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Posted: 19 Nov 2012 2:36 pm
by John Billings
Yes, my guitar was played like crazy! And modded a lot. I must have 20 holes to fill when I restore it. But I must say,,,,,That lever is ingenious! It works better than any pot rotated with a finger.


Posted: 19 Nov 2012 5:19 pm
by Dan Carey
Blake Hawkins wrote:A note on the Fender Custom T-8. If it still has the original factory wiring, the volume pot needs to be wide open for the best boo-wah.
The placement of the volume control makes it difficult to use anyway. I control the volume with
the amp or a pedal.
I speak to Jody Carver almost every day...what Mr. Hawkins posted is right

All of Jodys Customs (2) have original factory wiring and the volume has to be full on the obtain that Doo Wah sound........listen to the Hot Club Of Ammerica and or The Arthur Godfrey TV show and hear the ultimate of doo wah at it's best.

Dan Carey

Posted: 20 Nov 2012 5:16 am
by Benjamin Kelley
How about using a momentary pushbutton switch to bleed all treble to ground when depressed and back to your tone control setting when released? I'll have to think about how to wire it, but it seems like it could do the trick (I think I've read something about it here before). Any thoughts?


Posted: 20 Nov 2012 5:41 am
by Jean-Sebastien Gauthier
Helmut Gragger wrote: What we want is a tone pot that sets the basic tone and leave that alone plus a second control for boo-wahing.

Maybe someone invents something. Go ahead!

Yes thats a great idea! I never use the volume of my Stringmaster, I prefer using a volume pedal, so maybe I can replace the volume for a normal tone pot and use a more drastic tone pot for effect on the other control.

Posted: 25 Nov 2012 1:23 pm
by Helmut Gragger
Benjamin Kelley wrote:How about using a momentary pushbutton switch (...)
I tried this. It works only when the volume is full up. Otherwise it behaves more like a kill switch.

The reason for this lies in the fact that the tone control normally comes before the volume control. Placing a capacitor after the volume control will act as an extreme high cut filter that becomes worse when volume is dimmed.

I also tried a passive volume pedal with a Y-cable in a similar setup, which failed for the same reason.

The best I managed to come up with until now is a patch on my Digitech that sweeps the (virtual) treble control of an amp model. Vintage amps have "all cut" controls that produce a similar tone if swept.
