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Posted: 29 Apr 2010 1:08 pm
by D Watson

little jimmy dickens

Posted: 1 May 2010 9:30 am
by Dave A. Burley
If you are around, Buddy.
I'm still thinking about that Buddy Emmons/Pat Martino recording. Dang.....We did a lot but sure missed sine things I would have loved to do.
Best wishes, Buddy.
Dave Burley

Coy Crank

Posted: 31 Dec 2010 1:01 pm
by Terri Crank Lane
Found this forum and had to comment on this topic. My dad was Coy Crank. You are correct in naming him in the picture as the one standing to the left in black. He played steel for Jimmy in the late 40's, but left the band after a couple of years. I have these pictures and many more and still have his original laptop steel he used when he played with Jimmy. I am sorry to hear about tenstrings passing, and wish I could have found this forum and answered his questions. You all made my day talking about my dad...thanks.

Coy Crank's C6th single neck blond Sho-Bud

Posted: 31 Dec 2010 6:42 pm
by D Watson
Terri, your dad's C6th single neck blond Sho-Bud psg is listed in the for sale section of this Forum. I'll
bring it to the top so you can see how it's doing. I
am a one time owner of this guitar. D Watson :D :D