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Posted: 6 Sep 2009 12:43 pm
by Johnny Thomasson
Your guess would be wrong. I'm not a smoker. Of anything. So... since this is the Steel Guitar Forum and not the Smokers Forum, what does any of this have to do with Steel Guitar?

Posted: 6 Sep 2009 12:59 pm
by Bill Hankey

What's with the fiddle? I like the curly maple back. I'm still wondering if I would be better suited to the fiddle, rather that the steel guitar. Thanks for not smoking...

Posted: 6 Sep 2009 3:50 pm
by Johnny Thomasson
I've played fiddle for 36 years. Steel guitar for 5.

Well, at least we're taking a slight turn toward steel guitar now. :arrow: :)

Posted: 7 Sep 2009 3:45 am
by Bill Hankey

Absorbability is the bottom line here in our exchanges. We can get into the more critical areas of undertaking to play pedal steel guitars. Please remain fixed in this desire to play the steel. We can exchange ideas quite readily if you would like. It's unavoidable to make lots of progress in the early stages of learning to play. It's always a tricky business "assuming" this or that, as I did with your no smoking policy. I know that a person who has been playing steel for 5 years may have advanced to a level of playing that is very commendable. On the average, a mere 5 years goes by rather quickly, and learning technical matters will absorb that short period of time rather quickly before the realization hits, that steel guitar studies can do this better than most musical activities. If I could inquire how far along you consider yourself to be on the C6th, E9th, or other tunings, I would appreciate a discussion relative to those issues.

Posted: 7 Sep 2009 4:30 am
by Bill Hankey
Bo Legg,

I tried to explain to a worker who was prone to horsing around on the "job" of common labor. I really got his attention when I couldn't resist telling him, you are not here for a walk down memory lane, you are getting paid by the hour. He had his coffee break and still wanted the company to absorb the time it takes to goof-off before getting back to handling hand tools.

Posted: 7 Sep 2009 4:38 pm
by Asa Brosius
Last month, at my 4th paying PSG gig to date, the 6 piece band (psg, bass, resonator uke, tenor banjo, fiddle and guitar) miraculously finished 'Lovesick Blues' simultaneously. I immediately reached up to high-five the fiddle player, catching the wrist buttons of my right arm on the first few strings. Pow. Volume pedal all the way down. A great way to effectively kill applause.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 1:05 am
by Bo Legg
Hey! Company "absorb this"


Posted: 8 Sep 2009 2:44 am
by Bill Hankey

Setting precedences by catching the outer treble strings with sleeve buttons could be close - but no cigar in the many unusual events that occur on stages. I immediately wondered if the string snapped at the moment of getting hooked by your button. It's a definite classic moment of klutziness. Have you met Jerry Fessenden, the builder of fine steel guitars? There are several players of the pedal steel from the state of Vermont who helped to celebrate MASSBASHES, that were held yearly for over 20 years. One of my dreams that has faded ever so slightly, was to bring the steel guitar into thoughts of rhythmic musicians, and fans of pleasing musical sounds, who are not aware a silly iota of its presence. Of course, I'm aware that the steel guitar will come into its own. It's a sure bet that it will capture the interest of innumerable musicians in this new century.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 3:01 am
by Chris Schlotzhauer
Johnny, in case you haven't noticed, none of BH's threads are about steel guitar. At least they don't wind up that way.
He comes up with these ridiculous topics to only to exercise his language "skills" to impress others.
He never contributes to other threads, and why should he? His threads always attract a lot of responses.
It's a classic definition of a troll.
But it's b0b's forum and BH gets a pass. I guess for the ratings.
Kind of like Keith Olbermann

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 7:06 am
by Tommy Shown
Chris, Bill has had a couple of decent threads, that have not strayed off of the topic.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 7:25 am
by Bill Hankey

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 7:57 am
by Bill Hankey

Thanks for the support. Can you think of anything more disturbing than to be pegged as such? That is like a person who gives a birthday present, and then tells them what's in it. Or if he looks like a person you could turn upside down, and use him as an eraser, it's a much bigger problem. The truth is thusly: It's difficult to measure the capabilities of musicians by general appearances. It becomes more difficult if they refuse to communicate. Go back in the threads and they will reveal who is trying to communicate with the best in the business. I've suffered some embarrassments in doing so, but accepting those setbacks have made me a better person. Verbal abuses linger for very short time spans, or as long as it takes to move on.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 8:53 am
by Stuart Legg
It never fails every time Bill posts a topic and we get a week into it, someone has to start talking about Steel Guitar.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 9:30 am
by Bill Hankey

Anyone who has been in my company knows that I'm not into using bad language, drinking concentrated alcohol, smoking, or spending a lot of time with those whose information is not reliable. I will confer with steel players the moment I receive a reason to do so. Reasons are quite specific. Exaggeration is primarily an issue by way of cluttering klutzy comments with additional reproachful buffoonery.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 11:09 am
by Charles Davidson
Bill, you sure would'nt want to be around me,I smoke like a Birmingham steel mill,[what this has to do with being a klutz on the steel escapes me]I'm 70 and have been smoking 55 years,Three doctors that told me smoking would kill me,are ALL gone,I have been in music since my teens playing those smokey tonks,I have NEVER drank,not even beer or did ANY drugs[most of my peers did].Today people that do smoke are treated like monsters,but hear VERY little about the drunks that murder thousands of innocent people every year. This past year the political correct police banned smoking in clubs in our little town,did'nt last long. several of the clubs almost had to close,the city saw how much tax money they were losing and reversed that law,[it's all about money] Gotta go now and get a cup of coffee and LIGHT one up. YOU BETCHA, DYK?BC.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 11:33 am
by Barry Blackwood
But it's b0b's forum and BH gets a pass. I guess for the ratings.
Kind of like Keith Olbermann
Or Bill O'Reilly ....

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 12:07 pm
by Stuart Legg
Bill O'Reilly has to shovel through a barn full of government bull crap only to find out there is no pony in there. In what way are these topics different.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 1:46 pm
by Bill Hankey

There isn't any reason to believe that b0b has given me preferential treatment. The truth of the matter is that those egg shells are beneath my sneakers whenever I write. It has been noted that b0b tolerates very little nonsense.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 3:01 pm
by Tommy Shown
I have always respected you, Bill. Even though there have been times that we disagree on certain things. I still repect you as a person.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 3:20 pm
by Charles Davidson
Stuart,how did Bill Oreilly[The ONLY man on TV tells the truth] compared to the slugs on MSNBC,Have to do with steel guitar,is it to just get a cheap shot in. YOU BETCHA, DYK?BC.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 3:37 pm
by Archie Nicol
I can't be arsed reading the whole thread, nor Googling it, so can somebody tell what `klutzy` means?


Posted: 8 Sep 2009 4:12 pm
by Barry Blackwood
Arch, this thread is klutzy.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 4:18 pm
by Barry Blackwood
Bill O'Reilly has to shovel through a barn full of government bull crap only to find out there is no pony in there.
Stuart, if Bill O'Reilly is shoveling crap, it's only his own that he's trying to dig himself out of. Go ahead, b0b, this thread is already two pages too long.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 7:13 pm
by Charles Davidson
If Bill wanted to shovel crap he would move over to MSNBC. Over there enough manure is spread EVERY night to last a life time.YOU BETCHA, DYK?BC.

Posted: 8 Sep 2009 7:18 pm
by Larry Bressington
Bill, When you gonna go to a loud honkytonk, get plastered on a bottle o canadian club, get wild, slam beer bottles down, get in some schmock's face,hit on a good looking 300 lbs der, and go home, and get laid by a fat chick ????? So lets just cut the crap right here and now, you need to get laid and drunk and loosen up! Hopefully these stupid threads will stop AND YOU WILL BE PRE OCUPIED WITH OTHER FACTS OF LIFE
Shoooo, the lord wont know, It's not a sin , so loosen up, fat chicks ain't all that bad brother, just dont give her a 'backie' on the moped !!
Shooo, i wont tell!!!
Anybody else out there know the rules??? :D :D :D :D