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Posted: 12 Dec 2008 7:57 pm
by Sandy Inglis
Hi Stephanie
I started out on an S10 only because it was all I could find. After playing for 1 year, I am coming to grips (excuse the pun) with E9 and have finally found a D10 which I'll get next March. I can't wait to get on to it and I'm already collecting tabs for C6. I wished I'd had a D10 to start with although I'd probably have not learned as much E9 by now as I'd have wanted to learn both. IMO you should get a D10 but start on E9 to learn the basics, then develope the C6.

D 10

Posted: 13 Dec 2008 8:10 am
by Rick Winfield
My 1st pro model was an old Marlen D10 "pull release
I wanted to upgrade to a more modern mechanism, so I sold it, and found out I could only afford a S10DB,
E9th. (Beauty of an axe, BTW)
At the time, I didn't realize how much fun I had playing with the C6 neck. Sure do miss it. I try to pick a "faux C6", but something is missing.
when I get "more experience" & "more money", I going for a "modern" D10.
Like a lot of other guys on the forum, I find I need more than one steel!
How do I tell my wife ? :)

Posted: 13 Dec 2008 3:19 pm
by Duncan Hodge

Posted: 13 Dec 2008 3:54 pm
by Jeremy Threlfall
Go the whole hog!
