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Posted: 6 Jun 2009 10:09 am
by GaryHoetker
Buddy, you and your family are in my prayers. Thanks for bringing much, much enjoyment to your legions of admirers. We are all pulling for your complete recovery. God Bless !!

Posted: 6 Jun 2009 12:58 pm
by John Davis
Buddy my thoughts are with you, best wishes from the UK........

Posted: 6 Jun 2009 8:09 pm
by Jody Sanders
Hi Buddy, hang in there. Thanks so much for the great pickin' you have given us over the years and you have been an inspiration to all of us. You are in my prayers for full recovery from your illness. Love ya'll, Jody.

Posted: 6 Jun 2009 11:46 pm
by Walter Stettner
I'm praying that this will come to a good end!

Best wishes from the other side of this planet!

Kind Regards, Walter

Posted: 7 Jun 2009 3:28 pm
by Roger Edgington
Buddy has been one of my very favorites since I saw him in the early 60s with ET. Buddy has a style and touch unlike any other. I was lucky enough to own one of his old Sho-Buds in the early 70s. I pray for a full recovery.

Posted: 7 Jun 2009 6:09 pm
by Jay Dee Maness
Buddy, please, please, get well soon.

Posted: 7 Jun 2009 6:55 pm
by Craig A Davidson
Buddy and Kay Lee our prayers are with you here in Wisconsin.


Posted: 7 Jun 2009 7:27 pm
by Buck Grantham
Buddy , our prayers go out to you and we pray for a full recovery for you. I guess you know that you are one of the most admired steel players in the world.... Love,, Buck & Mitzi Grantham in Louisiana

Posted: 7 Jun 2009 8:03 pm
by Eric West
I've been trying all day to come up with words.

I remember what playing my gig did for me last night, like thousands before.

Many of them, and especially the ones this last year have saved my life MANY times over.

ALL of them I owe to Buddy Lee Charleton, who infected me with my love for playing the instrument live thirty years ago.

His steely kindness, and his inner zeal of playing his music has affected me and others more than he will ever know.

The only thing that might have surpassed that zeal for playing might be the zeal he has had for TEACHING.

In that, he has multiplied this instrument and "our thing" I think more than almost anybody else.

I can see it just like it was five minutes ago.

Typically, I was sweating like Michael Vicks at a PETA convention..

He'd slip off his picks, set the bar on end on the old worn out ProIII in the back room of Oxon Hill Music, cross his legs under his chair, cock his head sideways slightly, and with the kindest look, ask me "are you all right..?"

Of course I never was, until I could get the things he taught me to the point of being able to get his approval of them. That has lasted for thirty years, give or take.

The best moments of my life happened playing steel with the zeal he sold me for 20$/hr those Saturday Afternoons so many years ago.

If you are reading this Buddy or KayLee, the darkest of times in my life were made liveable because of what I was taught in the back of Leo Kellar's music store.

God, please do for Buddy in his challenge what you have done for me.

I know tears are God's way of cleansing, but I can't stop right at this moment, nor do I want to for a time tonight.

Buddy, I thank you with all my heart so very much, and hope you know how much those of us that are facing similar challenges are with you in spirit, and with our prayers.

I know the feeling of rather being ate by a grizzly bear sometimes, but it seems there ain't enough of 'em to go around..

I thought "remission" would be more satisfying.

I just go to work, and if I live through the week on a rough job, I get to play another gig, and see you there in front of me with that "kindly worried look"...

And I pray so many times a day, and now for you too.

Your Grateful Student.

Eric J Lundgren. AKA Eric West.

Posted: 8 Jun 2009 12:38 am
by Cameron Tilbury
Pass along our thoughts and get-well wishes too!

Posted: 8 Jun 2009 3:35 am
by Jeff Agnew
Thank you for posting this, Wanda. My best to you and Billy.

And to Buddy and Kay, my dear friends for over thirty years, may God grant you strength and courage as you journey through this ordeal. You are loved.

Posted: 8 Jun 2009 4:39 am
by John McGlothlin
Thank you Wanda for posting this...our prayers go out to Buddy and his wife. May God Bless.

Posted: 8 Jun 2009 5:12 am
by John Heinrich
Hey Buddy...keep your head and your family are in my prayers!


Posted: 8 Jun 2009 7:18 am
by CrowBear Schmitt
Sorry to read about Buddy's condition
my prayers & best wishes accompany him & Kay

Posted: 8 Jun 2009 9:04 am
by Clyde Mattocks
A lot of people are pulling for you, Buddy. The
messages here are just the tip of the iceberg of the people you've touched. Add my prayers.

Posted: 8 Jun 2009 10:36 am
by Dave Giegerich
Get well soon Buddy, our thoughts are with you and Kay. Thanks for posting this Wanda.

Posted: 8 Jun 2009 12:17 pm
by Chuck S. Lettes
Wanda,please tell Buddy that he is in my thoughts and prayers. He is one of my steel guitar heroes.

Posted: 8 Jun 2009 1:06 pm
by Rudy Hawk
Wanda, thank you for the post.

We go back about 35 yrs. my friend. You and Kay are in our daily prayers to our Creator. As previously mentioned, He is the Great Healer. We love you both.

Rudy and Barbara

For Buddy: Hope is in his Hands

Posted: 8 Jun 2009 1:28 pm
by Billy Woo
Hello Buddy

You and I are from the same area, I was born and raised in Washington D.C. and met you later in my life even had my Dad take me out to your house for lessons and you were gracious enough to pose with me and my pop anyway I send you prayers and wish you well with this time in your life also special regards to your wife. I'll never forget those LeGrandes that you had at your studio. God Bless and Get Well.

Billy Woo aka
Bronco Billy

Posted: 8 Jun 2009 6:34 pm
by Tommy Shown
I am shocked, to say the least to hear about this. Buddy is truly one of the greats. But I know The Great Physician will give the doctors the wisdom and the power to heal him. I do not know Buddy personally, however I will pray for him and ask the Great Physician to cast out that cancer that has gotten in him. IMHO the greatest healer is God.
Tommy Shown

Buddy Is Now In The Hands Of The Master

Posted: 8 Jun 2009 6:50 pm
by Bernie Gonyea
:cry: :D

Wanda ; thank you so much for letting us know about this sad news, but I am convinced that our precious lord will be with buddy every step of the way; and our deepest prayers be with Buddy and his dear wife; we are asking for a complete recovery for our good friend and his family; in the Lord's name , we pray..Bernie :) :(


Posted: 8 Jun 2009 8:59 pm
by pdl20
Buddy and His Family will be In Our Prayers ,Thanks Buddy for all the years of great steel guitar you have given us and we look forward to many more.

Posted: 8 Jun 2009 9:27 pm
by Bob Hoffnar
Feel better soon. Count me in with all the people that care for you.

Thanks so much, Bob

Posted: 8 Jun 2009 10:29 pm
by Skip Cole
My prayers are also for God to give Buddy a speedy recovery and for His comfort and peace to be with family and friends , in Christ's name.


Posted: 9 Jun 2009 2:25 am
by A. J. Schobert
Wanda I will send you you my prayers!!!