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Posted: 24 Nov 2009 11:39 am
by Ray Jenkins
Well,it w as a fun day, thank you soo much too Denny Sarver,the most super Bass player ever,Ron Corbin,class"A" drummer and Gerald Daniels covering some great lead guitar.All the steel players.Fred Justice,"The Judge",Arylene Seydel,Hank Rogers,Charlie Brown and Bill Schmidt.Thank you Mike I know you tried your best to be there but work has got first choice.Really enjoyed what you did when you sat at my guitar.Mr.Ray Harrison you old crooner you,you had all the girls on the edge of thier chairs.Thank you so much for making the long trip,Of course a special thanks too all the ladies and thier delicious eats.Dixie says thanks for all the help.
Joe's always good too see you,really glad to see how well you are geting along after your operation.See you all next year.
Ray and Dixie