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Posted: 12 Dec 2007 2:08 pm
by Duncan Hodge
WOW Russ...all I can say is great score. I looked at that beautiful ZB when it was up for sale the last time. Then I realized that it looked almost exactly like my ZB, I could in no way afford it, and, Oh yea, the owner decided not to sell it.
I think that you have the ZEEBEE WEEBIES, or something like that.
Have fun, Duncan

Posted: 12 Dec 2007 6:59 pm
by Russ Tkac

Norris and I had a deal before it was posted for sale and I backed out. Like I need another steel? I came to my senses and Norris wanted a Gretsch. We both got what we wanted but as Norris said, "Not what we need." :)

I think I'll be very happy. I hope you're doing well?


Posted: 12 Dec 2007 7:08 pm
by Duncan Hodge
Russ, you will be very, very happy with that beautiful ZB that you got from Norris. If it sounds anything like mine, and it does look a great deal like mine, you will be grinning from ear to ear in no time at all. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Yes, I am very vous?

Posted: 12 Dec 2007 8:55 pm
by Russ Tkac
I'm doing fine as well but we need to keep an eye on Larry Chung. See ... he is messin' around with Fenders and I have a hunch that a sweet Fender 400 is on it's way to San Francisco from a Buy it Now. :D


Posted: 13 Dec 2007 8:15 am
by Gibson Hartwell
I have the perception that my ZB is getting noisier. I'm not sure if it was always there or if I'm just playing different and more aggressively thus bringing out more clunks from the underside. My pickups seem terribly microphonic which I'm sure doesn't help. I'm especially noticing it on the C pedal right now. Has anyone experienced this same thing?

Posted: 13 Dec 2007 9:44 am
by Dave Van Allen
Russ Tkac wrote: we need to keep an eye on Larry Chung. See ... he is messin' around with Fenders and I have a hunch that a sweet Fender 400 is on it's way to San Francisco from a Buy it Now. :D
Isn't "instrumental bigamy" legal out there in San Francisco?

Outed in SF!

Posted: 13 Dec 2007 11:00 am
by Larry Chung
Hey ZBers:

Yikes, I've been "steel outed" in San Francisco! Thanks alot, Russ...
Yes, I have a lovely Fender 400 on the way, but it will only remind me of the third position pickup switch on my ZBs. (: Been looking for one ever since I heard my buddy Pat Ickes play his at a steel jam a couple years back.

On a more ZB note - I've just sent a couple of my ZB pickups (one ten-string, one eleven-string) to be rewound by one of the pickup rewind wizards (would rather not say who yet), and I'll let you all know how they turn out. Yes, they do tend to be a bit microphonic and noisy compared to some other guitars/pickups, but, as a good friend of mine recently said, a little noise is not necessarily a bad thing...

Still a ZB guy through-and-through, and please keep all the good ZB stories, pictures, and info coming. Great (long) thread, amazingly on-topic most of the time...

Oh yeah, Greg - that's really beautiful work on those ZBs you've recently restored. I look to the East, and bow my head in respect.

Happy Holidays, everybody.



Posted: 13 Dec 2007 11:43 am
by Gibson Hartwell
Larry-I'll be interested to hear about the results of your pickup rewinding. Please keep us updated after you get those things installed. I'm not sure if there is something I can do to quiet things down in the undercarriage itself. I know ZBs are not the quietest guitar out there, but what I'm getting is pretty crazy loud clunkiness.

ZB arrived today.

Posted: 13 Dec 2007 2:24 pm
by Russ Tkac

I wish you well on the delivery of the Fender. It looks great. My ZB S-10 arrived today and it looks better than the pictures. :D I need to set it up but need to give Norris a public thank you for the nice ZB and the great shipping.

All the best,


Posted: 13 Dec 2007 5:28 pm
by Billy Knowles
I had the man, in Richmond I think, to pot some of mine and I think it really helped reduce some noice. I don't think I would have the nerve to have my pickups that Zane wound rewound. They sound go good and potting them does nothing to change the tone,just makes the less noisy.

Posted: 13 Dec 2007 8:36 pm
by Larry Chung
Hi Billy:

I agree 100%. No sense in fixing something that doesn't need fixing. The pickups that I'm having rewound were extras from some spare parts I bought awhile back. Both pickups have 1 or more shorted coils, so they're doing nobody (especially me) any bit of good just sitting.

I figure, if a rewind will take care of some of the microphonics and noise, great, but no (undamaged and working) pickups will be harmed in the process. (:

FWIW - I believe Greg mentions something about using a silicon pad underneath the metal plate on the pickups to reduce some of the noise of the pedals and rods. Haven't tried it myself, but certainly worth a try if it works for him and/or others(?).


Posted: 20 Dec 2007 10:33 am
by Kevin Hatton
Hey guys, I just spoke to Al Perkins. He tells me that he is going to be playing one of his ZB's on T.V. at a Connan O'rien taping with Jim Lauterdale in January. That will be nice to see a ZB be played again on T.V. One of the reasons I play ZB is because of Al. It'll be neat to see him do it.

Posted: 20 Dec 2007 7:08 pm
by Mike Winter
Larry -- I think you're right. Danny Shields suggested putting a dab of silicone underneath the pick-up, one in each corner. He said it would minimize the microphonic tendencies.

Posted: 20 Dec 2007 8:02 pm
by Brendan Mitchell
Hey Kevin
I would love to see/hear Al play his ZB , please keep us posted .

Posted: 22 Dec 2007 7:28 am
by Barry Gaskell
Hey Russ
A great picture of Tom B. Also a great one of Gordon Huntley (Matthew Southern Comfort) and Eric Snowball the ZB Distributor here on England.I think that picture was probabley taken in England.

Posted: 22 Dec 2007 10:47 am
by Joel Meredith
This is my ZB. I've been told it's an early 1970's student model. It works great (most of the time). Harley James has really helped me out with the up-keep of it.

Photo of Gordon,Tom,Eric and Pete Wilshire

Posted: 23 Dec 2007 7:45 am
by Paul Frank Bloomfield
Hallo Barry
That photo was given to me by Eric the last time I
was in the UK,I'll post the other one I have just of
Tom and Eric discussing the ZB in the foreground. If
you can see it seems the forth and fifth machine heads are missing,Eric could'nt remember why.
All the best for the festive season and a Happy New
year to one and all on the Forum
Frank Bloomfield. Corfu. Greece

My old ZB D- 11/10

Posted: 23 Dec 2007 8:40 am
by Paul Frank Bloomfield
Hallo all fellow ZB'ers
I just found these photo's of my old ZB D-11/10 which
I foolishly parted with before we moved here to Corfu. I seem to recall they were called the ZB
Custom Deluxe model due to the mother-of-pearl inlays,Grover tuning keys and longer front legs.In
the photo of me playing you should just make out the
Bennett undercarridge I had fitted in the mistaken
belief that it would make it lighter.Ronnie Bennett
did a superb job and when we went to pick it up from
him he said, and quote, "this is the first and last
ZB I'll ever do ", even so it worked perfectly.
All the best.
Frank Bloomfield. Corfu. Greece


Posted: 23 Dec 2007 4:07 pm
by Billy Knowles
What is the serial number on that ZB.
Have a Merry Christmas

ZB serial number

Posted: 25 Dec 2007 4:30 am
by Paul Frank Bloomfield
Hallo Billy
The serial number for the ZB D-11/10 is #0671,hope it's of use, I've also found other photo's of me
with my first and second D-10 ZB guitars I owned
back in the mid seventies, I'll post pictures after
the festivities are over. I doubt if I can get the
serial numbers as it was,as I say, a long time ago.
Cheers !
Frank. Corfu

Posted: 25 Dec 2007 9:39 am
by Kevin Hatton
Thats interesting. I owned #672. Green double neck. D-10 on a D-11 body.

ZB Custom S-10

Posted: 25 Dec 2007 11:39 am
by Russ Tkac
#0678 - As cousin Eddie said in Christmas Vacation: "She's a beaut' Clark! "

Merry Christmas! :D



Two more!!

Posted: 25 Dec 2007 2:58 pm
by Russ Tkac


Nice maple on a 30 year old guitar!

:D :D :D :D :D :D

ZB D-11/10 Custom Deluxe

Posted: 26 Dec 2007 5:27 am
by Paul Frank Bloomfield
Hallo Kevin
That ,as you say, is a coincidence serial number-wise,
also it does'nt come out very clear but mine was a
nice green as well although it had faded a bit. I'll
be posting pickies of the first two ZB D-10's I
had back in the mid/late seventies plus one SD-10
and a S-10 and a ZB Student after the festivities
are over.
I wish you and all the other fellow Forumites a
happy and prosperous New Year.
Cheers !
Frank Bloomfield. Corfu

ZB 1054

Posted: 26 Dec 2007 5:32 pm
by Billy Knowles
1054 is almost finished, got one more knee to add and the decal(thanks to Greg Jones for the decal and lots of advice over the years also). He is my ZB buddy. It has a tone to die for. Was a D11, I made it an SD11. It has the equalizers like are on Tom's Dixie guitar. Easier to adjust than the regular equalizers.