Reece C6 Workshop - Course Overview

Upcoming steel guitar shows, concerts, jam sessions, club dates, etc.

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Reece Anderson
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Post by Reece Anderson »

David D....Thank you for taking the time to display the tunings.

When playing the 8 string C6th tuning it provides the opportunity to create many sounds commonly associated with non pedal steel guitar.

The learning strategy of this tuning allows the player the option of exploring the use of additional strings, while still playing the tuning with which they are familiar.

Garald M....Thank you for the kind words and I'll see you in about three weeks.
Reece Anderson
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Post by Reece Anderson »

Tony P....You most certainly will not be at a disadvantage when bringing your 6 string guitar. I do however suggest you have the G note on the 1st string.

Looking forward to seeing you.
Ronald Comtois
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Post by Ronald Comtois »

For those of us who are unable to attend your seminar; is it possible to purchase your SmarTab learning materials so that we can work on it at home? I am interested in purchasing one of your Superslide guitars

Thanks, Ronc.

Richard Roach jr
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Post by Richard Roach jr »

Ron that would be so nice
if Reece could do somthing like that

12 string super slide nash112 MSA sn10 2004
Reece Anderson
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Post by Reece Anderson »

Ronald C....I will be making my non-pedal SmarTab available soon. Thank you for the question and for your interest in a SuperSlide.

Richard R....Thank you for your interest in SmarTab.
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DeWitt Scott
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Post by DeWitt Scott »

Don’t you guys worry about it being cold. I did seminars three days in a row in Belfast, Ireland in the back of one of their pubs. It was so cold I had to wear my winter sheep skin coat. I also had a small space heater at my feet. The students had their coats on too. Maurice will make it work regardless of the circumstances! Go for it. Scotty<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by DeWitt Scott on 04 February 2006 at 11:33 AM.]</p></FONT>
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Tony Palmer
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Post by Tony Palmer »

Hey look, this isn't a lifetime committment!
Guys, we're not signing up to join the foreign's just a remarkable chance to learn from a great teacher and steel player and enjoy a weekend in NYC!
My wife and I booked a nice hotel, will go out to dinner, maybe a show Saturday night, then I'll mosey on over to Howard's millinary shop or whatever it is Sunday and play/learn some steel guitar while she visits some museums.
Then we take the train home and have a few drinks on the way.
Is there is better way to spend a weekend?
Thank you Howard!!
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Post by HowardR »

You're welcome Tony. You are definately making the best of the weekend. That's the way to do it. I guarantee that everyone who attends will always remember this day.

<SMALL>I did seminars three days in a row in Belfast, Ireland in the back of one of their pubs. It was so cold I had to wear my winter sheep skin coat.</SMALL>

That's a famous story Scotty, 'cause the way I heard it.....the sheep was still in it.... Image Image<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by HowardR on 04 February 2006 at 09:30 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Craig A Davidson
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Post by Craig A Davidson »

I really wish we had the chance to experience Reece's knowledge up here in Wisconsin.
Reece Anderson
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Post by Reece Anderson »

Craig D....Thank you for the very kind words. I hope to someday have the opportunity to come there.

Until I have that privilege, I hope my new SmarTab will be the next best thing to my being there. I'm just now putting on the final touches and I'll present it for the very first time in New York.
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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

Wow, sounds like a great day, wish I could be there! DRAT!

Howard, you gonna book Reece into a small jazz room with a rhythm section for a show that night.
Heck with him in town, it would be a shame not to have him
play with some of the fine NYC jazzers available....<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 05 February 2006 at 07:28 AM.]</p></FONT>
Reece Anderson
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Post by Reece Anderson »

David D....Why can't you make it? All you have to do is jump on THIA airlines and about 13 hours later you'll be there. Seems simple to me. It would be great to have you with us. We're gonna have a lot of fun, great laughs and many notes will be played.

Wish the schedule would have permitted my having the opportunity to play with some of the jazz legends there....if I can manage to not wear out my welcome, hopefully this won't be my last trip.

Junior King
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Post by Junior King »

Hi reece:
Will you have this avaiable for sale on the MSA web sight, some time soon? Are whats the game plan?
Thanks JR
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Post by HowardR »

<SMALL>if I can manage to not wear out my welcome</SMALL>

Reece, the only thing you will wear out are your strings. Image<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by HowardR on 05 February 2006 at 01:14 PM.]</p></FONT>
Steve Alcott
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Post by Steve Alcott »

I'm hopin' Reece and everyone else will come to the Rodeo Bar after the seminar for Western Caravan. We usually play on Mondays, but I was able to arrange a Sunday gig for this auspicious occasion.
Reece Anderson
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Post by Reece Anderson »

Junior K....I plan to offer SmarTab soon after the New York show. I appreciate your interest.

Steve A....I wish it were possible for me to come hear you, however after the show I'll have to leave because my plane leaves at about 7:00 PM. I do however greatly appreciate your offer.
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Post by HowardR »

Well, I'll say's a dang good thing that the workshop is not today! There is so much snow blowing around here that you can't see a foot in front of you!

Reece, if it snows like this in 2 weeks, I hope that you can also teach downhill skiing! Image

As we're in the 2nd week prior phase here, I'd like to mention and remind youse (that's NY lingo for y'all) about a few things.....

Reece's suggested tunings according to his course program are
<font face="monospace" size="3"><pre>
1. G 1. G
2. E 2. E
3. C 3. C
4. A 4. A
5. G 5. G
6. E 6. E
7. C
8. A </pre></font>

Of course these tunings are not manditory, but the workshop will proceed smoother if we are all on the same page. Reece will attend to variations of the C6 tuning on an individual basis when he makes his rounds.
<SMALL>I plan to talk to each one and address all their questions, make evaluations if asked, and make suggestions if asked. I plan to bring some CD's and if you also have some that will be great. I personally like the idea of being very informal, relaxing, and having fun.</SMALL>

Don't forget spare strings, batteries, cable, headphones and headphone amps. If you wear reading glasses, bring 'em. I am so guilty of that one, especially when I go out to restaurants. I've eaten things that I've never heard of before because I couldn't see squat on the menu! One time I thought I was getting river trout, and I was served liver with sour krout.... Image

Those of you who are planning to attend and are planning to send, phone, or email your payment, I kindly request that you do so sometime this week, or the very 1st part of the following week, if possible. I ask this because I have much to do to set up for the workshop ( while I'm operating my business at the same time) and having the paperwork out of the way will allow me to concentrate on the physical aspects of being ready. My retail store is operational until Saturday at 4pm, and so there is much to do in little time. I also need a head count because I will have to "appropriate" (thanks to neighboring bussinesses) the correct amount of chairs (unless you prefer the lotus position) for the class.

Reece has informed me that he has put the "finishing touches" on his new Smartab program which I'm very excited about. As mentioned, Smartab will be provided to all workshop attendees free of charge, and will be available for purchase to everyone in the very near future.

If anyone is interested in a pre workshop with Reece on Saturday, we are open to that, so, don't be shy, let it be known..... Image

If there are any questions, concerns, needs, etc....send an email to me & I'll address them.

It won't be long now.......

<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by HowardR on 12 February 2006 at 02:16 PM.]</p></FONT>
Bill McCloskey
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Post by Bill McCloskey »

I would add, I need to know if someone requires a steel. I said I would bring my Double 8 in addition to my 12 string if someone needed it, but if no one does, I'll leave it at home - I have plenty to carry.

Let me know.
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Dave Van Allen
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Post by Dave Van Allen »

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Post by HowardR »

Looking at my rough copy of the "Attendance Sheet," I see that we have a great group of folks who are very fine players and musicians.

This will be very interesting as there will be a variety of takes, styles, and ideas with regard to non pedal steel.

It will be a lot of fun too. Some of the people I have personally insulted myself, and I would be hard pressed to find better folks..... Image
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Jon Light
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Post by Jon Light »

And then there's me. I'll tell you--I'm kinda bugging because now that I've got my 10 string gut buster playable I have discovered that I am a stark, rank beginner with this tuning! Truly lost. In the tradition of wanting to clean the house before the cleaning person comes and sees the mess, I wanted to show some ability before Reese came but I am super busy between now and then and will still be a pure novice on D-day----or C6-day. Oh well. At least I can cut the crap and not have to pretend "I really can do this--honest. I'm just being distracted by that hat over there."
All that being said, and with butterflies in my stomach as a matter of natural course, I am so looking forward to this.
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Jim Cohen
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Post by Jim Cohen »

I am also very much looking forward to it, for three reasons. One is that Reece has long been a teacher and mentor to me, so it is a pleasure to spend any time at all with him. Secondly, he is probably the most insightful teacher I have ever worked with. When you're playing, Reece knows what you're thinking, what you were trying to do, exactly why you failed at your attempt, and what three steps you need to back up and work on before you try that little trick again. My third pleasure in attending this wonderful event is that, courtesy of HowardR, I will be reunited with my old 10-string Lamar lap steel that I sold to him several years ago. At the end of the day I might even buy it back. If I do, Reece, make sure Howard gives you a commission! Image
Reece Anderson
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Post by Reece Anderson »

Jon L....Please don't concern yourself about such things. Let me assure you, there is a logical "fix" for any playing deficiency you or anyone else may feel they have, and I'll be happy to discuss anything with anyone anytime.

I have constructed my teaching plan so that after I discuss mental and playing procedures, I will present my new SmarTab, which to a great extent is self explanatory.

This plan will provide me the opportunity of "one on one" time with everyone there. So....I suggest you all make a list of anything and everything you want to discuss.

Jim C....I appreciate your very kind and thoughtful words. It will be so great to see and hear you.

I hope you will consider playing some tunes with me so I can have bragging rights and add you to my resume....

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Al Marcus
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Post by Al Marcus »

Reece-I surely wish that I could attend your seminar and see you again. But my "Sweet Lorraine" is blind so I have to stick pretty close to home.

Anyone that is lucky enough to attend this course , will go away a Better Steel Player and a Better Image

My Website.....

Don Walworth
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Post by Don Walworth »

Everyone be careful in the Big City -- wife and I were almost mugged on our last trip -- right outside of Penn Station --- oh well. I'll be thinking of you -- hope the weather is not too bad. Lower 80's today in S Texas.

I'm very interested in C6th tuning - I have that on my brand new steel.


West Coast Double 8 Nashville 112

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