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Posted: 2 Jun 2008 6:24 am
by David L. Donald
In chronological order I have performed as:

Fun Gus

A player to be named later.

Dusty Montana

Davinchi Borgazoli

Goins Cummings

My sister had a professor, a certain Mr. Kraft.
Next name in the Brookline phone book was clearly
an orthodox man saddled with a name no one truely
understood when he was named.
Hymen Kremes.

I worked at a gig with a 'Velveta Pirrana'.
She was cute, cuter than 'Judy's Tiny Head'.
I also worked with 'Rash Of Stabbings' and
'Smegma and the Nunz'.
I recorded their seminal
"Hit Her With a Rake" (and made her pay for her mistake.)
A Miss Holly Holicaustic did a guest intro
no, no, not the rake, not THE RAKEEeeeeiiiiaiaaaaa!!!

Posted: 2 Jun 2008 6:52 am
by Bob Simons
My Nom de Plum is "Norm de Plum"

Thought of starting a folk group called:

"Shelby Comb and Randy Mountain" (say it fast...)

When I was an architect I was "Les Ismore"


Moe Lester

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 5:28 am
by James Fleming
Tony Deft and the J-kords


Slim Chance, on steel

Mel Lowdy, on rhythm Guitar

Rusty Nayler, on the 88's

Richard Likker, on Skins (formally played w/ Elton John)

A. Nell Surge, on lead

Hell of a band, just don't get too close to the drummer![/b]

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 6:41 am
by Tommy Shown
When I was a radio dj in highschool, I went by the name Tommy T- Bird. My uncle back home used to call me T-Tommy after the great T-Tommy Cutrer, who emceed the old Porter Wagoner Show. But when I play I keep it honest and go by Tommy Shown. My name parents gave me.)Thomas Edward Shown is on my birth certificate. But I prefer Tommy. It's simple and honest and people remember it more.

Re: Band names & such..........

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 6:49 am
by Larry Rafferty
Ray Montee wrote:I've always had a hankerin' to become known as........

NICK NASAL & His Nine Nasty Nose Pickers....
Click on this link
to hear Ray Stevens as "Ned Nostril and his South Seas Paradise Nose Pickers Band"

Sircom Sissom

name game

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 7:03 am
by Don Drummer
I was in a store in alexandria Va. late one night and over the PA I heard; "Elaine Desmond line 22, Desmond 22. I thought that was really funny. The person I was with didn't get. I thought that was sad. For me I like a stage name with the word lonesome in it. I got to be "Lonesome Don Bob" in "Always Patsy Cline" once. Other runs of the show the director would not permit it :roll: Don D.

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 10:48 am
by Tommy Shown
I was in this Haggard coverband in the early 90's, I was the oldest in the group and the father figure to other guys in the band. They used to call me Paw Paw Slide.The fiddle player was 16, the lead guitarist was 17, the drummer and the lead vocalist were 18. I was 31.

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 11:14 am
by Alan Brookes
What about...

Ernest Hope

Adam Upright

Ivor Giftforet

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 11:59 am
by Shane Glover
I played in a Band called Free Beer. Sure looked good up on the marquee !

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 12:03 pm
by James Lutz
...and on drums, Skip Towne.

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 12:06 pm
by Shane Glover
We used to call our drummer Tennis shoe.
When he played it sounded like a pair of tennis shoes in the dryer !

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 1:06 pm
by Stephen Gregory
Went to school with a guy that was half Korean and half Mexican, he had a bit of a crooked walk, we called him Juan Hung Lo.

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 2:06 pm
by Alan Brookes
What about the singing judge...

Justice Dick.

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 4:57 pm
by Marke Burgstahler
I was playing a blues tune one night, and threw in a verse about "I got jellyroll...jellyroll on my mind....jellyroll killed ma momma, drove ma pappa stone blind."

After the my guitar solo, the bandleader said, "ladies and gentlemen- on the slide guitar - Marke "JELLYROLL" Burgstahler!!"

It stuck. All my musician friends still call me that.

And I'm really not that overweight. :oops:

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 5:53 pm
by Skip Ellis
Somebody suggested 'Florida Mountain Boys' - that band actually exists - they're bluegrassers.

Back in the early 70's I had a band called "Statutory Grape" and I always wanted to use "Possum Ridge Rebellion" for a bluegrass band.

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 6:23 pm
by Ken Lang
Band name "Full Circle"
A friend and I started in country way back in the late 50's. Later branched out to R'N'R, Lounge music and so on as we got older. While I got back into country in the late 70's, he did not. I live in Calif., he lives in Florida. Now we're going back home and play country music, We've come....Full Circle.

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 6:32 pm
by Chris Bauer
Nice to see this thread revived again. And over 8400 views so far. Amazing! Just think, only 62,269 more views and this thread will have been seen as often as the ZB thread! 8)

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 9:15 pm
by Michael T. Hermsmeyer
Michael Pickett...

Posted: 4 Sep 2009 10:49 pm
by Brett Day
Since my future steel is a Jackson Blackjack Custom, I think either "Blackjack Brett" or "Blackjack Deluxe Brett" would sound pretty cool.


Posted: 5 Sep 2009 5:07 am
by Roual Ranes
Dhipp Sthick

Posted: 5 Sep 2009 6:30 am
by Mark Treepaz
Paddy Long wrote:I'm thinking of changing my first name to Dick !!!
Here's one...and this is TRUE! No kidding!...

I was working an engineering trade show for my company and of course all the attendees wore name tags. Up walks this Asian fellow that could barely speak english. I look at his name tag....his name was Long Dong! :whoa: True story! :lol:

Posted: 5 Sep 2009 6:34 am
by Mark Treepaz that was suggested for me by one of my former band members utilizing my initials...

M.T. Head

Posted: 5 Sep 2009 6:52 am
by b0b
Special Guest

Posted: 6 Sep 2009 2:27 am
by Bob Simons
For country music my name is "Stan Bierman."

Posted: 6 Sep 2009 10:29 am
by Alan Brookes
David L. Donald wrote:...Fun Gus...
One of the best put-down lines I ever heard was a guy going up to a girl at a party, and saying he was "a fun guy", to which she responded, "No, you should study your Latin; fungi is plural; there's only one of you; you're a fungus." :D