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Re: Dual XL Settings?

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 9:38 am
by Micky Byrne
Hi Chuck...the way I use both my Cubes is my "pot" volume pedal has 2 "outs" Sometimes i use 2 amp stands or if I'm lazy I just stand them on top of the other. With George L leads, there's enough room to avoid the one at the bottom getting bent. I use both on the JC clean setting. On the uppermost amp of the "stack" i have little delay and plate reverb at about 2 o'clock. On the lower amp I use the same settings tonewise, but without Delay, but plate reverb same as the top amp. If i need Chorus, it's just linked to the amp with delay on...the sound seems to spread as if both have Chorus on. On "LOUD" gigs, both volumes are on 12 o'clock. As you know those amps kick butt...thats all that I've found i needed :)

Micky "scars" Byrne U.K.

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 10:17 am
by Chuck Blake
Thanks Micky for the reply. I've been experimenting with some of the settings. I basically use what you suggest. On my "JC Amp" i use some of the previous suggested setting and tweak it based on the venue or room eq requirements.

As far my "Blackface Amp" I'm still trying various configurations. As you know the adjustments only need minor tweaking at a time.

I play my GFI guitars thru mine. I have noticed based on "presence and treeble" I get a very high, over-tone or harmonic that is annoying :x in a quiet setting such as my music room but playing out shows and gigs it disappears with stage noise :D .

When I finally get my preferred settings I'll post them.

Maybe this thread will continue as a "Roland Cube users group" as I only see continued interest and growth in the future.

I think for humility I'll drag out my NV400 and carry it around the house twice and then play it for a while, after which I'll drag it around the house somemore before moving it to the music room. I love my 400 but don't miss it's girth. Kinda like an ex-wife :lol: .

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 11:53 am
by Micky Byrne
Chuck...I hope your ex wife doesn't look at your last comment on your input'd better get your running shoes on :lol: I too have a Nashville 400 but in seperate cabinets with a Neo magnet. I have linked it to the Cube and the BW 4 ohm speaker works well with the Cube's 8 ohm speaker and a great tone too. I guess like most Cube owners, there is a multitude of things to try out. I "did" use the Black face for a while....may go back to that sometime. That's the beauty of this amp :D

Micky "scars" Byrne U.K.

Roland 80X

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 5:32 pm
by Carl Kilmer
Hi guys. I just got an 80x today, and wonder if you
could thell me a good setting to use to get a good
sound that is clean using a little delay and reverb.
I can't read the manual because of my bad vision. :(
Thanks for any help.........Carl

Re: Roland 80X

Posted: 14 Feb 2013 6:02 pm
by Don Sutley
Carl Kilmer wrote: I can't read the manual because of my bad vision. :(
Thanks for any help.........Carl

You can download the manual at: ... id=1810694

You have to check the little box that says: I AGREE AND WISH TO PROCEED WITH DOWNLOAD

It's a .pdf file so can zoom in (increase the magnification) and read it more clearly.

I hope this helps,

Posted: 15 Feb 2013 5:49 am
by Finbarr O'Sullivan
Hi Carl I use the black panel.
bass 10 on full.
middle 11 o'clock.
treble 10 o'clock.
presence 11 o'clock.
delay 8 o'clock with two quick tap's on button.
reverb 3 o'clock.
i keep the gain at about 8 o'clock.
sounds great to me great amp.
hope this helps Finbarr.

Roland Cube 80XL Settings...

Posted: 15 Feb 2013 6:26 am
by Dick Sexton
Carl, here are mine still set up from my last gig. A smaller venue. Note that the "Gain" is turned to 1 or 2.
I found if it is to high, some distortion is introduced; by design, I suspect. Hope this helps, wish it was lighter.


Posted: 15 Feb 2013 7:55 am
by Chuck Blake
Carl that looks exactly like my settings for both JC Clean and when I use BlackFace I add a small amount of flange but it soon annoys me and I turn it off.

I may have had my gain a little hot from what Finnbar described.

I can't use the BRIGHT switch with my GFI's, just to brittle sounding.

Posted: 15 Feb 2013 8:22 am
by Carl Kilmer
Hey fellows, thank you all so much. I played with it
awhile last night, but I couldn't get the sound I like.
I think all of this info will help. I printed everything
out very big, and will try it after my chores are done.
Thanks again, you're help is really appreciated. :) :D .....Carl

Posted: 15 Feb 2013 8:47 am
by Michael Remming
Carl, Just remember that the slightest bit of an adjusment can make a big difference on the Cube.

Have 2 now

Posted: 15 Feb 2013 8:53 am
by Ollin Landers
I just purchased a second Cube 80XL. I'll have one for home practice one for the band practice room and now two for a gig. Even though we run all the amps on stage through the front of house it will be really nice to have one Cube on either side of the band stand.

I find the Cubes to be very directional and as we don't run any of the amps through the monitors I'm hoping it will help with on stage volume.

I really like the ability to set SOLO presets. I keep one tweaked on JC Clean preset "SOLO" for PSG. I have another Lead preset (BlackFace) on "SOLO" for my Tele.

And on the rare occasion I can still dial in another tone for Dobro on the Lead channel without affecting the Solo presets.

I at least have a starting tone I like for both Tele and PSG.

I can still tweak the EQ on the SOLO presets when needed on stage to adjust for a particular venue.

When I turn the amp off the Solo presets go back to their "Base" settings. No more having to go back and find that sweet starting spot after adjusting for a specific venue when I get home.

It used to be I needed a complicated pre-amp with presets like a Profex, Power Amp, Rack, separate speakers etc. Now I can do it all with one small light weight self contained amp.

The ONLY thing I wish the Cube had was one more input. But that can be solved with an A/B switch.

Posted: 15 Feb 2013 8:59 am
by Don Sutley
I've got a Cube 40xl and I found this video useful about adjusting the tone controls on the Roland Cube amps:

I've had mine for a while and have only used it for guitar and the video helped me get the tone I wanted. I've only had my pedal steel for a little over 2 weeks and haven't used it yet with it. I've been using my Fender G-Dec 3 for practicing. I'm sure the Roland will sound better, but it's extremely handy to have my mp3s loaded on the amp (SD card).



Posted: 22 Feb 2013 3:29 pm
by Brad Malone
Yes Robert D. I received my Freeloader gives my steel a silkier tone..kind of a Tubish sound...mollifies the harshness..I picked up an 8 pack of 9V batteries from Costco for $16..that should keep me going for awhile..thanks for the information.

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 7:12 am
by Len Amaral
I disagree with ALEX as I also have a Roland Cube XL as it does have a nice guitar sound. How can you compare a digital modeling amp with a guitar player that has used Fender Tube amps as a standard? Other considerations are considered such as no maintenance decent usable tones on electric guitar or steel, weight and portability.

I have amps that I prefer but if I jam at a freinds house with a lap steel and a 6 string guitar it sounds very nice.

My 2 cents,


Posted: 27 Jun 2013 8:36 am
by Jim Eaton
Fed-X brought my new Cube 80XL a few days ago and I'm looking forward to using it this weekend.
Tryed it out with a BW-15" Ext speaker last night and I think that will be how I use this amp as it sounds real nice with the 12" & 15" speakers.

Posted: 17 Aug 2013 1:36 pm
by Chris Harvey
Anything sounds good when you play it, Jim :-)


Posted: 28 Aug 2013 10:22 pm
by Jan Viljoen
Went to a music shop nearby yesterday.
They have a 80XL for almost $800, which is quite steep.
The new model will be even more.
The also have a 40XL.

I bought mine for $250.

I wonder if Roland is getting wiser with prices.

Cube 80XL is discontinued...Replaced by 80GX

Posted: 5 Sep 2013 6:04 pm
by Samuel Vance
Check out the Roland Website. The 80XL is being replaced by the 80GX. I was going to order and 80XL online, but I had a hard time finding it.

Posted: 5 Sep 2013 9:50 pm
by Gerry Simon
Not sure the 80GX is available yet...?
...but was wondering if any of the 2 Cube users split them for a stereo kind of sound , putting them on opposite sides of the stage?

Posted: 6 Sep 2013 8:28 am
by Chuck Blake
Gerry.....they sound GREAT. You can utilize different settings and create a vast cache of sounds :D

I have used a pedal with two outputs and after making my tuner out mod a single male into double male configuration :D

Try it you'll like it. Another option to try use one Cube as your monitor and the second one to the crowd, this gives you dual volume setting.

For large or out door venues I use one as a stage monitor set my volume to taste and then mic the second one and let the sound guy dial in the needed volume for the crowd.

Posted: 6 Sep 2013 12:38 pm
by Roger Francis
Glad to see that second cube is working out for ya chuck, i still have one left that i use a lot paired with my nash 112. I see you have a couple rains now! I dont remeber you having them when i talked to ya last, great guitar have fun!

Posted: 6 Sep 2013 1:21 pm
by Chuck Blake
Hey Roger
Yea I got bit by the Rains bug. Sold both my GFI guitars and bought my first Rains. Then I had to have another :D

They make those 80xl's sound great.

The high pitch 3&4 overtone went away with the GFI's.

Love the Rains tone. Better than the Emmons I had.

Thanks Wifey.... :P

Posted: 29 Sep 2013 9:39 am
by Bob Carlucci
I really really hate you guys... I have been reading here about this "Cube thing" and HAD to have one. Its all you guys fault!!. Sold my vintage Traynor combo, and found a clean used Cube 80XL at Guitar center Manhattan... Shipped to my door for $230.. Clean as a whistle -still had the cardboard "feature list" on the grille..
It is a nice sounding amp.. I had a 112 when they first came out, wasn't impressed with the sound and went back to Fender tubes.. The Cube does not sound as sweet as Fender tubes, thats for certain.. However, it DOES have a lot of flexability, and I will be able to dial in several very good guitar sounds...The steel sounds really good as well.. It does have a similar sound to my old Roland JC 120.. The effects are pretty good as well.. A very nice package to haul to gigs.. I used to be a Fender cork sniffer, until I found out that nobody on the planet cared except other Fender tube amp cork sniffers.. It looks like this amp is a keeper.. i have not played it at gig volumes yet, but it should be fine.. Seems to have reasonable headroom... The Lead channel seems to have more power than the JC clean, but again, I haven't gigged it yet. I played my Fender 800, Marlen, and MSA Classic through it, never changed a setting between guitars, and they ALL sounded perfectly lovely... As good as any "real" steel amp i have ever owned, and BETTER than most....more to come as I get more time under my belt with this little amp..... bob

Posted: 29 Sep 2013 10:11 am
by Roger Francis
Bob if you want to make that cube to sound even sweeter put a Izzy on your guitar, made me like mine even more, i teamed mine up with a nash 112 with a telonics speaker, makes a great little duo


Posted: 1 Oct 2013 7:26 am
by Samuel Vance
I just got my 80XL last night. All I can say is wow!! In 10 minutes, I had dialed in the sound I was looking for. This amp has plenty of power for me. I'm so glad I went with this versus another amp; built in effects, great sound, plenty of volume...Great purchase. All this newbie will need for years.