Mike Neer wrote:
James, most everyone here sees the steel guitar as an instrument, not a genre.
I disagree. If you go to a "guitar festival" you really don't know what you are getting. They don't exist without being more specific. If you go to a "steel guitar festival", you know what to expect.
Mike Neer wrote: Even you asked for advice a few weeks ago on how a steel player would approach your song. If you don't study what a steel player plays, how can you expect to know?
This is true. I never said the knowledge here is useless or not an worthy of learning. Every now and then I get the itch to work in a traditional part to a song. It only annoys me because it's so homogenous. Who is really going to say that this forum is diverse? This isn't the "steel guitar forum", it's the "steel guitar as it applies to three or four genres forum".
Mike Neer wrote:
It is too easy to fall into the trap of blaming others for our own shortcomings: I think it's called protecting our own self-image. I know I've done it in the past; not much good come of it.
I didn't realize I had fallen into that trap. After re-reading my post, I understand why you wrote this. However, I don't really see the steel as something that affects how I think of myself. It's a tertiery instrument for me, not a point of pride. A sound effect, if you will. When I'm inspired to reach new heights, I will surely be aware of my new found shortcomings. Right now, I'm not blaming anyone for my playing as there is simply no reason to place blame.
I was just thinking about another time, recently, when I just shook my head after reading a post. Every time the Duesenberg steel (the one with the multibender and integrated capo) is mentioned here, someone inevitably pops up and says "for that money, why not just buy a pedal steel". Over email, I was scolded by a forumite for even looking into the multibender. At the same time, there will be posts about Georgeboards, SuperSlides, Ashers, Clinesmiths and a host of other high-end steels that costs as much or more yet have a lot less to offer in terms of features and innovations. Where are the posts about spending $3k on a polished board with strings attached?
I just don't see this as a very forward-thinking forum, in general. There are, of course, exceptions as this is a broad generalization.