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Posted: 31 Mar 2008 3:25 pm
by Kevin Hatton
I'd like to remind everyone that I have replacement nut roller combs with SMALL PIN AXLES and SMALL NUT ROLLERS. Greatly improves hysterisis and string separation. Polished comb. $49.95 plus postage for the polished comb, pin, and 10 small rollers.

New ZB

Posted: 10 Apr 2008 7:35 am
by Dag Wolf
I just bought ZB D-10 #1045.
I'm planning to add some knee levers and redo it.



Posted: 10 Apr 2008 8:13 am
by Bob Hamilton
That's a beauty Dag. Good luck with the refurb. BH

Posted: 10 Apr 2008 9:48 am
by Paul Frank Bloomfield
Hallo Dag
Welcome to the exclusive ZB club, you probably won't
remember me,I met you back in 1997 when you and Leif
Aase were playing in the Fiddle and Steel Bar, Printers Alley, Nashville. You had a laugh at my ZB tour jacket which I was wearing at the time !
Look after that ZB, ( it looks an early one to my
untrained eye) or Duncan Hodge will claim it ! (only
joking !)
All the best
Frank. Corfu

Posted: 10 Apr 2008 10:43 am
by Dag Wolf
Frank, good to hear from you. :)

I want that ZB jacket now :wink:

That was a fun trip me and Leif had.
I'm about to go out the door to listen to Leif play.

The ZB #1045 is a 1966 model I've been told.


Posted: 11 Apr 2008 5:34 am
by Chuck McGill
The 74 loafer is on it's way to Californee. I will regret selling but things come up. I will let the new owner post to let you know who got it. He will be very pleased.

Posted: 11 Apr 2008 2:36 pm
by Duncan Hodge
Hello Dag. Great looking ZB you got there. You will look longingly and lovingly at it every time, except for the 10 seconds before you pick it up. At that point your pupils will dilate with terror, your neck muscles will tense until they stand out like ropes and your brain will start sounding like The Little Engine That Could repeating "Ithink I can, I think I can...". The moment that you start playing it all, all will be well with the world again. If you want me to come to Norway to try it out, just to make sure that you weren't cheated, all you have to do is send a plane ticket and I'm there, my brother.
And to Chuck, congratulations on the sale! For some reason, I thought it might be going to Kentucky. I guess that your daughter didn't go for the idea of a really nice comb/wax paper with several gentlemanly lessions.
Well, it's a beautiful Florida evening and I'm gonna take the kayak out for a little fishing so y'all have Z-Best evening wherever you are. Good Night...and Good Luck.

Posted: 23 Apr 2008 6:19 pm
by Dave Zirbel
Do most of you ZBers use, stainless or nickel wound strings? I've been using nickel Jagwires. I'm playing mostly through a Webb with an Altec. I find that I like my lows to have a punchy twang to them which means cranking up the highs a bit but then the high strings are a little too over the top with high end. ZBs are known for that I guess. I thought that if I switch to stainless, the lower strings wouldn't need the highs turned up so I could back off the highs and the frequencies across the strings would be more balanced the way I want to hear them. The stainless or nickel only affect the wound strings.

What are your thoughts and what do you guys like to use?

I suppose I just just order a set and try it for myself.:\

Thanks, Dave

Posted: 23 Apr 2008 8:13 pm
by Larry Chung
Howdy Dave and Fellow ZBers - I haven't posted here in awhile, hope you're all enjoying your fantastic ZBs!

Dave, I've used GHS nickel strings on my ZBs for as long as I can remember. Two reasons:
1. Sound - I like the sound of 'em. Nickel sounds a bit more mellow to my ear, and I find I can dial in my sound pretty easily with them. Nothing like ADDING trebles! I find stainless a bit too zingy and bright (maybe scattered overtones?). Nickel is just a bit more musical to me.
2. Technique/Touch - I use a chrome plated BJS bar, and I think that the nickel strings are just a bit smoother with slides and bar motion than the stainless strings. I tried playing a stainless bar for awhile, but it just felt sticky on whatever strings I used. Chrome bar/Nickel strings seems to me the best combination for smooth feel and easy, smooth slides. And several hours a day...

Worth mentioning - Greg Jones (Hi Greg!) advised me a long while ago to use a .016 instead of a .017 on the high B string (6th string on E9) to make the C pedal easier to engage. I have to agree!

Thanks again to bOb for keeping our little community up and running!
All ZBest to all of you Zaney Boys (and girls?) - keep those stories and info coming!

Straaangs and thaaaangs

Posted: 28 Apr 2008 4:58 pm
by Bob Mainwaring
Hi there Larry and all those other good Z.B.owners.

It's been quite some time since I was on the forum talking about these great sounding Z.B.Steels'

Talking about strings, I've been using Jagwire's for a few years now and I'm thinking I'm going to stick with them especially as my third string on my D10 has been on there for nearly 7 months!!!!!!!!!!! and that's with playing it on a regular basis, just totaly "wowed" :D :D :D

Hope thet you are all keeping fit and well out there in

All Z.B.est


Posted: 28 Apr 2008 5:19 pm
by Dave Zirbel
Bob, are you using stainless steel wound or nickel wound?

Straaaangs and Thaaaangs

Posted: 28 Apr 2008 5:47 pm
by Bob Mainwaring
Hi Dave,
Just checking the packets out - it dosen't say what the material is but I'd guess they would be S.S.

All Z.B.est.



Posted: 6 May 2008 5:42 pm
by Brian J. Doyle
I bought #1124 here on the forum this past September. From what I understand it was built by Zane Beck in '68 for Bobby Garrett. It was 7+3 (no C pedal) when I got it, which I assume was the original set up. I had Kevin Hatton set it up for me with four brand new knee levers, and had pedal 4 on the C6 neck converted to a C pedal on the E9 neck. It is now basically Emmons minus the P4. It looks great (that is the original finish, not a refin)and it sounds like a million bucks. If any one knows any more about the history of this guitar, I would love to know more about it. I'm glad to be officially part of the ZB club!


Posted: 7 May 2008 8:13 am
by Joe A. Camacho
Hey Brian,
Glad you like it, that guitar has great tone, I was thinking about it the other night. Glad Kevin was able to help you out.

thanks again,

Posted: 8 May 2008 12:03 am
by Brendan Mitchell

Posted: 8 May 2008 5:19 am
by Chuck McGill
Brian. What a beauty. If she ever just becomes a burden to you,which I doubt, give ole Chuckie a call
and will relieve you of said pain. :D Really nice Scranton.

Posted: 8 May 2008 12:02 pm
by Brian J. Doyle
Thanks, Chuck. ZBs are always a burden, but the tone is worth the backache.

Posted: 8 May 2008 1:43 pm
by Duncan Hodge
Congratulations Brian and welcome to the ZB club. Joe sold you just about the sweetest looking ZB available in captivity. Don't let Mr. Chuck talk you out of it. He already has a fantastic one of his own. If you don't really feel like playing it, just sit there and look at it and you'll feel a whole lot better.

Posted: 8 May 2008 4:17 pm
by Paddy Long
Hey Dag -- Don't go sticking any Zum stickers on this one ok !! :D Well at least it's still a guitar starting with a "Z" !!! good luck with the refurb mate, I'm sure it will be awesome.

Sweet Z-Bump!

Posted: 23 Jun 2008 8:36 am
by Russ Tkac
Just a few new pictures to bump this to the top! :)






Posted: 23 Jun 2008 9:54 am
by Mike Shefrin
That's a beautiful looking guitar Russ.

Posted: 23 Jun 2008 10:43 am
by Duncan Hodge
I am not worthy to play my pathetic ZB in the shadow of such beauty(and I thought I had a pretty one). Play it well, my friend, and forget about that old Professional that someone told you to sell in order to by a "more modern" pedal steel. I was thinking about selling my ZB, or Fulawka, to buy a "more modern" steel on account of THOSE ZBs ARE SO FRIGGIN HARD TO WORK ON AND MINE CURRENTLY HAS ISSUES AND I HAVE NO MONEY TO HAVE IT FIXED. Anyway, after playing it with the band yesterday...."Oh yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away...", well, anyway, The ZB sounded so sweet that I came to the conclusion that the notes that I actually could hit were beyoud compare and that I'll just have to drive up to see Billy Knowles and have him set to rights.
Wow, that is a beauty Russ. Did I tell you how much I really like it.
Have a beautiful day, Duncan

Posted: 23 Jun 2008 11:12 am
by Dave Zirbel
Hey Russ, looks like you adopted the identical twin to my S10ZB! :D

Posted: 23 Jun 2008 11:22 am
by Russ Tkac
Thanks guys. This is a very clean steel for 30 years old. It has a great sound. :)

Posted: 23 Jun 2008 12:55 pm
by Mike Shefrin
For those who haven't seen it, here's my ZB retro guitar which was custom built for me by Kevin Hatton, and Jerry Fessenden.
