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Posted: 14 Sep 2007 1:18 pm
by Marvin Born
bump for tommorrow

Posted: 15 Sep 2007 4:58 pm
by Gary Preston
:wink: :o Well the Steel Guitar meeting /jam has come gone for this month . WoW what a great time we all had ! We had a great turnout of steel players along with sidemen ! Mr Don Burrows maker of the B.S.G. steel guitars was our special guest and did a great job for us and he had his lovely wife and another couple with them and we totaly enjoyed having them with us . Mr Mike Wilson came down from Willard Ohio to play for us and share his music with us along with other players that are our regulars such as Lonnie Wells , Greg Zimmer , Marvin Born , Bob Allen , Jeff Harbour , and miss Tamara , and myself ,all these played the steel guitar . We had Keith Yantes on drums Kay Ray on keyboards ,Mike Harbour on bass ,Don Lewis on lead guitar , Damon Allen on rythum guitar , Marvin Born on guitar , Dennie Mosley on guitar , as well as the official M.C. for the O.S.G.A. We were blessed with a family from Canada that was coming through on vacation which also were musicians and played and sang for us and did a great job for us . Sorry i cant remember their names but he is a forum member and i'm sure he will reply .We want to give thanks to everyone that helped us make the jam a great time . Our next meeting / jam is scheduled for Oct ,20-th .so please make plans on this one . Thanks again everyone and best regards , G.P.

What a good time it was...

Posted: 15 Sep 2007 7:02 pm
by Mike Wilson
Gary, I just wanted to let you and the rest of the members know what a great time I had. Honestly, I had apprehensions about coming. For anyone who may think that these meetings and jams are more gospel (don't get me wrong, there is surely nothing wrong with gospel music)than country or jazz or western swing couldn't be more wrong. The atmosphere of the diner is great for playing, the people are all terrific and the musicians did a great job of keeping up. I surely will, if time permits me too, be at another one of your jams. Was definitely a good time with some great country music. Mike

Posted: 15 Sep 2007 8:29 pm
by Don Burrows
Gary, just got home but wanted to take the time to let you know what a great time Ruby and I had today, enjoyed meeting all the players and look forward to coming back again. Thank you and the members for inviting me. We enjoyed the great vocals and the musicians were great, again thanks for your wonderful hospitality.

Posted: 16 Sep 2007 8:14 am
by Gary Preston
:D Thanks Mike / Don . It was a pleasure having both of you guys as well as everyone that attended the jam . We did have a great time to say the least . Mike as you already said we do all types of music, it's only fair to let everyone play whatever they want ! We aren't a Gospel or Country Association but we are all types . So if anyone had the idea that the O.S.G.A. was a Gospel Organization you couldn't be more wrong ! We all have the right to play the music we like . I hope that we have cleared up any mis-understanding that anyone may have had about this and go forward . One more thing there is no ''BIG'' i's or little ''u's '' in the O.S.G.A regardless of what you may hear ! Also there is no room for ''E-GOS'' . We are all friends that love the steel guitar and thats all it's about .

Posted: 16 Sep 2007 10:26 am
by Jeff Harbour
Thanks Gary and everyone involved for another great day.
By the way, it was Roger Williamson & family who were the Canadians. Great job Roger! You are an exceptional musician and lead picker. I hope it works out that your family can join us again.


O.S.G.A jam

Posted: 16 Sep 2007 10:27 am
by Steven Black
Hey Gary, sorry I could not make it out, my dad passed away last weekend and I am busy with settling his estate, he was a good steel player who taught me a lot about steel especially non pedal steel, he always said that pedals were unique but too expensive for him.

Posted: 16 Sep 2007 2:22 pm
by Gary Preston
Thanks Jeff for the info . Steve i'm very sorry to hear about your dad . I wish you and the family the best . The next meeting / jam is Oct.20-th . G.P.

Posted: 17 Sep 2007 6:17 pm
It sounds like everyone had a great time. :D I'm glad for all that went,and did so. I wasn't feeling the greatest this past weekend,so that's why I didn't make it out.Hope to see all in October's venue. :)

Posted: 20 Sep 2007 6:56 am
by Roger Williamson
Thank you to Gary and everyone for giving myself and my family such a warm welcome at your meeting/jam. We had a great time and will try to get to another. If only Ohio was just a little closer to Paisley, Ontario!

Thanks again

Roger Williamson

Posted: 20 Sep 2007 3:29 pm
by Gary Preston
:D Roger you are very welcome my friend . You and your daughter and son did a great job for us . Any time you guys are down this way you have an open invitation to play for us . You burned up that Telecaster but you didn't play enough steel for us . Thanks so much for droping by . Best regards , Gary .

Posted: 22 Sep 2007 5:52 am
by Roger Williamson
If anyone has any pictures of the day, I'd love to see them.

Posted: 26 Sep 2007 1:54 pm
by Gary Preston
8) Hi Roger . Thanks for stopping by and sharing your music with us . I think we do have pics but i don't know for sure if we have them on a disc . Thanks again and best regards . G.P.

Some directions please?

Posted: 28 Sep 2007 6:33 pm
by Gary Baker
Hi Gary, Looks to be a great line up. I'll be heading out for Billy Cooper's in Virginia on the 4th and then on up to Zanesville, Ohio to see my old picking buddy Chuck Spires (David Spire's Dad) and would like to join you on the 7th.

I'll be heading out I 70 West from Zanesville and then south on I675. When I get to Route 235 do I turn left (back east) or right (west)? How far after I turn onto Route 235 untill I come to the F.O.E.?

Thanks for all the hard effort in putting on such a great line up . . . can't wait.

Gary "Bo" Baker Charlotte, NC

Posted: 29 Sep 2007 3:26 pm
by Gary Preston
:\ Hi Gary . You need to post on the Chubby Howard jam to get directions . Ours isn't until Oct.20th . Thanks anyway . G.P.