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Posted: 11 Jan 2012 10:53 am
by Bob Muller
Last nights steel jam was the biggest we've had to date, except for the absence of our founding father. Where were you Ray, anyway we had a cross-section some of the very best players in the Portland area. Looking forward to next time, which should be January 24 at 7 PM. Hope to see everyone there.


Posted: 14 Jan 2012 1:10 pm
by Brian McGaughey
Boy does that look like fun you guys! I wish I lived closer, Bob.

Posted: 14 Jan 2012 1:17 pm
by Bo Borland
Gee that looks like fun!

What's the latest?

Posted: 17 Jan 2012 3:11 pm
by Ray Montee
How did the Monday night, January 17th, gathering turn out?

How many showed up?

Any new faces?

How 'bout a photo?

TUESDAY, Jan 24th at 7:00 the next night for all steel players to gather at Bob Mullers' abode in Wilsonville, just off I-5, south of Portland. Hope to see you all there. It's FREE of cost...

Bob has some ideas about having seperate night sessions for newer players, advanced players and professional working musicians. What do YOU think? This could be really beneficial for everyone.

What questions do you have about playing? Bring them all for a 'sharing' discussion session. No reason to be embarrassed. A reasonable question deserves a straight answer.

A teaching session on "BOOT HEEL DRAG" in C#Min tuning starting at the 5th fret, no pedal version.
Are you interested?

Bob's trying to make this an event that everyone in attendance can benefit from.


Posted: 22 Jan 2012 12:52 pm
by Ray Montee
Don't miss this event announcement.

The future of these programs.......depend on YOU!

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 2:24 pm
by Bob Muller
Please remember to attend the pedal steel jam on January 24 at 7Pm.
This week I would like to work on some new ideas on how to format these jams. If you have any good thoughts please share them with us at Tuesday night's jam. This week Ray wants to work on learning a song in C6 tuning. I would also encourage everyone to bring some ideas to share with the group on what direction they would like to see this get together go. We're starting to gather up a good following of players, and I am sure we can improve this by pursuing some new ideas that everyone can share. Hope to see everyone Tuesday night.

Format for the evening...

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 12:32 am
by Chris Gabriel
I plan on being there this Tuesday! Just a format suggestion:

7 pm - meet n greet
7:30- Ray talks about C6 (and/or whoever else wants to lead a discussion)
8:30 - Callin tunes and jamming (ideally tunes can be listed here...for folks wantin to woodshed)
10:00 - Pau

I would like to see an event unfold out this, imagine, an all star cast playing some country, jazz, and Hawaiian, takin turns, like a variety show, only all steel all the time. Throw in a mandolin or fiddle player, once in awhile. You could find a venue, an outdoor beer garden or something, or you could set up a video camera right in front of the stage and make an online tv type show out of it. Bob could be host...Of course I enjoy the company, and wouldn't mind just a sittin and a rockin...
( Tryin to be helpful..thinking out loud.)See ya soon!


THAT's more like it!

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 11:17 am
by Ray Montee
Great suggestion Chris!

THAT's what we've been lookin' for!

This is NOT "BOB's" or "RAY's" forum.........

We'd like to have it for you guys to learn from and enjoy participating in. THANKS AGAIN!

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 9:06 am
by Scott Hay
So how was it? Sorry I missed you guys, this weeks nuts for me. Chris got your message, will give you a buzz today if I can. I can't make the next one either I don't think, is it on the 7th?

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 11:00 am
by Bob Muller
Well last night's get together was another great success, everyone had a great time playing and discussing steel guitar. It was good to have Ray back again, sorry Scott could not make it hope to see you next time. We had a couple of new players this time hope they enjoyed themselves also.


........ Bob Muller ....................................................................... Ray Montee ...........


.................. David Kellogg ......................................................... Harley James ...................


...Gene McGowan With his Jerry Byrd frypan........................Chris Gabriel with his MSA Classic ........................................


................ Jerry black................ Jeff Jackes............................ Russ Blake ................

All together a great gathering of Portland area steel players. The next gathering is scheduled for February 7 at 7 PM. Hope everyone can attend, bring some new ideas, and generally have a great time.

That was fun!Learned alot too,

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 7:11 pm
by Chris Gabriel
That was a good one Bob! Thanks Ray for the "tutorial" on boot hill rag. I've been enjoying it all day.

Thanks for the pedal discussion as well, and for letting me play my newfangled tuning. Bob, I appreciate your help with adding a new pedal to my MSA...

Russ mentioned a club called the "Landmark", where if we decide to put a little show together, we could play. I'm for the idea, and think we could really have a good time, if not just for close friends and family. Let's keep the discussion going....

Scott, call anytime(I've been thinkin about Intervals, alot)
Good to meet ya Gene and Brian. Loved the frypan, such a good tone.

See ya guys again soon! Look forward to the next jam,

Just a note.................

Posted: 28 Jan 2012 12:19 pm
by Ray Montee
Hey Chris!

I wouldn't want you to look like a novice if you were to attend a REAL COUNTRY SWING shin-dig with a bunch of olde-time guys from the days of Bob Wills, etc.

The tune we discussed was NOT.......Boot Hill Rag, I'm pretty sure you knew that but, for the record, the correct title is BOOT HEEL DRAG.Just a minor point. Glad you had fun with it.

WHAT tune would you like to learn or teach next time?

Boot hill rag...?

Posted: 29 Jan 2012 11:54 am
by Chris Gabriel
working on my reading skills now... Oops! More than a minor detail, thanks for lookin out for me!

To answer your question, I'd like to learn coconut groove...;)

As far as teaching a song, hmmm, I'll give it some thought...

Coconut Grove... I knew that...chris

Come join in the excitement!

Posted: 2 Feb 2012 7:35 pm
by Ray Montee
Our most gracious host Bob Muller, has just a acquired a new antique Rickenbacher 6-string, so you certainly don't want to miss 'the showing' and/or his SOLO introduction.

I've never met anyone that's so committed to learning and playing steel guitar as our friend Bob.
Well maybe, Chris Gabriel :lol:

That'll be next Tuesday, February7th at 7:00 PM.
No cost or obligation, no parking fees. All that is required is a desire to learn and/or play steel guitar. Hope to see you then!

Posted: 2 Feb 2012 10:14 pm
by Tony Glassman
It never ceases to amaze me that there are so many steel players in little ol' Portland OR!

See you on the 7th

Posted: 5 Feb 2012 12:12 am
by Chris Gabriel
Alright! See you real soon, I'm still interested in learning coconut grove, and I could show you all a song called "lil darling" by count Basie.

I play it in the c6 tuning, at least ive been working on it and would be glad to share...

In any case, I love hanging out and absorbing, yeah. See you then!


Posted: 6 Feb 2012 12:16 pm
by Bob Muller
Just a reminder tomorrow night February 7 will be our next get-together. Hope to see all of the usual players and hopefully some new players will show up also. Bring all your ideas, see everyone tomorrow night.

We'll have atleast one new guest................

Posted: 6 Feb 2012 5:12 pm
by Ray Montee
A new guest will be attending this week........

Most anxious to meet with him.

Hope some of you other folks will decide to attend.

Posted: 8 Feb 2012 11:18 am
by Bob Muller
Thanks to everyone who attended last night's steel gathering. Again I think a good time was had by everyone in attendance. This week we had one new player with a beautiful vintage Rickenbacher Bakelite guitar.


...............Dave Evans.................................................RAY Montee...............................

......................Jerry Black.........................Chris Gabriel...................................


..................................Gene McGowen..............................................


......................Matt Dawson..Fender Classic..................Bob Muller Sho-Bud Fingertip.....................


Hope to see everyone back again on February 21 at 7 PM

Thanks to the host...

Posted: 8 Feb 2012 12:20 pm
by Chris Gabriel
That was fun, yet again, and learning coconut grove, with Ray , awesome. I just want to say , Ray you played so well last night, we were all smiling and perplexed by some of your sweet improvisation. "How'd he do that?" Up to the final note, thanks for being there with us!

Yet another great night at Bob's steel guitar multiplex, I was dreaming of the steel, thank you. See you around, on the 21st if not sooner:)


Posted: 8 Feb 2012 8:28 pm
by Dave Evans
WOW - What a great time with a great group of players. I had an absolutely fantastic time with everyone. Perhaps in the near future I'll be able to join in more, but it is still great fun just to hang out and enjoy the music. To Bob - thanks very much for your hospitality & what a great place to get together. I'll see you at the next one.

Posted: 8 Feb 2012 9:25 pm
by Matthew Dawson
Thanks again to Bob for putting these on and to everyone involved for sharing what they know. It's a real treat to listen to and learn from some great players.

About YOUR amps and electronics.................

Posted: 13 Feb 2012 10:22 am
by Ray Montee
I have no idea.......for sure but........

I wonder if "OUR" Bob Muller is of a mind to repair steel guitar player amps and stuff?

He works on similar stuff all of the time.....

Just a tho't.

Posted: 13 Feb 2012 1:16 pm
by Chris Gabriel
Isn't it Bobs birthday today? Happy birthday, bro!

Come meet & make NEW FREINDS!

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 10:04 am
by Ray Montee
Tuesday, February 21st, at 7:00 PM, is the next scheduled steel guitar gathering in Wilsonsville, OR.
The location is Bob Muller's fantabulous 'man cave' and without a doubt it is one of the most pleasant places I've ever had the opportunity to play music at. Soft lighting, comfortable furniture and NO SMOKE to have to breath.

There's no charge......informal attire, of course.... and plenty of free parking.

Come and join in the brotherhood and maybe even 'learn something new' about steel guitar playing. As you can see from the photo's, there's quite a mix of both brand new players and olde time professional players. Chances are, you know someone that might also enjoy the gathering so please, do invite them to come along with you.

Hope to see YOU then!