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Re: Top 10 highest-grossing tour of 2008

Posted: 9 Jan 2009 3:16 pm
by b0b
Judson Bertoch wrote:Top 10 highest-grossing tour of 2008 in North America:

Madonna - $105 million
Madonna's been grossing me out for a long, long time. :\

Posted: 10 Jan 2009 3:31 am
by Stephen Gambrell
Dave Mudgett wrote:Interesting that the only current artists on that list are modern country - Chesney and Rascal Flatts.

By "current" artists, I mean artists who are not from an earlier musical era. In other words, all the other 8 are basically "oldies" shows - their heyday was 20 years ago or earlier.
First time I saw the Eagles, with Poco opening, the tickets were about 6 or 8 bucks. Last I heard, they were WAAAAY over a hundred. Might have something to do with it...

Posted: 10 Jan 2009 6:43 am
by Joe Casey
A friend of mine just paid 250.00 a ticket for 6 seats for the Eagles concert at the Ice Pallace in Tampa. Then he sold four of them for 400.00 bucks apiece..PT barnum was right. :lol: But I heard some tix are going for double that....I wouldn't pay that to Elvis if he rose up to make a comeback. :oops: :cry: :? :( :)

Posted: 10 Jan 2009 9:40 am
by b0b
Dave Mudgett wrote:Interesting that the only current artists on that list are modern country - Chesney and Rascal Flatts.

By "current" artists, I mean artists who are not from an earlier musical era. In other words, all the other 8 are basically "oldies" shows - their heyday was 20 years ago or earlier.
Celine Dion is the same age as Kenny Chesney. They were both born in 1968, and both became popular in the 1990's. Why do you consider her an "oldies" performer, but not him?

Re: Top 10 highest-grossing tour of 2008

Posted: 10 Jan 2009 12:39 pm
by Leslie Ehrlich
Judson Bertoch wrote:Madonna - $105 million
Whenever anyone mentions her I think about all that I hated about the 1980s

Music: Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Boy George

Politics: Neo-conservatism, the Moral Majority, the Second Cold War

Business: Yuppies, the Greed Decade, the Savings & Loan crisis, Michael Milken and his junk bonds

Posted: 10 Jan 2009 12:44 pm
by Barry Blackwood
I think about all that was wrong with the 1980s
Seems like a cakewalk compared to all that is wrong now .... :aside:

Posted: 10 Jan 2009 12:56 pm
by b0b
No politics, please. :x

Posted: 11 Jan 2009 9:59 am
by Dave Mudgett
Celine Dion is the same age as Kenny Chesney. They were both born in 1968, and both became popular in the 1990's. Why do you consider her an "oldies" performer, but not him?
Celine's first album was in 1992 and main popularity period shortly thereafter. She retired in the late 90s, and the mid-2000's on are, to my view, a comeback more or less commercially comparable to Elvis.

Kenny had records back to '93, but didn't really break through significantly till the late 90s, and has been commercially dominant ever since.

I agree that factually Celine's main period wasn't quite 20 years ago. But I still consider her recent work mainly retrospective - lots of Vegas shows and so on. I guess cycle times are tightening up.

Still, to me, this is in contrast to Kenny, who has really led the recent wave of modern country music for a while now.

That's just my view of it. I was hoping Celine would stay retired. Just my opinion.