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Posted: 1 Mar 2010 9:52 pm
Do they have Carp?

Posted: 2 Mar 2010 2:43 am
White Cod. :D

Posted: 2 Mar 2010 5:21 pm
by Gary Preston
:D I had two pieces of Catfish at Cracker Barrel this evening . See you all soon . 8)

Posted: 4 Mar 2010 7:20 am

Posted: 4 Mar 2010 11:08 am
by Chris Castle
hey Gary. yet again I bring sad news this close to the jam. we arent going to be able to make it :(

i feel horrible about not being able to make it... we all love the osga jam so much and we havent been able to make it in a little while. dad got the date ixed up and double booked both of us. lol... just my luck. i feel horrible. i was really looking forward to it.

one of these days its gonna work out for us.

but i hope everyone has a good time and enjoys the great music and friendship at the osga jam :)

Posted: 4 Mar 2010 6:42 pm
by Gary Preston
:( Hi Chris . We will miss you guys for sure . Do you still have the jam schedule that i sent to you ? If not i can send it to you again . Be blessed my friend . G.P.

Posted: 7 Mar 2010 7:33 am
How did everything go yesterday? I am buried with homework from school, so that's why I wasn't able to be there. :(

A Big Thank You!

Posted: 7 Mar 2010 8:08 am
by Dick Sexton
Again I wanted to thank Gary and all the great players and support team at the O.S.G.A. jam. As before I was made to feel comfortable and welcome. I did't play up to my own standards, but it seems I don't at jams. I did learn some great stuff that I will try to incorporate into my own playing, especially that "three string, two finger" walk down exercise. I was able to show off my new Derby and also got a chance to show Gary and all, my Lever Flag Mod. I'll get Garys out to him soon. Thanks again guys, hope to see and abuse you at the next one real soon, I had a wonderful time.

"The little guy"
Dick Sexton

Posted: 7 Mar 2010 9:55 am
by Dustin Rigsby
I had a great time,as always. I don't get the chance to come to all of the jams but they are an absolute blast. I always learn something new when I go.

Posted: 7 Mar 2010 1:46 pm
by Marvin Born

You have to come to the next one. I was the only Zum there. Lots of Emmons, even a couple of black ones. I need back up.


Posted: 7 Mar 2010 9:22 pm
Had a great time. Missed Kinney. Maybe when he grows up and gets out of school he can come back.

Posted: 8 Mar 2010 5:18 am
by Rick Johnson
I want to make sure you got your
rig carried in and setup. Since
Kenny was in "time out" I worried
who would take care of you :lol: :lol:


Posted: 8 Mar 2010 6:56 am
Rick, I had to bring my son to carry it. With my knees and heart condition I can't carry much. I would like to see you at some of the jams.

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 7:05 pm
by Gary Preston
As always we have some great fun at the jams and this one was the same . We only had 8 steel players this time but they did a great job . We had Sonny Curtis , Leland Darst ,Mike Wilson , Gary Steele , Larry Cole ,Dick Sexton ,Steve Carnes ,and myself . We had Joe Weber on bass and Ed Mason on drums and Dick Mason on Rhythm guitar and singing . Marvin Born did a wonderful job doing the sound for us . Thanks to everyone for helping us out . Our next jam is April 17 th . Hope to see you there . G.P.