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Posted: 6 Dec 2008 7:23 pm
by Mike Wilson
WOW,what a turnout. I want to thank everyone that helped me unload and setup and then reload my equipment. Sharron says thank you also. It sure is rough not being able to do anything due to the back surgery. I really had a great time today. The guy (can't remember his name, sorry)Wilson was his first name I think, that played the Sierra lap steel just played the heck out of that thing. Some of the best playin I've ever heard on a lap steel. If you closed your eyes you would have thought it was a pedal steel. Great job. Great jam Gary. Great seeing everyone there. Also, Danny White did a great job on Keyboard.

Posted: 6 Dec 2008 7:34 pm
by Gary Preston
:D Hey guys . Yes it was a great jam to say the least . There must have been 16 steel guitars there . I just wonder if we hadn't had the snow storm how many players and listeners we would have had . We had good food and a fun day with a lot of fellowship . Thanks to all for the things they bought and shared with us . The next jam is scheduled for Jan 17,2009 . The jam is getting bigger and better as we go along . Again thanks to all and have a safe and happy holiday season . Best regards , G.P.

Posted: 8 Dec 2008 6:19 pm
by Gary Preston
:D It appears that we may be looking for a bigger place if we keep up the crowd like we had Saturday ! I understand that there were steel players that didn't even set up their guitars , I didn't know this until after the fact ! We surely don't want to leave anyone out . Please forgive me but i need to know about anyone that intends to play for us . Be advised everyone is welcome to be a part of our jams and you don't have to be a member . Thanks again for one and all . Have a safe and happy holiday season . G.P.

O.S.G.A. Jam

Posted: 11 Dec 2008 2:40 pm
by Robert Blair
Wilson, the lap steel players last name is Brinkley. Yes he is great, I have listened to him for many years. You did a very good job yourself on your set. Singing and playing. Great stuff.

Bob Blair

Posted: 11 Dec 2008 3:34 pm
by Gary Preston
:) Hi Bob . Yes Wilson did a great job . Next time we hope to get him and Marshall Loony to play together . This would be great . Happy Holidays . G.P.

steel jam

Posted: 13 Dec 2008 7:25 am
by Steven Black
Marshall Loony did a wonderful job with his double neck steel, hope to see him come back again, and the man who played the Sierra lap steel did a really great job, it would be interesting to hear him and Marshall together.

Posted: 18 Dec 2008 5:01 pm
by Gary Preston
Yes Steven they did a great job . We are really getting some fine players to play for us . Lets hope we will need a bigger venue soon huh ? G.P.