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Posted: 8 Jun 2010 5:33 pm
by Travis Hillis
I have nothing to say.

Posted: 8 Jun 2010 8:01 pm
by Rick Collins
I chose red as a differential, not as a political statement.
I have nothing to say.

I beg your pardon, Travis:
Do you have nothing to say, at all, nothing at all to say, or just have nothing to say and you are not going to say it, at all?

Posted: 8 Jun 2010 8:13 pm
by Richard Sevigny
There's a difference between having nothing to say... and choosing to say nothing ;-)

Posted: 9 Jun 2010 6:44 am
by Alan Brookes
That's nothing if not philosophical. :roll:


Posted: 9 Jun 2010 12:10 pm
by Rick Barnhart
Translucent? They're nothing of the sort. Transparent, maybe. :wink:

Posted: 9 Jun 2010 4:37 pm
by Alan Brookes
You're right, I meant transparent. :oops:

Posted: 9 Jun 2010 6:14 pm
by basilh
But it was nothing that you couldn't see, well, at least I saw nothing.

Posted: 10 Jun 2010 7:53 am
by Rick Collins
I think I understand:
Sometimes nothing can be just a silhouette of something.

If this doesn't help. I hope it makes it more confusing and less transparent.
If it does neither, it means nothing.

Posted: 10 Jun 2010 11:19 am
by basilh
Nothing could be clearer !

Posted: 10 Jun 2010 8:56 pm
by Scott Shipley
Nothing couldn't be clearer.


Posted: 11 Jun 2010 6:35 am
by Alan Brookes
...but if the water is clear there's NOTHING to stop you seeing through it. :whoa:

Posted: 11 Jun 2010 8:23 am
by Rick Collins
Alan Brookes wrote:...but if the water is clear there's NOTHING to stop you seeing through it. :whoa:
I beg your pardon __ but, no one "sees through" something;
photons pass through the object and strike you eyes.
But, you might possibly see through this statement __ metaphorically speaking, of course. :D

What if:
If astrophysicist discover that black holes are not intense voluminous matter that doesn't let light escape,
but find that they are really the absence of something, will they then rename them black nothing?
And, then we will have found out that no thing really is nothing. :roll:

Posted: 11 Jun 2010 1:56 pm
by Alan Brookes
...that depends what they're the absence of, but whatever isn't in a black hole, whatever is in there has one heck of a gravity component. :whoa:

Maybe black holes are populated by extraterrestrials called Holisticans. :eek:

Posted: 11 Jun 2010 6:45 pm
by Scott Shipley
Ain't that something.

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 4:43 am
by Paul Graupp
Whoops, Alan !! For a moment there I thought you said


They deal in poly ticks or some other insect NOTHING !! :aside: :idea: :whoa:

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 6:05 am
by Rick Collins
Space-time, 13.7 billion light-years in diameter, contains matter and plasma (electromagnetic radiation).
From our view from earth, points of light separated by inconceivable distances are the mother suns of gleaming spheres, which orbit around them.

To date it seems black holes are also matter.
Our only chance of there being a true nothing is antimatter, if it exists at all.

My guess is that nothing is just like time, an invention of the human mind.

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 6:14 am
by Alan Brookes
"Nothing" is just a word meaning "no thing": it's the absence of "thing": it has no independent meaning.

Antimatter is no more nothing than -6 is zero.

Posted: 18 Jun 2010 11:49 am
by Paul Graupp
I was sitting here with NOTHING to do so I thought, I'll come over here and have NOTHING to do with you !!

Posted: 18 Jun 2010 5:16 pm
by Travis Hillis
Rick Collins wrote: I beg your pardon, Travis:
Do you have nothing to say, at all, nothing at all to say, or just have nothing to say and you are not going to say it, at all?
Well, considering I lost internet access for over a week, I had nothing at all to say this week :D

Posted: 20 Jun 2010 3:02 pm
by Rick Collins
Now that I've returned from my Las Vegas vacation I can think more clearly. :D
Antimatter is no more nothing than -6 is zero.

Yes, that's true in Newtonian physics.
But, in Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg modern physics we must consider absolute Nothing.:lol:

It's kinda' like explaining extra virgin olive oil:

There's oil extracted from virgin olives; then there's oil extracted from olives that have never even
had the thought of sex with another olive __ hence extra virgin. :lol:

Posted: 20 Jun 2010 4:27 pm
by Alan Brookes if I understand it right, having unclean thoughts is as sinful as having unclean actions. And if you can't avoid unclean thoughts you might as well enjoy the unclean actions since you're going to be condemned for them anyway. :eek:

...and all these years I thought virgin olive oil was oil squeezed by virgins. My bubble is burst. :(

All of which has nothing to do with nothing.

Posted: 20 Jun 2010 5:03 pm
by b0b
Alan Brookes wrote:Antimatter is no more nothing than -6 is zero.
I counted to -6 on my fingers and it looks like zero. :eek:

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 6:18 am
by Alan Brookes
...then you must have started off with six fingers and worked backwards to zero. :whoa:

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 8:09 am
by Larry Rafferty
b0b wrote: I counted to -6 on my fingers and it looks like zero. :eek:
Alan Brookes wrote: ...then you must have started off with six fingers and worked backwards to zero. :whoa:
Each time I try to count the fingers on my hand backwards, it always comes to 6, and then I run out of fingers. Ex: 10...9...8...7...6. Then I add the 5 fingers on my other hand and I get a total of 11 fingers. I doing the math right ?

Posted: 21 Jun 2010 9:20 am
by Rick Collins
Performing math on one's fingers can actually be dangerous __ yes, dangerous!
You might unintentionally flip you middle finger to an unsuspecting onlooker and you could become involved in a street brawl. :D

Abandoning the 10 based math and coming over to the binary math system (0/1) is the modern way.
I call it extra virgin math, since there are no human appendages involved.

This is the way the problem of nothing will eventually be solved.