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Posted: 21 Apr 2010 3:56 pm
by Bob Adams
Ha! I'm working on a Clark Custom at the minute ZB's are a walk in the park compared to Jim's machine! Wonderful though it is with some really super engeneering! Unfortunately I have been asked to change the setup! along with the refurb or (TLC) Nightmare!!! But it will be alright on the night as they say! Back to ZB's ... They started me and will possibly finish me!! But what a way to go! They are the Biz! ...Beautiful instrument there Russ! :)

Posted: 21 Apr 2010 4:23 pm
by Bob Adams
Sorry Jason, When we get started on ZBs we go off on one! If you get yourself this Axe or have one already it, set up correctly it will be to die for! Tom Brumley playing this instrument started me on Steel, currently I work on them daily and with all their frustrations I love ‘em! Have a look on

Check out! ZB refurbishment! Wow! They are fine instruments!

I don't play C6th but this was me trying on that guitar!

and Robbie Turner I am not but I can but try! ... re=related

Enjoy your ZB!

Regards..Bob :)

Posted: 22 Apr 2010 10:18 am
by Kevin Hatton
New ZB's are available here with modern under carriage. Top half of the changer is the same. Exact replica pickups.

Posted: 23 Apr 2010 5:31 am
by Chuck McGill
Duncan.I have a daughter grad that needs a car. Every steel was a keeper but "C'est la vie say the old folks. How's that F steel ;-) Sorry Jason. The only reason not
to have a ZB is if you decide to change set-ups which
someone has touched on. The vibe of a ZB is addictive.

Posted: 23 Apr 2010 2:17 pm
by Jason Williams
I agree 100%. Addictive for sure. The only problem is, I live in an area with very little help available to work on such a magnificent machine (i.e. changing this type of copedant). Plus I've been looking for something a little on the lighter side. I'm playing the SD10 I have now out quite a bit, and I'm afraid if it were much heavier, I'd be in a world of hurt. Love the pics though guys! Truly works of art!