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Posted: 25 Dec 2002 8:00 am
by Paul Graupp
b0b: To you and yours, the very best of holidays and best wishes for more in the years to come. I treasure the Forum and thank you for keeping it a pleasant place to visit and remember where we have come from.


Regards, Paul and Lil' Caleb who is celebrating his first Christmas this year

Posted: 25 Dec 2002 9:11 am
by Larry Behm
Put me on the list of merry little well wishers. I came on the forum way back when it was just bOb and I emailing back and forth slaping backs and telling lies, LIES, oh that was a lie, oh well guess I should be better, it is Christmas. Thanks bOb.

Larry Behm

Posted: 25 Dec 2002 9:21 am
by Ken Fox
Many thanks to Bob and all the other folks who have worked so hard on this fine Forum that we all share. Happy Holidays to all you!

Posted: 29 Dec 2002 2:03 am
by Henning Kock
Yes, thanks B0b,
I read the Forum every day.
Happy New Year
Henning Kock
(pedal steel guitar, piano, keyboards, vibraphone)
Henning K. Music
111 Aarhusvej
DK-8300 Odder
phone +45 8654 2959
e-mail address:
pedal steel guitar: (information)
piano & keyboard:
and for musical instrument products wholesale (to dealers):


Posted: 29 Dec 2002 6:05 pm
by Kenny Foy
b0b, I want to THANK YOU. I sat here for here 4 years with a steel in front of me and didn't have a clue. Now mind you I still havent but I have picked up alot of knowledge and info, if I can just get it to the fingertips. I've met a lot of friends thru this forum. One CRITICAL draw back to the FORUM and that is meeting SMILEY. That is the only fault. Just kiddin Smiley. You're a trip.....or a trooper, depends on what day it is. Thank You b0b for the Forum and for the chance to meet SMILEY!--- Kenny

Posted: 30 Dec 2002 6:28 am
by Richard Gonzales
Happy New Year b0b and Thank You for having such a great Forum. This Forum is a

Posted: 1 Jan 2003 10:01 am
by Ray Montee
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you b0b and to each of your fine moderators and all Forum Members.

You've enabled me to make many new acquaintances and friends from throughout the world as well as making it possible for me to keep in touch with all of my long time friends. I've learned more from this Forum than years of music lessons could have ever made possible.

Again Thanks and may you have a very happy, safe and prosperous new year!

Posted: 1 Jan 2003 10:22 am
by Joey Ace
Happy 2K3!!!
<img align=center src="">

Posted: 1 Jan 2003 11:48 am
by Red Kilby
YES, Thanks Bob and Happy New Year to everyone from here in Pueblo, Colorado.

Posted: 1 Jan 2003 12:06 pm
by Dave Birkett
Thanks, b0b, not only for this great forum, but for providing all the great steel CDs. Happy New Year!
Dave Birkett

Posted: 1 Jan 2003 12:17 pm
by Roy Thomson
I have been here since October '97.
The Forum is Great!!!
Thanks to a great and helpfull friend .....b0b.


<A HREF=" ... abmenu.htm

Posted: 1 Jan 2003 12:20 pm
by Allen

I echo everthing everyone has already said. For a psg newcomer, this has been a great tool.
Hope to thank you in person on one of my visits to Santa Rosa/Ukiah.

May 2003 bring you all of the Happiness and Good Fortune you deserve.

Allen Harry
Emmons SD10
Mullen D-10,
Nashville 1000

Posted: 1 Jan 2003 12:29 pm
by Brandin
Thanks b0b.Here's to another great year.

Gary Brandin & The Vanduras

Posted: 1 Jan 2003 1:05 pm
by John Cadeau
Thanks Bob from British Columbia Canada. On behalf of all the steelers up here, a happy new year to you and all the members of this great forum.

Posted: 1 Jan 2003 1:46 pm
by Del Rangel
Thanks b0b and a happy New Year. Image<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Del Rangel on 01 January 2003 at 01:46 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 1 Jan 2003 4:34 pm
by Al Marcus
Happy New Year b0b.
A mighty tree grows from planting one small acorn. You did it.

And I want to thank you on behalf of all steel players both past and present.

Here's wishing you the best year Image Image Image

Posted: 1 Jan 2003 4:44 pm
by Roy Ayres

This Forum has been a true blessing for me. I was out of touch with music for about 40 years until I discovered this great place. I have reestablished contact with fellow musicians I had lost touch with many years ago and have developed some great new friendships here. Please don't ever let this Forum die.

Roy Ayres

Posted: 1 Jan 2003 5:15 pm
by Gord Cole
to b0b:
Happy New Year and Thank you!!!

Posted: 1 Jan 2003 10:16 pm
by Al Burk
Happy New Year b0b. You-da-Man.

Al Burk