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Posted: 21 Jun 2010 1:53 pm
by Paul Graupp
Is it actually true that amusing one's self with mathematics will help stave off sudden onset alzheimer's. Or is it NOTHING I should consider ?? :whoa: :whoa: :whoa: :cry:

Regards, Paul :oops: :oops:

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 4:25 pm
by Alan Brookes
The problem with counting on your digits is that you can't go higher than 21. :eek: (Women can only go to 20.)

That's not bad, since 21 is 7 times 3. Maybe we should use a base of 7 instead of 10.

Of course, you can't use a base of zero, since zero raised to any power is zero.

Just like nothing has no independent existence, but is the absence of thing, zero is not a number, but the absence of any number.

So, for instance, taking 0 to the power 0, in grammatical terms, is taking nothing and doing nothing with it.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 4:28 pm
by Rick Collins
Paul Graupp wrote:Is it actually true that amusing one's self with mathematics will help stave off sudden onset alzheimer's. Or is it NOTHING I should consider ?? :whoa: :whoa: :whoa: :cry:

Regards, Paul :oops: :oops:
The answer to both is yes. :roll:

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 4:35 pm
by Rick Collins
Alan Brookes wrote:The problem with counting on your digits is that you can't go higher than 21. :eek: (Women can only go to 20.)

That's not bad, since 21 is 7 times 3. Maybe we should use a base of 7 instead of 10.

Of course, you can't use a base of zero, since zero raised to any power is zero.

Just like nothing has no independent existence, but is the absence of thing, zero is not a number, but the absence of any number.

So, for instance, taking 0 to the power 0, in grammatical terms, is taking nothing and doing nothing with it.
This is valuable information, Alan.
Look for a royalty check in the mail.
It will be double the amount of the last one I sent. :P

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 4:40 pm
by basilh
I get a few zeros on mine Rick, but I wouldn't say it's nothing..It's nothing like it.

I've heard of things being "Like Nothing on Earth" there MUST be something in that ? Obviously nothing exists somewhere or is nothing nowhere ?

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 4:52 pm
by Rick Collins
basilh wrote:I get a few zeros on mine Rick, but I wouldn't say it's nothing..It's nothing like it.

I've heard of things being "Like Nothing on Earth" there MUST be something in that ? Obviously nothing exists somewhere or is nothing nowhere ?
I think I understand, Basilh.
Nowhere is a location with no coordinates.
I'd like to visit there sometime __ I've heard so much about the "backside". :lol:

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 5:04 pm
by Scott Shipley
I don't understand any of this. I'm gettin nothin out of it.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 5:18 pm
by basilh
Scott Shipley wrote:I don't understand any of this. I'm gettin nothin out of it.
Well could you share nothing please, presumably you don't want to hog all of it, or is there "Nothing Doin'?"

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 5:21 pm
by basilh
If we had to designate one, where would the "Nothing Pedal" go? .. after the 'C' (Emmons), or before the Franklin.. Frankly (My Dear) I don't know, and nothing has me worried more..

I'm also pondering upon which strings nothing would alter, and what the offsets would be if nothing was used.
Problem is if we solved the problem, that would be something wouldn't it ?

I've suddenly become acutely aware that there's already nothing between the A, B and C pedals. Available to use immediately after something and before something else.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 5:30 pm
by Scott Shipley
I ain't sharin nothin Bas.

Nothing pedal....

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 5:32 pm
by Scott Shipley
We could name it after you, since it was your idea.
The Basil pedal.


Posted: 21 Jun 2010 5:39 pm
by basilh
Scott Shipley wrote:I ain't sharin nothin Bas.
A conundrum no doubt, since if you've nothing to share, that would be an admission that it's something, because if nothing is zero, anything shareable MUST therefore be divisible by at the very least 2.
wouldn't THAT be something ?

As for the Basil pedal, if you knew UK Colloquialisms, well, it's enough to say that THIS particular BASIL isn't Fawlty..

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 6:14 pm
by Scott Shipley
Fawlty Towers is HILARIOUS! There was an American version called "Newhart." Ripped almost cue for cue.

Re: the conundrum.......I have nothing more to say on the subject.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 6:23 pm
by Larry Rafferty
[quote="Alan Brookes"]
Just like nothing has no independent existence, but is the absence of thing, zero is not a number, but the absence of any number.

If 0 is the absence of any number, why does my thermometer have the number 0 on it ?...and if I take away 1 number from 0 I get -1...and if I take away 1 number from -1 I get -2, and this continues all the way down to minus 40 on my thermometer.
I've heard a lot of southern folk say that 0 is pretty cold...but here in the north it's nothing.

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 4:06 am
by Roger Crawford
Would "never mind" have gotten as much attention as "nothing"? And, does anyone remember what the original subject was before it evolved into it's current state?

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 6:22 am
by Alan Brookes
Basil has brought up something which hasn't been discussed in this topic before; the "nothing pedal".
That pedal would not be connected to the strings in any way, and when you pushed the pedal nothing would happen. Seems to be an ideal way for pedal steelers to practise being non-pedal steelers. ;-)

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 9:27 am
by Scott Shipley
Alan, actually I think I should get credit for the nothing pedal idea. I have three pedals that when I push them, nothing good happens.

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 10:20 am
by Rick Collins
After nearly 82 pages of nothing, I think I'm finally beginning to conceptualize the true difference of "just plain nothing" and "absolute nothing".
Larry's implied comparison of nothing and the thermometer illustrates this quite clearly.
From this time going forward, when someone uses a phrase or sentence referring to nothing, I will immediately inquire:

"To what degree of nothing are you referring"?

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 4:04 pm
by Alan Brookes
There are no degrees of nothing. Nothing is the absence of anything and has no other meaning.

All these pages of discussion are based on the fact that "nothing" is a noun, and so has the same grammatical level as something that has meaning. It's a flaw in the language that no thing has come together as nothing.

This discussion makes no sense if you try to translate it into any other language. The French rien, the Spanish nada, the Dutch niets, the German nichts, cannot be expressed as a noun with a meaning other than the absence of anything.

Let's get away from the grammatical word "nothing" and get back to the discussion of the absence of anything, which is how this thread started before it got sidetracked.

Nothing is complete absence, and surely that's something worth discussing without getting sidetracked into semantics. ;-)

Posted: 23 Jun 2010 7:09 am
by b0b
Nobody knows nothing.

Posted: 23 Jun 2010 7:43 am
by basilh
This man knows nothing very well:- Manuel

Posted: 23 Jun 2010 8:46 am
by Rick Collins
Nothing is complete absence, and surely that's something worth discussing without getting sidetracked into semantics.
You are attempting to lead this discussion off on a tangent, Alan. :D

But, I can relate to your pain. Once on a trip to Fargo the train I was on got sidetracked in Semantics, North Dakota.
And, it's nothing like Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, for sure __ by several degrees. :lol:

Your statement about "complete" absence, seems to imply that there are also degrees of absence.
And, I concur heartily. :D

Nothing, nobody, nowhere?
No way! :lol:

Posted: 23 Jun 2010 11:12 am
by Larry Rafferty
Nothing, Arizona, USA
This town, village or whatever you want to call it was established in 1977 and has a population of four. The town sign reads "THE STAUNCH CITIZENS OF NOTHING ARE FULL OF HOPE AND FAITH AND BELIEVE IN WORK ETHIC. THRU THE YEAR THESE DEDICATED PEOPLE HAD FAITH IN NOTHING, HOPE FOR NOTHING, WORKED FOR NOTHING FOR NOTHING."

detailed info on the town of Nothing can be found at,_Arizona

also a picture of the town can be found at

Posted: 23 Jun 2010 4:20 pm
by Alan Brookes
I wonder if there's a train service from Nothing, AZ to Semantics, ND. :\

Posted: 24 Jun 2010 8:42 am
by Rick Collins
Alan Brookes wrote:I wonder if there's a train service from Nothing, AZ to Semantics, ND. :\
No, no train service to Semantics.
I inquired about this the last time I was in Nothing.
I was told to go to Hell (Michigan) and then take a commuter to Semantics.

Pictures I took last time I was in Nothing were all blank.