Yes. My carry-on bag has a small profile but holds tons of stuff - just the accessories pouch holds a string winder, side-cutters, micrometer, 2 steel bars, 2 tubes with picks and steel wrench, small mag-lite, capos, outlet tester, needlenose pliers, and a few patch cables. I typically carry 8-10 sets of guitar and steel strings and 6-8 cables in the exterior pouches.You guys that don't use a pac-a-sest, do you have the bag on stage in case you break a string?
I use a drum throne with a bicycle-type seat. It's a heavy duty Dixon, and the seat can be clamped tight so it doesn't swivel if I don't want it to. I do like a good steel seat, but I'd have to have one made taller than normal. I'm sitting lower than I used to, but I'm still 6'4" plus and my legs get cramped at anything like a normal height seat and steel.