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Posted: 30 Aug 2002 7:46 am
by Ray Jenkins
Hap, I jumped the gun on my e-mail I just sent you.Should have checked the Forum first.
Looking forward to seeing you,Ron,Gary Black and Bud and Geri.Be sure and bring them.

Steeling is still legal in Arizona

Posted: 3 Sep 2002 7:28 am
by Ray Jenkins
O.K.Guys and gals,everything is a go for the meeting-jam to be here at the college.All I need is a for sure who and how many will be here.I need to set the room up accordingly,chords,tables chairs ect.Post it here or e-mail me,Billy Easton or Bob Allen.Thanks for your support so we can make it run smooth as possible.

Steeling is still legal in Arizona

Posted: 4 Sep 2002 10:55 am
I'm Playing out of town that week, but i am coming back for this. I may have to plug into one of your amps, Ray, If thats okay.
I haven't showed anybody how bad i play in a long time so hold your ears.

should be a great time.

"Asleep at the steel"

Posted: 5 Sep 2002 5:45 pm
There's just a few weeks to go. so let's keep spreadin' the word. I want to hear some steel playin' i'm real tired of hearing my self, ( so is my band).
you'll come

"Asleep at the steel"

Posted: 10 Sep 2002 8:29 am
Why is this so far down on the list, let's bump it up.

Posted: 15 Sep 2002 12:10 pm
by Billy Easton
Don't forget this date, time is drawing near, and if you miss this one, you will wish you hadn't!! Lots of pickers have promised to be there, along with several listeners, lookers, and a swap meet, stories, good times, lies, and things associated with steel guitar and steel pickers!!! See you there!!

Billy Easton
Casa Grande, AZ
Where the Sun Always Shines

Posted: 15 Sep 2002 8:54 pm
by Danny Stinnett
Hey I wanna come!! This sounds like a lot of fun. I am still trying to get my work schedule figured out. C Ya'll Danny

Posted: 16 Sep 2002 6:31 am
by Ray Jenkins
Come in a little before 10:00A.M.,Dixie's fixing her worlds famous biscuits and gravy and scrambled eggs,free(well there not world famous yet,maybe after this).Bring your own hamberger meat or hot dogs,I will furnish the school grill for cooking,also bring what you want to put on them.Pop machines are on the campus also.
Mike Smith is going to present us with a 30-45 along with his drummer,this I will be looking forward too,Thank you Mike.
Just everyone plan on a really fun day.Please keep in mind this is only our second time doing this.Please feel free to make suggestions for our next one to make it even better.I also plan on a short meeting among all interested in joining.Not long enough to interfear with our playing.Our beloved Band In The Box Guru,Big Jim Baron and his lovely bride will be here also.Thank you Jim.Babbled long enough,see you guys and gals Sept.28th.

Steeling is still legal in Arizona
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ray Jenkins on 16 September 2002 at 08:26 AM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ray Jenkins on 17 September 2002 at 12:37 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 17 Sep 2002 11:39 am
by Ray Jenkins
Let's crank it up higher. Image

Steeling is still legal in Arizona

Posted: 18 Sep 2002 5:10 pm
Do you think Mike would mind if we recorded his program, i would like to at least get pictures of all these steelers in one place. I can't wait to set down and play some REAL music

"Asleep at the steel"

Posted: 19 Sep 2002 6:00 am
by Ray Jenkins
The question about recording Mike's show has come up before,all I can say is, if Mike reads this he would be the one to answer.We will not infringe on his musical rights unless he approves recording.Ray

Steeling is still legal in Arizona
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ray Jenkins on 19 September 2002 at 07:05 AM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ray Jenkins on 19 September 2002 at 08:14 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 19 Sep 2002 7:04 am
by Miguel e Smith
Hey guys,

Recording anything I do is ok with me so long as it's for personal use and not sold and/or shared widespread (i.e.; MP3's on the internet).

Many years ago, I did a steel event at a music store (their first event). I knew they were taping everyone but since they had not mentioned anything about it, I assumed it was just for keeping a record of what they hoped would be an annual situation. Months later I started getting mail from people who were not happy with the quality of my new project (what new project?). Anyhow, the store was selling cassettes of my performance and never told me or asked me anything about it. I did get a copy of the recording and it was extremely poor quality...lot of hiss, bad mix...etc. Of course, beyond the lack of quality, there was a distinct issue of legality which was resolved quickly. Refunds were made and the tapes were pulled from the market. A friend told me I should be honored to have reached a level that I was now being bootlegged. : )

Anyhow...go for it responsibly. I look forward to meeting, making and hearing new friends. Thanks to Ray, Billy, Troy and anyone else I may be accidentally leaving out for organizing the event. I'm sure it'll be fun.

Mike S.

Posted: 20 Sep 2002 6:19 am
by Ray Jenkins
Billy Easton has just had September 28th 2002 declared a "Steel Guitarist" holiday.You have the day off and don't have to be anywhere else except the "JAM"
He went to the Eloy Az. courthouse,found the janitor,had him sign and seal the proclmation with the "City of Eloy"stamp which makes it an official document.Sooo we will see all steel players Sat 28th at the "JAM" Image Image ImageRay

(what a sneaky way for a bump to the top)

Steeling is still legal in Arizona

Posted: 21 Sep 2002 8:41 am
by ed packard
Pop to top

Posted: 22 Sep 2002 12:14 pm
by Hap Young
Bring money, I got a guitar to sell. See you all at the jam.

Posted: 22 Sep 2002 7:32 pm
by Craig Mann
Just got in off the road, heard about this jam from my friend Karen. Proud of you guys and gals for getting the momentum up to a fevered pitch. I'll be down from Prescott to see you hot shots.
Holler if there is anything I can do to help. Break a leg!
Craig Mann

Posted: 23 Sep 2002 1:43 pm
by Hap Young
Bump this up^^
Just a few more days.

Posted: 24 Sep 2002 12:03 pm
by Ken Frazier
Ken Frazier

Posted: 24 Sep 2002 4:20 pm
I just wanted to know how many are comin' to the jam. Just wanted to know.

"Asleep at the steel"

Posted: 25 Sep 2002 5:03 am
by Ray Jenkins
<SMALL>I just wanted to know how many are comin' to the jam</SMALL>
Well Mr. "PUDDIN",The count right now with my latest e-mails is beteween 45-55 people
,pickers and non pickers. Image Image ImageRay

Steeling is still legal in Arizona
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Ray Jenkins on 25 September 2002 at 06:04 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 26 Sep 2002 5:48 am
by Ray Jenkins
Mama and Papa Pooh-Bear Baron are probaly getting ready to head down here too az.We all pray you have a safe and trouble free trip.Really looking forward to seeing you.

Steeling is still legal in Arizona

Posted: 26 Sep 2002 1:03 pm
by Bob Carlson
It's about as far from Surprise as it is for Gary to come from Calf., but i'll be there part of the day anyway.

Just to listen. Looks like you already have enough steels for one room.


Posted: 26 Sep 2002 2:56 pm
Only two more day!!!!
can't wait

"Asleep at the steel"

Posted: 27 Sep 2002 11:08 pm
by Kermit Lee
What time does the swapmeet start?

Posted: 28 Sep 2002 5:20 am
by Ray Jenkins
The Swap meet will most likely be an all day thing.

Steeling is still legal in Arizona