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Posted: 1 Feb 2009 5:38 am
by Roy McKinney
Well, I am 75 and retired in 1989. I traveled and lived out of a suit-case for over 15 years working combat weapons systems on US Navy ships. Don't miss it all. Most of what I seen was open ocean and the inside of a plane. Did get to visit Greece, Italy, Japan, Phillipines and a lot of the old US and other places frequently. Now I live 65 miles from town in the mountains and love every bit of it.

Posted: 1 Feb 2009 7:30 am
by Jack Stoner
I retired Sept 30, 1996 and moved from Kansas City (MO) to New Port Richey, Florida in November 96 and joined all the other retirees. The first couple of months I though about going back to work, and I emphasize "thought" about it. But then I also though about the fact that if I went back to work I couldn't go fishing or "beach observing" 8) whenever I wanted to. :lol:

Retirement has been good for my music playing as I've played more that I ever did when I was working or even had a chance to do when I was working.


Posted: 1 Feb 2009 7:36 am
by Don Discher
Retired in 1998 after 30 years with our local police dept.So now it's music from Sept. to May and golfing and camping from May to Sept., just doesn't get any better than that.Oh and I forgot to wife is still working ! !!!!!!!

Posted: 1 Feb 2009 2:25 pm
by Dennis Saydak
I'll take retirement anytime over trying to be the richest person in the cemetary. My wife and I were self employed (together) for over a decade before we both retired early. Don't any of you go fishing once in a while? It's the next best thing to making music.