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Posted: 23 May 2009 7:10 am
by Jon Nygren
I never met the man in person but felt like i knew him through emails, he was so helpful to a young steeler like me.

This is a bit shocked right now.


Posted: 23 May 2009 7:52 am
by Jim Konrad
I think we all go through this process we call life. In the end we are judged. But it seems like the very very good people, people that really count for the good of life in general, are "hand" picked by you know who. Jimmy Hendrix,SRV,Dale #3,....RICK. I have lost a couple of other friends that went way too soon, at 21 and 25. It's almost as if God has somewhere else (Heaven) that is totally perfect, his favorite project. Like he is almost impatient and takes the very, very best, often way too early to help out on the better side.

Looks to me like Rick did it right.

I think a lot of us will see him again some day. Meanwhile, Rick will show em all how we do it, so when we get there, it'll be that much cooler!!

You will be missed very much.

Thank you, Rick.

Posted: 23 May 2009 7:58 am
by Denny Turner
What a terribly dark day for us left behind to try and figure some Good in such sorrow and pain. What a dark cloud over a weekend I've despised for 39 years. I think I'll just go get drunk as a skunk.

Posted: 23 May 2009 8:48 am
by Gerald Ross
I am totally shocked by this. I'm having a hard time believing and accepting what's happened.

Posted: 23 May 2009 9:20 am
by Mike Neer
I'm with you, Gerald. This is hard to accept.

Posted: 23 May 2009 10:17 am
by Alan Brookes
Jeff Strouse wrote:I just received terrible news. Rick has passed away. I started a new topic in extended family.
I never met him, but I always felt close. I can't help crying.

Posted: 23 May 2009 10:56 am
by Anthony Locke
Rick was one of the nicest guys i've ever met, and a dear friend. His enthusiasm and positive outlook on life was very inspirational to me. In conversations we had, especially when I was down, he always had the most wise and insightfull perspective. He also had a hella'va sense of humor and he cracked me up whenever he would tell me about his gig down at the beach and how he would get distracted by all the pretty gals walking by. I am going to miss him very much. This is too sad.

Posted: 23 May 2009 11:44 am
by David Cook
Rick was such a swell guy to share his knowledge with us. He will surely be missed a lot. I never communicated with him personally but I am thankful we got to share him on this wonderful forum! Our love goes out to his family.

Posted: 23 May 2009 12:19 pm
by Edward Meisse
Life is always too short. But it appears to me that Rick Alexander did at least, "Seize the Day," as they say. I certainly got the impression that he lived his life as much on his terms as is most people can. It's said that we usually regret the things we don't do the most. I don't think Rick had too many serious regrets.

Posted: 23 May 2009 3:40 pm
by Bill Leff
This is a sad day. Rick was way too young and obviously filled with a love of life to be taken so early.

Rest in peace Rick.

Posted: 24 May 2009 12:53 am
by Mark White
This is such sad news. I never met Rick in person but through email and his many videos I feel like I lost a good friend. You will be missed by many Rick.

Too Late

Posted: 24 May 2009 3:03 am
by Philip Bender
Aloha all,
Well there is nothing to say at times like these, except that we were fortunate to know him, and we will miss him. But..... it does make me think that we need to share our feelings for one another while we are here, let each other know that we care about each other and yes appreciate the God given talents that we might possess. Rick stands out among us because of his spirit of giving of himself no matter what the situation. I knew him for such a short time, but he affected my life in a very positive way as most of you might know.
So my PAL, you are in the perfect place with eternity to share your music with the angels.
Keep on picking! :D

Posted: 24 May 2009 9:45 am
by Kevin Brown
Just heard the news and deeply shocked, you changed me Rick and hopefully made me a better person. I think Phillip Bender says it all, thank you Phillip. I will never forget Rick Alexander for all the right reasons.

Posted: 24 May 2009 9:47 am
by Alan Brookes
As Tex Ritter sang, "Love me now while I am living, do not wait till I am gone, then chisel words in marble, true love words in ice cold stone." We must all appreciate each other while we're here, because every one of us is going to disappear from the Forum, and we don't know the order.

I think Rick knew how much we appreciated him while he was here. A lot of members don't. We must not hold back expressing appreciation of each other.

Posted: 24 May 2009 10:05 am
by Iain Carmichael
That is exactly what I've been thinking.

Posted: 24 May 2009 10:12 am
by Andy Volk
We must all appreciate each other while we're here, because every one of us is going to disappear from the Forum, and we don't know the order.
Truer words were seldom spoken, Alan. I've been poking around this BB since about 1997 and it's been an incalculable source of friendships, learning, sharing, resources, pointless arguments, bad jokes, musical ah-ha moments and all the other parts of the human condition. So in no particular order, let me raise a cyberspace toast (in no particular order) to ......

Brad Bechtel, Doug Beaumier, Steinar Gregertsen, Jody Carver, Al Marcus, Bob Quasar, Mike Johnstone, Todd Clinesmith, Jason Dumont, Denny Turner, Gerald Ross, Rick Aiello, Jim Cohen, Herb Steiner, Howard Reinlieb, Jeff Strouse, Todd Weger, RAy Monte, Jussi Huhtakangas, Bobbe Seymour, Lee Jeffreiss, Deke Dickerson, Jeff Au Hoy, Chuck Wilson, Kevin Brown, Reece Anderson, Cindy Cashdollar, Bob Stone, Roy Thomson and about fifty more of you whose names aren't coming at the moment.

Thanks for being here everybody and for all the friendship and help you've offered over the years. And lastly, a toast to Rick Alexander - I will always remember you, Buddy.

Posted: 24 May 2009 10:55 am
by Doug Beaumier
We must all appreciate each other while we're here, because every one of us is going to disappear from the Forum, and we don't know the order.
Sad, but true. I'm reminded today of the sudden and tragic death of Jeff Newman a few years ago, and how difficult it was to understand and to accept that shocking event. Rick's passing stirs the same emotions in me, although it's more personal for many of us because we knew Rick pretty well and communicated with him often. He was such a generous person, so joyous in his music and his love for the steel guitar. I learned a lot from him.
The many responses and tributes to Rick here on the Forum are a testament to how much he touched our lives. Rest in peace, old friend.

Posted: 24 May 2009 12:10 pm
by Lee Jeffriess
God rest his soul.

Posted: 24 May 2009 5:05 pm
by Jeff Strouse
Rick's wife and daughter want to thank everyone for their support during this difficult time. It means so much to them. They knew he was loved by many, but I don't think they realized just how many!

The memorial service plans have been put on hold for now. This has been a very difficult time for his family.

The family requests any cards or letters be sent to his P.O. Box:

Rick Alexander
P.O. Box 370
Hallandale, FL 33008

In lieu of flowers, they are requesting that donations be made to the Steel Guitar Forum in his name.

Rick would be so touched to hear all these wonderful comments. When he called me the day before surgery (May 17), I didn't realize it would be the last time I'd talk to him. I told him of how everyone is thinking of him...and he asked me several times to be sure and thank each and everyone.

The steel guitar world has suffered such a loss...he was Mr. Steel Guitar...his heart and soul was devoted to nothing but encouraging and promoting the instrument...a pillar of the forum...always helping and sharing...

Through our many road trips and visits together, I was lucky enough to kind of get to know the man a bit...his thoughts, goals, and dreams...

He was one of the greatest guys I know..

It was an honor and pleasure to have been his friend. I've never lost a friend this close before. I feel such a void that I don't think will ever fully heal. He was like a brother to me...the older, wiser one...the one where you say, "when I grow up, I want to be like him".

It's so hard to believe he's gone...

Posted: 24 May 2009 5:38 pm
by Brad Bechtel
Thank you very much for the information (and for keeping us informed), Jeff. I wish I could be there to help celebrate his life and music.

Posted: 24 May 2009 6:21 pm
by Don Kona Woods

Thank you so much for being a voice during this difficult time. Without your voice and communication there would have been a great void.

We all took this ride together through you.

Thanks again and mahalo nui loa.

Aloha, :)

Posted: 25 May 2009 4:19 am
by Chris Drew
R.I.P Rick.

You're an inspirational soul who will not be forgotten.

oh no

Posted: 25 May 2009 8:44 am
by John Subik
I have been out of town for two days and this thread was the first thing I checked on my return. I was hoping to read good news but it was not to be. I am stunned.

My sincerest sympathies to his family and close friends for their loss. What an amazing and selfless individual - he continues to inspire even after his passing. The world is a lesser place without him.

Posted: 25 May 2009 10:09 am
by Jeff Strouse
Everyone, the memorial service (originally set for June 14) has been cancelled. I just received a call from his wife, and she's very sorry if anyone has already made plans. But she has a couple of more things to consider. It's been very difficult for her and the family. Cards can continue to be sent to the P.O. Box. In lieu of flowers, she asks that donations be made to the Steel Guitar Forum. Rick loved the forum and for now the family would like donations to go to it. Thanks, and I apologize for any confusion with the previously posted plans...

Posted: 25 May 2009 4:50 pm
by Chuck Wilson
After spending the weekend off line , I was saddened to read the news. May Rick's love of the steel, sincere and monumental hard work and love of community inspire us all to the level of commitment he had for the music and the instrument.

Play on Rick!

Thank you for your contributions that I so appreciated reading. I couldn't wait to see the pictures and hear his story of his latest acquisition of Cindy Cashdollar's steel. He was like a kid in a candyshop with his enthusiasm on the forum.

You will be missed.
You were very appreciated by many who never met you.
