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Posted: 13 Jan 2011 7:56 am
by Alan Brookes
In the event of a supernova, b0b wouldn't be able to close this thread: he'd be vaporized like all the rest of us. :roll:

And then what would be left of the Earth ?
(Actually, since matter is neither created nor destroyed, the atoms that the Earth is made of would continue to exist, as rubble floating in space, eventually to be burned up in the giant nuclear engine we call the sun.) :whoa:

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 11:57 am
by Ray Jenkins
So NOTHING is really the MATTER.

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 12:24 pm
by Roger Crawford
No, nothing matters.

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 5:20 pm
by Alan Brookes
If "nothing" matters, then it must be important. :\

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 9:05 am
by Rick Collins
Alan Brookes wrote:If "nothing" matters, then it must be important. :\
This is a true statement.
I have been asked, "is nothing sacred"? And, I answered yes.
If it's sacred, then it must be important.

This thread has survived so long, because it is nothing, it is sacred, and it is important.
B0b has not deleted this because he knows it is so essential to us __ those of us who do not tolerate nonsense. :roll:

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 10:22 am
by Ray Jenkins
Rick,you must be sacred,we've tolorated you for years
for NO reason.(is no the same as nothing) :eek: :) :oops:

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 10:48 am
by Roger Crawford
I have NOTHING but praise for my friend Rick. His insight into the parady of everyday delimas always brightens and enlightens!

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 10:15 pm
by Ray Jenkins
Me too Roger,Rick has been a long time forum freind.Sounds like we're talking about "FACEBOOK" that is about as close to nothing as you can get.(wish I had the guys money though) :roll:

Posted: 15 Jan 2011 9:29 am
by Alan Brookes
Roger Crawford wrote:...His insight into the parady of everyday delimas always brightens and enlightens!
I never knew he was the Dalai Lama. We're honored by your contribution, your holiness. :eek:

Posted: 16 Jan 2011 9:22 pm
by Rick Collins
Ray, Roger, and Alan:
Thanks, nothing brightens the day like the humor here.

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 6:35 pm
by Don Kona Woods

Posted: 19 Feb 2011 9:51 am
by Alan Brookes
Thanks Don. That was very enlightening.

I now know a lot about nothing.

Or maybe nothing about a lot.

Posted: 20 Feb 2011 3:17 am
by Paul Graupp
So I says to myself...SELF ! You got NOTHING to do...why not run a survey on GNIHTON ?? Here it is

Regards, Paul :\ :\ :\

Posted: 20 Feb 2011 9:59 am
by Alan Brookes
It's a shame we can't add a real survey to this topic, but you can't add one after it's started. :( I thought of starting a new "Nothing" topic, and adding a survey, but that would just split participation in this thread and prevent it reaching the 100. :roll: :eek:

So, instead, I did NOTHING.

Posted: 20 Feb 2011 10:10 am
by Larry Rafferty
Some people really sit and do nothing all day long but are well paid and respected. These kind of people are in management. You can be like them as well. Let me explain it with a story.

A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day. A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him,
“I wonder! Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?”

The crow answered:
“Sure, why not.”
So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

Moral: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.

Posted: 22 Feb 2011 7:00 pm
by Paul Graupp
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and the loser is GNIHTON !! :( :? :oops: :cry:

Posted: 2 Mar 2011 11:17 am
by Paul Hoaglin
Nothing is truly lost....

Posted: 2 Mar 2011 12:23 pm
by Roger Crawford
The game ain't over yet!

Posted: 5 Mar 2011 9:02 am
by Alan Brookes
Nothing has been written on this topic since the day before the day before yesterday. :roll:

Posted: 29 Mar 2011 3:28 pm
by Alan Brookes
Since the last posting I've had a three week vacation in England, and nothing has been posted whilst I've been gone. :roll:

Posted: 30 Mar 2011 2:00 pm
by Paul Graupp
I came over here from Alan's retirement party to see if he or anyone had posted SOMETHING but I see no one has...I could fake another survey but was keeping that in store for Friday. GNIHTON DERUTNEV...GNIHTON DENIAG!!

Regards, Paul :oops: :oops:

April Fools Day !

Posted: 1 Apr 2011 4:31 am
by Paul Graupp
NOTHING (21 Jul 07 to present)
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Posted: 1 Apr 2011 9:41 am
by b0b
That's nothing to shake a stick at.

Posted: 1 Apr 2011 2:17 pm
by Paul Graupp
390,510 views and 5,561 contributions is GNIHTON to sneeze about...excuse me !! :oops: :oops: :cry:

Posted: 2 Apr 2011 9:15 am
by Paul Hoaglin
!uoy sselB