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Posted: 24 Apr 2010 5:14 pm
by Paul Graupp
Bob: You know... That's exactly right !! I may be wrong but...

Alan: Please excuse the delay but I got blinded by the sunburst finish on the Fender 2000 you just bought...any comment on how much it cost ?? That is really something !! Oops, I mean NOTHING, don't I ??

Regards, Paul

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 8:15 am
by Alan Brookes
It was £524.22. I was over in England at the time and Basil Henriques pointed it out. Otherwise I wouldn't have noticed. It was a real bargain.
I have nothing to complain about. :D

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 4:33 pm
by Paul Graupp
What kind of dollar sign is that, Alan ??

Oh think NOTHING of that sign Paul...It's a pound sign like in; WHAT'S A HENWEIGH ?? :roll: :oops: :D

Posted: 25 Apr 2010 8:43 pm
by Rick Collins
Actually, there was much more NOTHING around before the Big Bang occurred than there is today.
This subject would have been much more popular 13.7 billion years ago than it is today.

About three Planck seconds after the Big Bang much NOTHING had been destroyed.
It is practically impossible to locate NOTHING today.
As a matter of fact, until I started reading the posts on this thread I had not seen a shred of NOTHING.

Posted: 26 Apr 2010 9:27 am
by Paul Graupp
Rick; I was going to ask you how long a planck is but we'd go over a hundred pages if you wrote it out and then b0b might really raise NOTHING about it !! :whoa: :whoa:

Regards, Paul


Posted: 6 May 2010 9:26 am
by Gordon Borland
Nothing has produced over 1910 post so therefore it can't be.

Posted: 6 May 2010 4:34 pm
by Paul Graupp
But it's been ten days and I still don't know how long a planck is. Maybe it's NOTHING but I can't do anything with NOTHING for an answer. It must have a finite value, right ??

:alien: :?:

Posted: 6 May 2010 7:57 pm
by Allan Munro
Now that the thread is into the realms of physics I feel it is OK to ask if there is such a thing as anti-nothing? And, is there a thread for it? Or, is it all string theory? I know NOTHING!

I know nothing

Posted: 6 May 2010 8:04 pm
by Gordon Borland
Come on Allan if you know it tell us!

Posted: 6 May 2010 8:25 pm
by Allan Munro
Hell NO! Then you'll all know nothing and there goes my exclusivity...

I also know NO ONE!

Posted: 6 May 2010 9:10 pm
by Gordon Borland
Will nothing make you tell?

There is only one person who can settle this and he does not post very often.

If nothing could make him post here and settle this then here it is!

If he did then, he would be a real Buddy to us all!

I have nothing more to say and I am sure I will.

Something made Bob start this thread so it could not have been nothing. Next thing ya know someone will post STUPID. Nothing will make me do it though.
Nothing will make me do it though.
Nothing will make me do it though.
Nothing will make me do it though.
Nothing will make me do it though.
Nothing will make me do it though.
Nothing will make me do it though.
Nothing will make me do it though.
Nothing will make me do it though.
Nothing will make me do it though.
Nothing will make me do it though.
Lord help me through this trial.

Posted: 7 May 2010 6:27 am
by Paul Graupp
is it all string theory ?[/quote]

I have noticed a lot of comment on this Forum about 3rd strings and how or how not to break them. I have also seen alien technology employed in devices invented to prevent such breakage but NOTHING has ever come of any of it.

Regards, Paul[/quote]

Posted: 7 May 2010 5:20 pm
by Alan Brookes
I think Allan was referring to the String Theory in Physics, which, as everyone knows, states that everything is made of atoms, and the atoms are made out of banjo strings. 8)

More than that, I know NOTHING.

Posted: 7 May 2010 7:45 pm
by Richard Sevigny
Paul Graupp wrote:But it's been ten days and I still don't know how long a planck is. Maybe it's NOTHING but I can't do anything with NOTHING for an answer. It must have a finite value, right ??

:alien: :?:
According to here a planck is so small, it might as well be nothing... :\

Posted: 7 May 2010 7:51 pm
by Joe Harwell
Ex Nihilo.

Big Bang

Posted: 7 May 2010 8:12 pm
by Gordon Borland
This thread has just proven the Big Bang Theory.

So who is going to call Stephen Hawking?

Re: Big Bang

Posted: 8 May 2010 6:53 am
by Alan Brookes
Gordon Borland wrote:...So who is going to call Steven Hawking? :oops:
If you do, it will prove to be a long call. :roll:


Posted: 8 May 2010 8:25 am
by Gordon Borland

Posted: 8 May 2010 9:39 am
by Charlie McDonald
I will. I take exception with his idea that everything, including space, was created at the big bang. If there weren't space already there, how would creation fit in? If space weren't nothing, what is?


Posted: 8 May 2010 10:15 am
by Gordon Borland
Only until something was could it be.
Before that it can't because it was not.

Nothing can exist unless there is something.
Nothing can't exist unless there is something.
Something cannot exist unless there is nothing.

Posted: 8 May 2010 10:20 am
by Charlie McDonald
I see.

Posted: 8 May 2010 4:33 pm
by Paul Graupp
What is it you see, Charlie ? I can't see anything...

Posted: 8 May 2010 4:47 pm
by Alan Brookes
Gordon, will you join me as Santa's helper in December ? If so, meet you at the North Pole ...assuming that it hasn't melted by then. If it has, then we're both up the creek without a paddle.

Posted: 9 May 2010 10:06 am
by Rick Collins
Everything is simple; NOTHING is even simpler:

1.The Big Bang (being total energy) was the beginning.
This energy gelled (energy/matter= interchangeable) into matter and space-time.
2. Matter is atoms and molecules.
3. Space-time is the separation between concentrations of matter (if there were no matter, there would be no space-time) .
4. Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy traveling in space-time.
5. Conditions (temperature and concentrations of specific matter, with a preconceived template) caused life to form on the water planet (earth).
6. Time is an invention of the human mind (to keep count); there is only space-time in reality.
7. Man ignited wood cellulose to supplement his own energy.
8. Man extracted fossil fuels from the earth to expand his energy to an even higher level.
9. Most global warming is a result of the nutation of the earth spinning on its axises and natural weather shifts.
10. What politicians call global warming is caused by "global swarming", earth swarming with too many people igniting fuel to expand their energy and sending the by-products into earth's atmosphere.

NOTHING like time, is an invention of the human mind.
And, I hold the patent!

Posted: 9 May 2010 1:05 pm
by Alan Brookes
Rick, I hope your patent on Nothing proves a good investment. My suspicion is that you have Nothing invested in it and hope to receive Nothing in return. 8)