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Girls in bands

Posted: 11 Apr 2010 6:21 am
by Danny Hullihen
I once had a guy in my band who absolutely hated the idea of me having any female musicians in the band, and he told me that other musicians advised him that they wouldn't contend with that either, and that he should just quit. I agreed with the other musicians and told him they are right, he should just quit! Unfortunately, he didn't get the option, I booked all of our gigs from then on without him! Needless to say, he got real mad at me about that, so I told him that I was concerned about his "mental health" and didn't want to stress him out by "forcing him" to work with female musicians! :)

Posted: 11 Apr 2010 6:42 am
by Joe Casey
I have had several Ladies either Singers or Musicians in my bands. Neither have ever been a problem..Even Had Peggy Green on Steel and showed a great loyalty and super effort..That to make a 90 mile trip nightly 5 nights a week to play until that just became too much on her day job (which I'm told also meant extensive traveling..Peggy was one and remains one of my favorites also a good friend..I've had female bass players with great singing voices and Female singers that made the band that much better..It wasn't so much being an equal oportunity employer as it was hiring the best person for the Job..

Posted: 11 Apr 2010 6:46 am
by Ransom Beers
Case in point,Louise Rowe played upright bass with Bob Wills,recorded on some of his albums as harmony singer also has some CD's of her own.Sweet lady,Herb Remington knows her very well.

Posted: 11 Apr 2010 8:28 am
by Delvin Morgan
Personally, I wouldn't have a band that didn't have a girl singer. And there are loads of great girl instrument players too. With so many great female country stars over the years, I would think having a girl would be a no-brainer. Hang in there, Jaclyn, you will find the perfect group who will respect you for what you can do musically.

Posted: 11 Apr 2010 9:24 am
by Bo Legg
One problem with having a girl in the band was we would all eat dinner and we have to wait on her to wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen before we could get started practicing..
We finally had to stop letting her go to the bathroom during practice because when she got back we would have to retrain her.
She would always make us late for the gig waiting on her to get through with the ironing and she always used starch when she did the laundry.
She seemed to enjoy going and getting us a soda, coffee or beer but she got to where she was constantly complaining about having to load all the equipment while we got dressed.
We just decided not to have a girl in the band. They are just way too ungrateful. :lol:

Posted: 11 Apr 2010 9:33 am
by Ransom Beers
Course you flatlanders treat your women like women but a good roadie is hard to find & women make purdy gud un's,cept' my ol' lady,she said she'd rather plow all day than load my guitar & amp.

Posted: 11 Apr 2010 10:10 am
by Alan Brookes
Maybe they're afraid that with your charm and good looks the band would be distracted and fighting over your hand. ;-)

Posted: 11 Apr 2010 12:35 pm
by Jaclyn Jones
Well at my age that fighting over my hand would be a waste of time!
Plus my husband might try and pawn me off on a newer model not obsessed with stringed things. 8)

Posted: 11 Apr 2010 1:59 pm
by Ransom Beers
Ifn' ye tote yer own damn amp you kin play in mah band (when ah gits wun)

Posted: 11 Apr 2010 3:14 pm
by Danny Bates
The only problem with a girl in the band is they usually pass out after 10 shots.... that's usually the 3rd set before they get to sing their song.... "Crazy"


Posted: 11 Apr 2010 3:14 pm
by Jaclyn Jones
Not a problem, my Fox Vintage Steel Amp is light, light,Light!

Posted: 11 Apr 2010 9:59 pm
by Les Anderson
We have a younger, rather attractive lady in our band who, sings and can play lead guitar, bass and loves to sit at my steel to do simple chords and what ever else she can get out of it. She has talent to spare; "HOWEVER", if and when we do an over nighter or an away week ender, the band member's wives some times kick up a fuss.

Her major problem is holding onto the little BJ bar for my D8: the D10 bar is the opposite; she says it's like trying to hold onto a polished log

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 5:49 am
by Bob Simons
One girl is manageable.

Try being in a band with 4 of them! Every day was like being the new kid in high school who accidentally sat down at the "cool girl's" table in the lunchroom. I'd rather join a highschool sorority than try that again!

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 6:06 am
by Ransom Beers
I'm afrade "O" wimmins!!!Spushly female uns'.

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 6:46 am
by Eric West
Well Jaclyn, my fellow Portlander Ray Montee seems to forget as much local history as he makes up.

During the lifetime of one of the bands he claims as his "professional period", the "West Coast Ramblers", as you can see on the website, a female Steel Guitar Player, Evelyn Martin Kinnee was the featured Steel Player, though Ray was listed as "Skip", his Private Eye career moniker.

Evelyn was a great player, and well respected.

Word was that she was sorely missed when she was not there...

Personally I think there as many downsides to being a male in a band. They are just different.

Anything besides a determination to play music first and foremost leads away from success at doing it.

Individually or in a band.

A sense of humor, and a willingness to go toe to toe with things and people that are counter to your goals are the important things.



Posted: 12 Apr 2010 7:56 am
by Ben Jones
Nothing is hotter than a female musician to me. Rawr! :mrgreen:

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 8:56 am
by Ransom Beers
I kinda like that there passed out one there,course when she sobers up thar'll be hades to pay. You Betcha(to quote a famous person)

females in the band

Posted: 12 Apr 2010 4:45 pm
by Mike Bowles
i play fridays and saturdays friday is open mic night im always happy when a girl comes in to sing they usually sing the songs i like a whole lot better than the guys do i could care less what gender anyone is as long as they do a good job hang in there jackie i worked in the coal mines with some gals they could out cuss out spit and out drink most men

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 3:32 am
by Frank Parish
I never seen a problem with a girl in the band long as she didn't sleep with anybody in the band! That's a big problem and I've gotten to where I stay away from bands with a wife and husband team. I know there's a lot of that and that's fine for some but I've seen more problems than good so I just don't get involved with them. What I've found is in most cases one or the other really isn't good enough to be playing in a professional group and since it's "their band" you just have to keep your mouth shut. If I knew them and they were good to work with then I would but I haven't come across them. I prefer having a girl singer in the band because it gives you so many more tunes you can do and the crowd likes that too. Outside of the boy/girl thing I see it as a plus to any group.

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 4:45 am
by John Lacey
I'll have to agree with you on that one, Frank. I've been in a few husband/wife bands and it's been tense almost every time. The husband/wife "team" always wins and it destroys the esprit du cour that should be in every band. It's not really a slam against women in a band, it's more the team I dislike.

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 5:27 am
by Ransom Beers
I played in a husband/wife band,never again.I got to the point that when they called about a gig they booked I got sick or something just to have an excuse so I wouldn't have to play.I think I got fired,they never called after a few times of that.

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 5:32 am
by Jaclyn Jones
That is the issue in my last band. They both played ok, one sang ok but other left a lot be desired. The husband played with his back to the crowd so he could watch her play drums. He spent most of the night messing with her mic volume. What fun! I love feedback

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 6:41 am
by Ronnie Boettcher
Well? Look what Porter created in his old age. Had a whole band of women. Anyway, my two cents is, I would have no problems of any gender playing in the band. I do think having a female, band member, or singer, adds to the over all of the total package. And if I had a band, and Jacklyn wanted to play steel, she would be as welcome as anyone to fill that spot. Good luck finding a excellent band to play with.

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 7:31 am
by Roger Miller
I work with these two sweeties everynight and never have to worry about them. They are great to work with and we have fun.

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 1:33 pm
by Drew Howard
I subbed on banjo with Nobody's Darlin', all-female string band, an old-timey string band in MI. I was Nobody's Dude for a gig!