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Author Topic:  Anyone tired a Fargen amp with pedal steel?
James Quackenbush


Pomona, New York, USA
Post  Posted 11 Jul 2007 2:58 am    
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For gigging , and all the various materials that the band probably covers ( both new and old material )( both pushed and clean ) your best bet is to probably use a Pod or other amp simulator thru a tube power amp ...and maybe even a black box before the Pod ( I'm not sure how that would work or if it would, Brad?? )...Between the different sound guys, and the different rooms that you play, chances are your tone will not be spot on in ANY case ...Ballpark is as close as you can expect to get in a live situation unless you tour with a sound person ... Set your tone up the best that you can , and just hope that the sound person reproduces it properly ... Critical tone is when you get into the studio , and your leaving your mark !!.....I have a few different amps when recording depending on song and tone required ...Theres not one amp for every tone ...Variety is the spice of life ...Jim
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