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Posted: 2 Jan 2013 9:48 am
by Egil Skjelnes
Hello,and Happy New Year to all!
This was a great way to start the new year!.What a wonderful CD this seems to be.I played the clips,and being a huge Lloyd fan,I must say he is like good wine-the older the better! The things that he is doing is so tasteful,it is worth the album alone! I don`t buy many CD`s anymore,but this one will be in my collection as soon as I can lay my hands on it.And to my surprice-how many steelers get an instrumental put on another artists CD like this? Amber and the producers must really have a huge respect for Lloyd,and what he have done.Just SO great!
I have just played on a CD release consert here in Norway where also Lloyd play steel on several tracks.And there as well are some very tasteful playing on some wellknown songs,and some to me-unknown.But very nice playing.No wonder Tommy White had some wonderful minutes visiting Lloyd,and hearing this . I did too.Below is the promotional video from the Norwegian artist-OJ Hanssen that Lloyd plays on.Hope you like it! I hope Lloyd will keep on going for a long time to come,he still has so much to offer.
Hope you like this good old Gene Watson hit,sung in his local dialct!

Posted: 2 Jan 2013 10:22 am
by Len Ryder
My Gosh ------ There's talent coming out of the woodwork. Great voice, wonderfull phrasing.
Len Ryder

Posted: 3 Jan 2013 8:15 am
by Daniel Policarpo
That's so true, Egil. For an instrumentalist to get a feature spot on a track on another's record is pretty amazing. Shows what a friend Amber and Randy's organization is to the steel guitar.

That's a great little piece that Green plays on "Heimbyens Lys". He doesn't have anything to prove and it shows through that tasty phrasing. He's got that way of working the mechanics and melody, creating really pleasing tension on the pulls. It creates a physical sensation when I hear Green play. What a master!

Posted: 3 Jan 2013 9:28 am
by Ron Page
You mean you're allowed to have fiddles and steel guitar in the intro? :lol:

Got mine pre-ordered. Who can pass up Amber let along 3 great steel guitarists?

Posted: 3 Jan 2013 9:49 am
by Chris Templeton
Very, very nice work Lloyd. It still amazes me, the lack of a E-Eb lower on the 4th string.
It must be the ol' Hawaiian influence. Thanks

Posted: 3 Jan 2013 12:50 pm
by Ricky Davis
Well I know Randy and Amber personally and believe me when I say: "there are no bigger fans of the steel guitar than them two". So you can count on the steel guitar being a huge contribution to every song on their music projects.
Just listen to the way Amber sings; she phrases like some of the greatest steel guitarists play. A great song is like a great conversation; everyone saying something very important for the songs sake, this is also why this is a wonderful project and so easy to hear and listen to; as you feel like all these folks certainly know HOW to have a great conversation.
Great job Randy and Amber and I of course can listen to every single note over and over and over again that Lloyd; Dicky and Loessberg played....OMG...hello!!! three of my favs. right there on one project.

Posted: 4 Jan 2013 3:22 am
by Egil Skjelnes
Totally agree with you Ricky,hard to find a better way to express it.Hope to get my copy soon

Posted: 4 Jan 2013 9:00 am
by Randy Lindley
thanks, ricky...amber and i appreciate your kind words so much...and it's certainly true...amber and i love the steel guitar...and as far as we're concerned, it will always be a big and important part of her music... :)


just to update everyone who has pre-ordered the CD...the official release date is Jan 15th...i hope and should have them in my hands before that date...all that to soon as they're in my hands...they'll be going out to you fine folks who have ordered one...


as always...thank you for your means more than you'll ever know!... :)

Posted: 4 Jan 2013 12:38 pm
by Joe A. Camacho
Just preordered it, can't wait!

Posted: 4 Jan 2013 9:58 pm
by Tom Wolverton
I have every CD that Amber has done. This one is a "must have" for me.

Posted: 5 Jan 2013 9:09 am
by Ole Dantoft
This sounds like my kind of country music and surely my kind of steel playing!

I pre-ordered too.


Hi all

Posted: 6 Jan 2013 11:29 am
by David Hartley
I hope thIs is going to be available on iTunes or CD baby, or as a download anywhere on its release date. . .? I don't think I can wait for a mailed one....

I have had a few emails from Lloyd in recent months, and I never forget the first one came through when my mother was here. She knew how much it meant to me. He helped me over the years as I studied, spinning any record with him playing on it. He has personally helped me in recent months, telling me how some of those licks are played. He has been a great help. Anyway, Lloyd told me about this session with Amber in detail as it's been progressing. To have him and the other fine steel players on an album must, in itself, make it an album to purchase for all of us here. But, as we know, and many country music fans around the world know, Amber has the voice, the traditional country sound with best musicians, and modern recording techniques also, so the result is, " a must have album ".

David Hartley..

See y'all in Dallas........ :D


Posted: 18 Jan 2013 11:16 am
by David Hartley
Ths thread deserves a bump to the top....
Has anyone got their copies of this yet?

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 8:32 pm
by Randy Lindley
Hey y'all...amber and I are on the HOTR cruise right now...the official release date was this past tues (1/15)...which means I got my box of CDs (as well as the label) while on the boat...we return Sunday morning...and I will get those out Monday morning...thanks for your patience and support!...amber and are looking forward to you having copies in your hand!... :)

Thank you Randy....

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 8:54 pm
by David Hartley
Hi, I can't see anything on your schedule for the weekend of the TSGA Jamboree.

Why don't you both come along? With CDs too?


Amber Digby and Randy Lindley

Posted: 20 Jan 2013 2:18 am
by Gary Watson
I have played and listened to Traditional Country music all my life, and it takes something to impress this old coot. Very seldom, has someone released an album, with what I consider great songs from beginning to end. In fact, the only one I have, that is this way is Ray Price's "Touch My Heart" album.
With this CD, IMO, Amber and Randy has rivaled that feat! I didn't hear a bad song on it, and loved the variety of beautiful steel from these masters! And to top it all off, Lloyd ends it with his amazing "Little Darlin' " instrumental! I'll be ordering my copy ASAP!! Thanks to all who had a part in making this great CD!

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 6:39 pm
by Randy Lindley
hey y'all...just an update...this is from amber's facebook page, which was posted earlier today:

"To all those who pre-ordered my newest CD:

You should be getting them in a day or folks...a little longer, obviously...the release date was jan the order you placed before jan 15th was a "pre-order"...I was on the Heart of Texas Records cruise on the 15th...which is when I received my box of CDs from the label...I came home from the cruise on Sunday, the 20th...and started stuffing cd mailers with cds...Monday was a holiday, so the Post Office was closed...they went out in yesterday's mail...which is the soonest I could possibly get them out...thanks for your patience...and for supporting my music...I hope you will all enjoy it!... "

and I echo what amber said...thanks for supporting our means more than you'll ever know...

Hi y'all

Posted: 24 Jan 2013 11:00 am
by David Hartley
Hey..... Great news. It's now on iTunes....

I just downloaded it.

Gonna listen to it on my new Bose soundlink Air now wirelessly from the iPad.

I love technology....

Here's hoping Amber and Randy have a day at the TSGA.... :D

David H

Posted: 25 Jan 2013 4:52 am
by Ken Byng
Real country music for sure. Lloyd didn't waste his time while in semi-retirement. He is still coming up with fresh ideas even today. Those producers who have excluded Lloyd over recent years because they felt he was too 'old school' have missed out on having one of the most creative and imaginative session players ever. It's not just the playing - it's THAT tone, and it sits well in just about any production you want.

Dicky and Jim should not be overlooked for their contribution too.

Posted: 25 Jan 2013 9:03 am
by Ron Page
Oh man! I hope the USPS brings mine today. Can't wait to check it all out.

Posted: 25 Jan 2013 10:21 am
by Sidney Malone
Well I got mine yesterday and all I can say is AWESOME!!! Country Music is still alive & well on this CD!

Great job by everybody involved.....keep em' comin'!!!

Posted: 25 Jan 2013 11:15 am
by Ransom Beers
Randy,is that Justin on bass?It's got his sound,a sound I'll never forget.I had a lot of fun pickin' with him back in the day.

Posted: 26 Jan 2013 6:00 am
by Greg Stasny
Ransom---it's Jake Hooker playing bass.

Received my copy on Thurs; outstanding music and vocals.

Posted: 26 Jan 2013 9:17 am
by Ransom Beers
OK,must be the upright,has an awesome sound.

Posted: 26 Jan 2013 10:03 am
by Frank Parish
This is the real stuff here! Every time I hear Lloyd Green he is still better than the last time. Nashville country is nothing like this stuff.