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Posted: 3 May 2010 1:16 pm
by Duncan Hodge
Funny, I kinda remember it looking something like this


But then, anyone who was stoopid enough to sell it can't have too good a memory

Posted: 4 May 2010 2:43 pm
by Russ Tkac
Well, I'm sure you're not the only one wishing he had kept a steel or two. :D


Posted: 4 May 2010 4:48 pm
by Duncan Hodge
Yes I am, Russ...I'm the only one, sob...sniff!

Posted: 5 May 2010 9:07 am
by Chuck McGill
On my poor, poor misguided friend. What were you thinking. Same thing I was thinking a dozen times! Man
she is a beauty and I bet Joe's all about it. I could
use the fishin term....but that would be cold. Thanks
for the pics guys.
Hey I'm diggin that Djembe 8)

Posted: 5 May 2010 12:45 pm
by Duncan Hodge
Y'know, Chuck, probably the worst part of all of this is that Joe just doesn't seem to care about my feelings. I know that he is happy with his ZB, and it seems to have made his life complete. Also, as we all know, a ZB, is a "chick magnet", this fact is beyound dispute and has been substantiated by numerous scholorly studies. Forget the fact that Joe paid a more than fair price, for a great ZB, he just doesn't seem to understand that I had to drive all the way to Daytona to pick up some Ricky Davis strings for the ZB then carefully and lovingly pack it in about 6,000,000 plastic peanuts so it could gently float its way to Greg Jones in Kentucky. Hey, I made a horrible mistake, even though Joe seems to be a great guy, but sheesh, I feel like an idiot and Joe just doesn't seem to care. I suppose that is the deepest and cruelest cut of all. When I think of that beautiful blue/blonde ZB a song keeps running through my head. It goes something like this:
Once more to be with you dear just for tonight to hold you tight
Once more I'd give a fortune if I could see you once more
Then my eyes start to tear up, I have to excuse myself from decent company and retire to the bathroom where I curl up into a ball and cry until I have no more tears. But, I guess this is pretty common behavior...Right Chuck???

Posted: 5 May 2010 2:52 pm
by Duncan Hodge
Please keep our ZB brother Frank Bloomfield in your thoughts and prayers. He lives in Greece and from what I hear things are a little nuts there right now.
Be safe, my friend.

Posted: 6 May 2010 12:42 am
by Brendan Mitchell
I must say that out of all the ZB's I have seen that one is the best looking .
And when I say its the best ZB I've seen ,naturally that means the best steel guitar I've seen .

Posted: 6 May 2010 4:14 am
by Chuck McGill
(austrian accent) "yes and how does this make you
feel Duncan?"

I totally understand. I feel your pain. Look at my
avatar :oops:

Posted: 6 May 2010 2:31 pm
by Duncan Hodge
Now Brenden, don't you start too.
Yes Chuck, I do believe that you do indeed understand my pain. I've letting go of your red ZB must have been a horrible loss, even if it was for a good cause...namely your beautiful daughter. Anyway, Chuck, I'm still looking for the camera to take the pics of the "F" guitar as part of my new steel guitar lending library. It's pretty easy to work on, I'm just really mechanically disinclined. It's my wife's camera and she's in AZ right now. Maybe Chuck Back will lend her a Desert Rose guitar to let me try out.
And to all the rest of you out there in ZB land...I'd like to add the disclaimer and explanation that Joe and I are just funnin' around. Funny that I need to add this, but some folks around here (not too many on this very friendly ZB thread) are very quick to grab the torches and pitchfork and chase the monster up a windmill until the whole SGF looks like an outtake from a Frankenstein movie.
Anyway, y'all have a beautiful night.

Posted: 6 May 2010 2:49 pm
by Joe A. Camacho
Brendan Mitchell wrote:I must say that out of all the ZB's I have seen that one is the best looking .
Brendan, I agree, it is my favorite looking ZB out there, although there was the orange one on ebay a year or so back, that was beautiful, I wonder who owns it.


Posted: 6 May 2010 4:46 pm
by Duncan Hodge
Now you're really pushing it, Joe. I remember when Billy Knowles showed me some pictures of that beautiful orange ZB during the restoration process and I also remember how much I loved it. I may just have a picture, or two, around here...lemme see...hmmmm...start the external hard drive...check...hit explore...done...alright, here they be


Would this be the aforementioned "orange ZB" that you were referring to, my friend? Did you buy it? Be very careful in how you answer, because if I find out that you bought it on ebay I may just have to come to San Diego, wherever that it a city, or something, and cry on your front porch until you are as sad as I am.
Duncan (the orange/blonde and blue/blonde ZB-less guy)

Posted: 7 May 2010 12:40 am
by Brendan Mitchell
Nah, the blue is prettier by far . I am just not an orange sort of guy .

Posted: 7 May 2010 4:09 am
by Chuck McGill
A Tennessee Orange ZB!

Posted: 7 May 2010 12:04 pm
by Duncan Hodge
Is the orange ZB in Tennessee? I think that it should live in Florida, on account of, we have a lot of oranges, along with snakes and spiders, here.

Posted: 7 May 2010 1:48 pm
by Joe A. Camacho
I thought I remembered an all orange guitar...

Posted: 7 May 2010 1:48 pm
by Joe A. Camacho
Duncan Hodge wrote:Funny, I kinda remember it looking something like this


But then, anyone who was stoopid enough to sell it can't have too good a memory
That guitar is screaming for white pickups...

Posted: 7 May 2010 5:08 pm
by Duncan Hodge
Nope, Joe, it was an orange/blonde two tone...I checked with the guy who was selling it on ebay and he said that it came from Billy K.
Anyway, my friend, have a beautiful night in San Diego, which I hear is in a far off land called Kalifornia. I'd believe that I once was there, but it was in a place called Livermore, a place that the Rolling Stones don't like to talk about.

Posted: 16 May 2010 6:58 pm
by Russ Tkac
This one sold from Billy Coopers a year or so ago. I thought it had a cool look.


Posted: 17 May 2010 2:22 am
by Chuck McGill
Very cool. Do you think this finish was original?

Posted: 17 May 2010 4:07 am
by Russ Tkac
I've seen a few with the white necks but not sure if it was redone or not.


Feelin' Single, Seein' Double

Posted: 2 Jun 2010 11:10 am
by Ben Elder
Greg, Larry or...:

Anyone have any idea how many single-neck ZBs were made as opposed to double necks? (For the purposes of this discussion, let's leave original SD-'s and student models out of the conversation.)

I feel like I see very few S-'s compared to D-'s and D-to-SD- conversions. Like 3:1 or 4:1 D-'s : S-'s

Posted: 2 Jun 2010 11:15 am
by Kevin Hatton
That blue with white necks above is an extremely early ZB. 66-67.

Posted: 2 Jun 2010 1:17 pm
by Kevin Hatton
This is a NEW Retro Steel Guitar ZB S-10 with modern quick change bellcrank mechanics. Oooh baby! The finish looks like the dashboard of a Jaquar XKE. Its going out to the west coast. California bound. The tone makes you feel sorry for the people who never heard a ZB. The West Coast Sound.

Anyone who wants to order.

Posted: 2 Jun 2010 4:03 pm
by Duncan Hodge
Wow, Kevin!!! That looks just like it usta sposda be. In other words, that looks the prettiest ZB S-10 that I have ever seen, and I've seen pictures of a lot of them. Keep up the good work. I believe that you are truly on to something.
As an aside, does anyone actually know where the orange ZB in the previous posts reside?


Retro ZBs

Posted: 2 Jun 2010 6:57 pm
by Bob Hamilton
That's a beauty Kevin. Can I get a retro pickup from you?