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Posted: 2 Nov 2002 8:07 am
by b0b
10 AM!! I gotta get moving!

<img align=left src="" border="0"><small>               Bobby Lee</small>
-b0b-   <small> </small>
-System Administrator

Posted: 2 Nov 2002 8:38 am
by David Wright
well, I'm still in Modesto, but were getting ready, Thank's Kevin, Bill doesn't have any food there, I'll have nothing to bitch about, Rick, can't wait to see mary...!!! cool
Image roll eyes (sarcastic)

Posted: 2 Nov 2002 10:27 pm
by Bob Snelgrove

All I can say is if you missed it, you really missed it. Jay Dee was incredible and David Wright was pretty good, too Image


Posted: 2 Nov 2002 10:41 pm
by Gary Walker
Didn't go there to play but enjoyed being there. It was a rare prvilege to have Jay Dee come up from Southern CA to sit in with everyone. A incredible player and all around super guy, thanks Jay Dee and thanks Bill for hosting this gathering.

Posted: 3 Nov 2002 12:15 am
by David Biagini
A big thanks to Bill for putting on this jam. Wow, what a great bunch of players!

Posted: 3 Nov 2002 8:44 am
by Bill Llewellyn
Well there you have it folks, the second San Jose steel jam at the SHCC church facilities. It was a great time. I'd originally thought we'd see 10-12 players, so it was a bigger turnout that expected. It went very well! We had 15 steel setups going. Jay Dee is a stratospheric player, let me tell you (as if y'all didn't know). Image We also saw some hot playing from folks like David, Pat Hattic, Don McClellan, Frank Carter, b0b, and more....

Here's the list of attendees direct from the sign-up sheet. Most were players but some were non-playing visitors. (Hopefully nobody forgot to sign it. My apologies to anyone who did not sign but who I forgot to add to the list myself. As MC I get pretty distracted and I tend to lose some details! Also, names that I can't quite make out and that may have misspelled here are marked with an asterisk. My apologies to anybody whose name I garbled!)

Pat Hattic, Jaydee Maness, Rick Barber, Richard Sinkler, Jim Baron, Steve Benzian, Joe Podilla, Bob Kout, Bob Snelgrove, Bob Lee, David Wright, Tom Cooper, Gary Walker, Henry Brooks, Charles Brumm, David Biagini, John Van Horn *, Don McClellan, Larry Chung

What a great bunch! Poor Larry.... he came by at about 5pm right about the time that everybody else started spontaneously packing up to go (prior to the 8pm target ending time). He got set up just in time to pack up again. And somebody brought three dozen donuts which added to the dozen I brought, but very few got eaten so I'm afraid I had to toss the lot. Next time, I'll know better. I did benefit from a package of cookies nobody opened (they'll feed the hungry droves at my office tomorrow.) Image An nobody touched the soda cooler at all. Maybe the cool Fall weather dissuaded folks.

Somehow the event also got put on Craig's list When there were only a couple of us left a fellow walked up to have a look into the jam. He was a harmonica player who spotted the event linked on that list and wanted to check it out, but since we all finished early he missed it--this time, anyway.

I should have photos from this session online pretty soon. I also plan on another jam 3-4 months down the road. Keep you eye on Events And Announcements.

<font size=-1>Bill L | My steel page | Email | My music | Steeler birthdays | Over 50?</font><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Bill Llewellyn on 21 November 2002 at 11:54 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 3 Nov 2002 9:46 am
by Bobby Lee
<SMALL>Somehow the event also got put on Craig's list...</SMALL>
Uh-oh. Too much publicity. This time we attracted a harmonica player. I hope the b@nj0 players don't hear about the next one.

In addition to what has already been said, I'd like to add that it was treat to jam with Don McClellan from Hawaii. Don really has that Hawaiian 'lilt' in his right hand, and his advanced chord knowledge pushed the limit on a few tunes.

Larry Chung showed up late with his 11 string ZB. I sat down at it - it plays really nice. What a gorgeous antique!

<small><img align=right src="" width="64" height="64">Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs
Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (Emaj9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (F Diatonic), Sierra Laptop 8 (D13), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6), Roland Handsonic

Posted: 3 Nov 2002 1:22 pm
by Richard Sinkler
I too had a very good time. It was nice seeing Don McClellan again. And Jay Dee, what can I say?

Bill, next time put the donuts and cokes in the middle of the circle. You know us steel players, if we don't trip over it, we forget it's there. Thanks again for carrying on with the jams when I lost my place to hold them. You're doing a great job. Can't wait until the next one. By the way, you are sounding pretty good.

Carter D10 9p/10k
Richard Sinkler

Posted: 3 Nov 2002 6:29 pm
by Bill Llewellyn
Bob, I already had one guitar player ask if he could join the troupe and I gracefully deflected the request. I want to keep it steel (pedal, non-pedal, etc). I've heard how it can get crazy if assorted instruments get in, apart perhaps from a contained rhythm section (BIAB covers that pretty well).

Richard, even with your wrist problems you played great. I remember walking up the outside stairs after having been out of the room for a spell and hearing somebody playing some very smooth licks with really nice tone and it turned out to be you. Cool. Keep up the good work. (Hey, wait a minute. Aren't you and I in competition for the Worst Player In The World title? Whatever happened to that?)

I enjoy hosting these events. So far, everything has gone very smoothly, and I hope the trend holds. It is a real kick to see so many people having such a good time.

Posted: 3 Nov 2002 6:56 pm
by Larry Chung
Thanks, Bill, for hosting, and to everyone else at the jam for the nice thoughts - my day was "late" from the minute I rolled out of bed. I was lucky enough to walk into the jam just as J.D. was taking a ride - I felt that chill up my spine. Was worth it, even if I was late! And he was gracious enough to sign my copy of "Sweethearts of the Rodeo" . . . a real gentleman and a great player.

And I'm delighted by all the nice compliments about my ZB guitar - it's never sounded better!!! Next time, maybe I'll be able to "deflect" some of those compliments . . . bOb - you sounded just fine on it. I keep telling myself those notes are in there somewhere.

Just FYI - if you haven't seen my post in "Pedal Steel", Operation ZB is still moving forward. Please let me know if you own, have owned, or know someone who owns or has owned a ZB guitar. I'm getting the facts together for what I hope will be a steel guitar resource.


Larry Chung
ZB D-10 8+4; ZB Custom S-11 4+4; ZB Student Model 3+1 Yeeeeahhh, Bay-Bee.

Posted: 3 Nov 2002 10:19 pm
by Rick Barber
Thanks for hosting Bill. I had fun.

Rick Barber

Posted: 5 Nov 2002 1:43 pm
by Richard Sinkler
Yeah Bill, I still think I hold the title of "Worst Steel Guitar Player In The World". You are coming along real good on your playing. I was very impressed.

Carter D10 9p/10k
Richard Sinkler

Posted: 5 Nov 2002 6:12 pm
by Bob Snelgrove

I talked to my old friend Bobby Black today and he sounded a little disappointed that he didn't hear about the jam. Let me know when you have a firm date for the next one and I'll bet we can have another legend there Image



Posted: 5 Nov 2002 7:42 pm
by Bill Llewellyn
Bob, please let Bobby know that if feels comfortable sending me his email address (some of the better known players prefer to stay "unlisted"), I'll be sure to add him to my jam mailing list. I'm at . I'd love to see him attend! If he'd rather not divulge his address, either he or you can watch here in Events And Announcements where I post jam notices (as well as emailing all previous attendees). Thanks!

Posted: 5 Nov 2002 8:01 pm
by Richard Sinkler
To the best of my knowledge, Bobby doesn't have a computer. I lost his phone number or I would have tried to contact him.

Carter D10 9p/10k
Richard Sinkler

Posted: 5 Nov 2002 9:07 pm
by Bob Snelgrove
Bobby doesn't do computers Image

I'll let him know as soon as there is a firm date.
