joe Casey
Add smoke eaters and a Tip jar and your ready for business. :lol: Nice Job..

Posted: 8 Jan 2013 7:33 am
by Joe Gall
Joe Casey wrote:Add smoke eaters and a Tip jar and your ready for business. :lol: Nice Job..
Thanks! No need for smoke eaters!

We only have two rules here at "Jammin' Joe's Saloon"
1) Have Fun
2) NO Smoking!

In addition, everyone that comes here thus far has brought either food, bottle for the bar or left cash on the bar as a donation towards stocking the bar. So we have a great bunch that come here and your right, a tip jar is a great idea as it is used to provide all the sodas etc.

The nice things too is everyone is incredibly responsible as well. No heavy drinkers, everyone rides with someone else who does not drink and will drive home etc. They all know we wouldn't allow nor tolerate anyone drinking too much or leaving our house and driving drunk etc. Not too mention one of the musicians is a local Sheriff here is town! LOL

We have a great bunch of folks! Also, for anyone who is local, please contact me and anyone who may be in town visiting or traveling through the area, PLEASE contact me and stop by if you can and check out the saloon, I'd be honored to have a real steel player grace my stage!

Posted: 8 Jan 2013 7:37 am
by Joe Gall
Our jams are now every 1st & 3rd Saturday of each month. We will hopefully be web casting them again live each time as well, providing our jam night is opposite of my parent's jam night so we can use their web site. I just need to get a new HD web cam, install a strip of LED lights over the stage and move the USB mic further away from the stage to get a cleaner sound.

Then our web casts should be much better than the first one was the other night. We did have a great time though. It was fun as we had people calling on the phone calling in request, you just have to love technology!

Posted: 11 Jan 2013 12:55 pm
by Joe Gall
Bar is now done. After six coats and sanding in between each one, it looks nice and should hold up well. We used 1/4" Birch plywood over 3/4" cdx plywood. All the other pine was left over scraps from other projects throughout the entire house and sat in a pile outside in a burn pile until we decided to turn this closet into a bar!





Posted: 11 Jan 2013 3:59 pm
by Ken Lang
Looking terrific. Nice job.

Posted: 11 Jan 2013 4:10 pm
by Joe Gall
Thank you very much!

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 2:54 pm
by Duncan Hodge
Absolutely amazing. I hope, some day, to visit this establishment.

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 5:23 pm
by Joe Gall

Duncan, you are more than welcome to stop in. We are now jamming on the 1st & 3rd Saturday of each month starting at 7pm. We are having a great time to say the least! Our jams are open to any musicians who want to to come over and play so if you live in the area of are going to be in the area, please contact me and I will gladly give you the address/directions!

Posted: 17 Jan 2013 12:48 am
by Mike Kowalik
Man...I am so friggin' my tome I've played in joints here in Texas that weren't any way as nice as this......and then to top it off your wife digs it too......dude you got it made :D

Posted: 17 Jan 2013 6:01 am
by Joe Gall
Mike Kowalik wrote:Man...I am so friggin' my tome I've played in joints here in Texas that weren't any way as nice as this......and then to top it off your wife digs it too......dude you got it made :D
Thank you for the kind words. I must admit I am incredibly lucky. I have the most amazing wife, the same was true for the past 15 years when we were into the classic car hobby. She was right there with me the entire time, pulling engines, installing 4-speed Muncie transmissions, you name it and she did it. Her and I have been together for 26 years now since we were in HS and she is by far the most supportive wife I have ever known or met in my life.

I am blessed and forever grateful to have such a wonderful and supportive partner in life. It makes life enjoyable and worth living. She has Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis since 12 y/o then I have my vision issues, we make a great team taking care of each other! That's what it's all about!

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 6:09 pm
by Joe Gall
Well, Jammin' Joes Saloon received an upgrade today thanks to my best friend. He called me last night at 8:30 pm to tell me the bar he was sitting in was closing it's doors for good that very night and he had the inside track on all the good stuff and it was mine if I could get there IMMEDIATELY! Well, as you can see, I made it!

It's great to have good friends and it pays to have done them favors. I installed all new windows & doors in house five years ago and wouldn't take a penny for it. Five years later I now have things in my bar that I never would have been able to buy for it!

In addition, a few weeks ago the lady across the street developed a MAJOR plumbing issue in the walls in her house. My son & I pulled her walls open and replaced all the copper supply lines and fittings for her and re-drywalled everything for her. Did not charge her a dime as we had everything left over from all the work on our house and she couldn't afford to have had the repair work done. She is currently making "music" themed drapes for the music room. She went online, found "music" material and is now making the drapes!











Posted: 18 Jan 2013 7:17 pm
by Joe Gall
Thank you very much!

Just a side story:

Note the 45 record on the bar. My parents made this in 68, the year I was born. My Dad has one side, Mom on the other. Their friend, Chuck Fraley wrote both awesome country songs, and one of the forum members from here I believe, played PSG on both cuts. This 45 was on all the juke boxes in the WNY area for years and years and still is to this day at my Dad's VFW Post. As a kid, I can remember going into bars with my Dad to set up equipment (set up only as per Mom's rules) and hearing their songs being played on the juke box. I thought it was the most amazing thing ever and on occasion hearing it on local radio as well.

Posted: 19 Jan 2013 5:20 am
by Kevin Lichtsinn
"I love this bar, it's my kind of place, just walkin' through the front door, puts a smile upon my face...." Just looking at the pics puts a smile on my face!! Great job man! :) :) :) :) :)

Posted: 19 Jan 2013 6:19 am
by Joe Gall
Thank you, the nice comments/feedback alone from all of you mean a lot. I sincerely hope that if any of you come through the area that you would call and stop in. And the local guys do the same. It would be an honor to have a real steel player on my stage.

We have been having some VERY talented musicians at our jams, I think anyone who would come to our jams would be quite impressed as this is turning out to be a bit more than the typical average jam. We have been able to attract some very talented musicians to say the least and just having a great time!

Three repeat offender thus far have been professional musicians, drummer, bass & rhythm player all from different bands and walks of live but these three guys are just amazing in their own rights, so right there alone this gives us a rock solid core and just makes the jams pretty solid.

Posted: 19 Jan 2013 6:23 am
by Joe Gall
We literally had folks call us and make reservations for tonight's jam during this past week. We have all 20 seats reserved for tonight's jam and we have 8 musicians. This is the 4th jam in a row with a capacity crowd.

We are now going to ad a Friday night jam once a month as we have several musician friends who all play on Saturday nights and have yet to make a Saturday night jam and they have asked about a Friday night. So we will be adding the last Friday of each month to the schedule as well.

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 8:32 am
by Joe Gall
Well, Jammin' Joes Saloon was a smash hit last night with everyone that showed up for last night's jam! We had an absolute blast to say the least. We had a capacity crowd of 25 non musicians and 8 musicians and then myself somewhere in between! LOL

A good time was had by all and the response to all the new additions to the room was just incredible!

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 8:42 am
by Joe Gall
Here are the valences from our neighbor whom I did all the plumbing work for. These were a huge hit last night at the jam. Everyone thought they were awesome:




Posted: 20 Jan 2013 8:49 am
by Joe Gall
The only thing left now is to paint the walls. Seems a little backwards I know but we just didn't have the paint up to this point but we will get it soon and then paint the walls and put everything back and we will be done! We are going to paint the walls a medium grey color.

A very good friend on ours is the manager of a large A/C company here in the area and he is going to donate and install a mini-split A/C system here in the music room to keep it nice and cool for the summer months as we realized last night it is going to cook in the summer months! What awesome friends we have!!!

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 8:02 pm
by Tim Moe
Very, very nice Joe. You, your family and friends have done an outstanding job. I sure have enjoyed following your progress. Mighty fine.

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 9:02 pm
by Joe Gall
Tim Moe wrote:Very, very nice Joe. You, your family and friends have done an outstanding job. I sure have enjoyed following your progress. Mighty fine.
Thank you! Wow, you are close by! Please come and join us some Saturday!!! I'd be honored. You probably know some of the folks that are coming here!

Posted: 25 Jan 2013 9:04 am
by Tim Moe
Thank you, Joe. I hope to meet you at the steel show in Lakeland saturday. Mimie and I look forward to a nice drive over and some great players. Hope to see you there.
Again, thank you for the invite, we look forward to it in the future.

Posted: 25 Jan 2013 9:35 am
by Joe Gall
Tim Moe wrote:Thank you, Joe. I hope to meet you at the steel show in Lakeland saturday. Mimie and I look forward to a nice drive over and some great players. Hope to see you there.
Again, thank you for the invite, we look forward to it in the future.
Unfortunately, I will not be making the show tomorrow for a few reasons. One, our van has been giving us major problems the past few months, it's been one thing after another. Second, I've been playing drums and or bass for several bands the 2nd & 4th Saturday of every month at our local jam and it's to the point where they depend on me now and I feel bad if I miss or can't make it.

As for our jams, please by all means consider yourselves invited to any of our jams on the 1st or 3rd Saturday of each month! I keep saying it, but this offer is for any musicians in the area! We have been having an absolute blast and I have to say, the quality of the musicians is way above what I think most would expect. I am by far the least experienced and that's only because I am on my steel, if I were playing bass or drums I'd be right there with them. But it's such a great chance for me to play along and learn and have fun! I also get to play my harps as we throw in some blues tunes here and there!

So again, please come join us some Saturday!

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 2:24 am
by Tony Prior
it's very kool..great job ! but

where's the picture of the people who come to hang out and listen ? Maybe you should charge less at the door ! :)