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Posted: 6 Aug 2009 12:09 pm
by Tommy Shown
Mickey that is really descent of you to give something back to the steel guitar community, for all you do.
May God richly bless you
Tommy Shown

Posted: 6 Aug 2009 1:46 pm
by richard burton
A very noble gesture, but methinks fraught with difficulty.

You will have several sleepless nights trying to decide who will get the steel, as there will undoubtedly be quite a few equally deserving cases.

Please make sure that whoever gets it has musical aptitude, as it would be an absolute tragedy for it to end up in the hands of someone who later discovers that they can't handle the complexities of a pedal steel guitar, and it ends up under the bed.

Posted: 7 Aug 2009 6:38 am
by Richard Damron
It's obvious that Richard Burton did not intend to complicate your process, Mickey, but his note is worthy of consideration. Another investigative avenue worth persuing. I'd hate to think that your graciousness, in the end, would be for naught. It would not be out of line for you to press those who are doing the nominating for as much information as possible. Godspeed, young man, for 'tis an admirable endeavor.


Posted: 7 Aug 2009 7:44 am
by Mickey Adams
Sleepless nights, maybe... Ill just stay awake and post youtube videos with my steel guitar, and turn that into something useful too..Right?..Theres always a dark side to everything...If you choose to look for it..However, in this case I will take "Door #1"..

Posted: 7 Aug 2009 7:55 am
by Shane Glover
Way to go Mickey !! Think positive !!

Posted: 7 Aug 2009 10:05 am
by Chuck Huffman
Guys like you are the reason I joined this forum. Keep up the good work.


Posted: 12 Aug 2009 3:18 pm
by David Hartley
I hope this goes to someone well deserved. I just wish I kept an email I recived a few months ago, It was someones daughter asking how to obtain a steel for her father. I wont go into details, but he would have made a great candidate for this guitar. If by any chance, this person sees this, drop Mickey an email.

Hey? I'll have you G2 when you give it away Mickey A.

I have a good reason for needing it, I need to learn the C7th! :D

See you soon.


Posted: 12 Aug 2009 4:17 pm
by Don McClellan
A few years ago I started a thread called something like "steel guitar collections stink". My point at the time was that I felt it wasn't right for someone to own 15 to 25 steel guitars, most of which stay in their cases at all times, while so many other not so wealthy pickers would love to own them AND PLAY THEM! I believe I even suggested giving them away. I was nearly lynched by a very angry steel forum mob. If I could figure out how to use the search feature I'd post the link to that thread.
Good for you Mickey.

Posted: 12 Aug 2009 9:08 pm
by Don McClellan

Posted: 20 Aug 2009 6:29 am
by Tommy Shown
Mickey do you have you announced the drawing yet?
Tommy Shown

Flipper Of The Year

Posted: 20 Aug 2009 7:10 am
by Randy Gilliam
Mickey , Calvin Has Nominated me for Flipper Of The year so I Guess I Am disqualifed! I Hope it goes To someone who will take the time and learn how to Play it,Mickey You da Man. Randy Gilliam! :D

Posted: 20 Aug 2009 10:41 am
by Calvin Walley

i have never met you, but i am proud to know you thru you the forum , you offset some of the greed i see so much of here

Posted: 20 Aug 2009 12:04 pm
by Trevor Fagan
Mickey, You are to be truly commended for this fine, noble gesture. Again, you are indeed an excellent example for the rest of us to follow. This is really what the steel guitar community is all about... folks united by the love of this wonderful instrument, and our desire to share our love of this wonderful instrument with others. Well done Mick !

1st Class Mickey

Posted: 25 Aug 2009 2:46 pm
by Larry Waisner
You are 1st Class All The Way!!!!

I am patiently waiting to buy you that cup of coffee in Toas my friend. And Thanks for being a wondeful friend.
Best Regards,
Larry Waisner

Posted: 26 Aug 2009 8:51 pm
by Sam Edwards
Way to go Mick! One of the best gifts a person can give is when you give of yourself and you have done that so well by sharing your knowledge and expertise with the entire steel community on your U-Tube videos. The steel, amp, and other gear you are giving away is just another wonderful example of your generosity. May God continue to shine his face upon you. Lets go fly!


Posted: 30 Aug 2009 5:09 am
by Red Kilby
WOW Mickey, what a great and kind gesture on your part.

This is such a great idea, and like some of the other posts have said I hope this Jackson BlackJack and complete setup goes to just the right person, that will indeed PLAY IT.

For all you folks that might not know Mickey, believe me he is GENUINE, and the REAL DEAL.

Make sure you stop by the Mullen Room, and say Hi to Mickey and the rest of the Mullen Gang.

I am proud to call you my friend, see ya in a few days.

P.S. Can't wait to sing a song or 2 with you.